Chapter 7

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It's been a while now. How long exactly?

No clue.

At least he knew it couldn't have been more than a month, because as he looked around at the world again, it seemed like it was around Christmas time.

But the boy had no time to really think about all the news at the moment anyways. He had to find his friends, if they were even still alive. Well, Akira surely wasn't, but being able to walk around in the real world again did have its pros.

He took a look at his hands, which still looked quite bruised from everything he went through before his death, and let out a sigh. The noiret surely looked like a mess, but who could blame him; He just came back from the void, or whatever the hell that was, after all.

Before walking out into the crowd although, he tried his best to wash the blood off his face, but to his utmost delight it was already too dry.
The wildcard managed to just get a little bit off his face, but it was still enough for him to see his tired, empty eyes. His own appearance sent him shivers down his spine.

But everything didn't hurt as much as it should've, it almost felt like he was made of air. Well, maybe that was the case, who knew.

For the public, no, for the whole world, he was dead.

What was that his persona had made him do to take a step into this world again? No, he just ignored all of that for now.

After deciding to just forget all of that then, he went out into the crowd again. For some reason nobody really paid attention to him, but that didn't bother Akira.
All he had to do was find his friends.

So without any destination he kept walking, like stray sheep, trying to find any place to stay.

- - - - - - - - -


"17th of December...", the new girl with the red ribbon mumbled, still being with all the thieves in that abandoned cottage. It sure was surprising that it didn't collapse yet, but it was getting cold. It was good that their queen was somehow prepared for any situation, so everyone had enough clothes to survive the cold.

Morgana heard Kasumi's mumbling, and decided to reply; "... Isn't it election day tomorrow?"

"Yup..", Ann then answered, twirling some hair around her finger and eating some leftover cup-noodles.
They all knew they couldn't keep going like this for much longer, they had to get money or they would soon starve. Things had to change.

Some of them, Futaba, for example, already got sick from the coldness since they weren't used to it. But Yusuke stayed with her all the time and made sure she was okay.

There wasn't much else they could do, but every now and then one of them went with some of their money they had left to get new food, supplies, medicine, etc. It kept them going so far, but none of them had a lot of money left now.

"I heard there was a snowstorm approaching...", Haru said, who was always so cheerful, in a sorrowful tune.

"...Guys, we can't keep this up! We have to do SOMETHING!", Ryuji then spoke up, getting up while doing so. "...Our leader would be disappointed."

Then they got silent again, all looking down.

"But what 𝘤𝘢𝘯 we do...?", the former model replied again, making the silence even louder.

Guess now they just had to wait.

- - - - - - - - - -

"It's revenge time, BITCH."

Another click and another bang rang out, finally ending the hell the detective was living in for so long. He smiled widely, proudly and crazily at the corpse of his so-called 'father'.

He then dropped the gun onto the ground, deciding to finally end all the murders, and looked up to the bloody-red sky of the metaverse.

"... I did it, mum...", Crow whispered to himself while shedding a tear, "Now you can rest in peace..."

Kicking the corpse once again before it disappeared, he then escaped of the soon collapsing palace.

Maybe now he can keep his pride, keep his career, and finally triumph above them all. It could finally all end now.

... He only had one more small thing he wanted to do now.

Find them... 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵.

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