Chapter 20

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The other events went by quickly.
And they were horrible to look at.

Akira took out the weapons, rushed towards this Holy Grail, and aimed right at the bloody red veins as if he was very well aware of its weak point. He attacked it repeatedly, slashing them apart as the liquid inside left them.

The pain must have been immense, considering what Arsene had told the trickster just a few days ago.
But he just ignored this pain of falling apart.

The other Thieves watched horrified as well. They were able to see him now as well, but what they were seeing terrified them. They were finally able to notice their leader, but why did they have to see him right at this manic state?

At this very moment they were unaware of how he was even there, but there was no time to question it.

He looked so powerless in that form, but the damage he created on the enemy said otherwise. Every now and then he cried out when attacking the false god who claimed they were nothing more than tools. The group really wanted to join in, but refrained out of fear.


However, eventually he stopped.

He fell down to the ground, getting more and more dizzy while cowering in agony.

The group was even more horrified at that sight. Not because of what their actually dead leader just did, but because of how desperate he looked. They could've made up many theories about why or how he was there, but nobody could get to a solution.

It just felt like Akira risked everything in order to protect his friends, and this thought unlocked another type of guilt in the friend group. Why would he have to go through even more pain when he had already died anyways...?

They got back up, one by one, and started to fight as well. The team worked together better than ever, Queen taking the leader role once again and giving out orders like their Joker used to. Crow fought as well, trying to get rid of this guilt in his heart.

However, Noir wouldn't fight.

She sat down next to Akira instead, and tried talking to him.

"A-Akira...?", she tried to start off the conversation, gently moving her hand towards his back... but she immediately pulled it back as she felt her hand go through nothingness.

It even made the all-sweet Haru feel her stomach getting sick. He wasn't here, but why could everyone see him then? However, Akira said nothing as response, seemingly panting heavily while staring at his hands.

They were gone.

His hands weren't just transparent, they were completely gone. Noir must've been just as afraid as him, but she had no clue what was even going on.

Suddenly although, they got interrupted. The holy grail started talking again, and the team noticed how the wilcards flinched together.


Those were the last words they've heard, before getting sent back to the 'real' world, followed by their loud screams.

- - - - - -


But not everyone was sent away.

In fact, the wilcards weren't.

Akira was still on the ground in agony, but he got his last strength together to look up as well.

No, that's wrong, he even stood up.

So now both of them just stood there in silence, solemn looks on their faces as they stared at this self-claimed god.

The god who used them just out of thrill of it.

To him, they weren't even humans. They were his toys, and once he gets tired of them he could just drop them.
Their lives were on a whim, as per usual.


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