Chapter 11

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Yeah. That's right; 𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘤.

But who wouldn't have reacted that way if they would've seen what he had just seen with his tired eyes?

Not only did the sight of this person who just started approaching him rattle him up, but the fact how he could see entirely through his own two hands; Not to mention that it got even worse as he tried touching the one with the other.

They're fading. HE's fading.
Or is he already faded?

...And then it happened.



It turned out that this 'person' he had been seeing, was actually his own persona, landing down on his majestic legs and staring down at his master with an unreadable expression.
"I thought you listened to what I've told you..."

"I can't remember anything, how am I supposed to know what you've told me!?"

Then Arsene sighed, a slight sound of pity in his voice. Relaxing his wings, he then grabbed Akira's hands, having no troubles whatsoever with the two transparent limbs. It was even more shocking to the Noiret than his persona just showing up out of nothing.

"Let's give you a small summary then for you to remember..."

"A summary...?"



"... W-what was that..?-", the wildcard dared to ask, already knowing exactly that he won't be satisfied with the answer. Because as he looked at his transparent hands, he just saw how the esteemed gentleman thief has twisted the heck out of them.

"Thy hand... You can't feel it... Because your body isn't alive, my Liege...", Arsene then quietly claimed, not answering the apparently idiotic question he's just been asked, and then continued just to prove a point, "... This form is simply the last one saved in your subconscious, meaning thou aren't able to change thy appearance... But thou also can't take any more harm.. Except when you...try to attack other beings or objects by thyself."

"...Okay... But can you stop mixing old and new English...?"

"I'm still learning..."

Akira let out a sigh, taking his time to comprehend all this information.

"So what you're saying is... I'm stuck with my current appearance, but I only feel pain when I try to hurt, or attack, other things, people, or myself?"

"That is correct..."

"... And why are my hands transparent..?", the boy then started moving his hands again, completely unaffected by all the twisting and breaking his persona set in motion.

"Well... Your mind can only progress so much... So trying to move your broken cognition of what used to be your body in critical motions is too much for even a wildcard's consciousness.."

"... Geez.. So if I hurt myself too much it's game over for good..?"

"I believe that would be the case, yes..."

That statement scared him. He wouldn't be able to take it if he were to lose the only thing he had left... his consciousness. But if he really lost that, then, well, he wouldn't be aware of it anyways.

"... I need to find them.."

The persona just nodded in response, hugged the shaken male and disappeared into nothing just like how he appeared.

Then Akira just walked off, already setting his own little plan in motion.

- - - - - - - - -

"...And that's what I want you to do for me."


The thieves looked at each other once again, not looking so sure anymore. Akechi had just finished explaining his deal, and it took no mastermind to figure out that it was about their former leader.

"... Joining YOU..?", multiple members said, almost sounding synchron.

"Yes, it's the only way. And on the other hand.. You gain the most of it.
... You might even get him back..."

Silence filled them again. They knew he was right; If they joined sides they would be able to overcome many difficulties, including going back to their families or other loved ones.

But getting him back..? That sounded like a bland lie.

"... You can't revive the dead, Akechi.", Futaba then muttered in a quiet tune, sounding quite sorrowful.

"Just... believe me in this. But we have to work together... I'll cover for you, and you'll cover for me...

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘹 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨."

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