Chapter 21

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Those words rang through my head before- oh hey, look, the story switched into MY point of view for now. I suppose this chapter is gonna get a lil spice added to it aha. Anyways.

Those words rang through my head before everything went black. All I heard was that twisted laughter before switching into unconsciousness once again. (I didn't even know a ghost could pass out...)

Destroying the world seemed to be our last job, I guess. But I didn't want it to be. The looks on their faces... That... Fear in their eyes. It horrified even myself.

How could this happen? And why did this 'God', emphasis on the quotation marks, have to toy with especially me? But I figured if these bastards wouldn't have drugged me and messed up my mind, everything would make more sense.

But why... Why did Goro Akechi have to be the traitor? WHY did I have to fail... For some reason it felt like I had lived through this hell dozens of times, I think I've never failed this job before, but something in me screams that I have had enough of it.

Enough of Déjà-vus and distorted memories.
I wanted the whole story this time.

And I'm going to get it no matter WHAT happens.


But maybe I really did fade away this time. The last time I looked at myself, everything seemed empty, and my hands were completely gone. Was there nothing inside..? If I were to dissappear forever, would nothing remain, like, at all?

They all seemed fine without me too.
They don't need me anymore.

If I'm entirely honest... I can't blame Akechi. I guess he only followed his given orders. The only thing I despise now are the gods.

And that fucking butterfly.

That fucking BUTTERFLY with its taunting shades of blue which drive you crazy! If I ever see it again, I'll crush it.

... Well, if I could, I would, at least.

It's not like I would've been able to change fate anyways, but I have one last thing to do. I'll put an end to this hell, even if I have to sacrifice everything... again.

Maybe Goro will help me? Who knows. I still need to regain consciousness after all.

- - - -

And surprise, surprise! A loud BONK woke me up.
I already knew what was going to happen now. But what happened instead honestly really surprised me!

It was a random short blue-wearing child who bonked me this time. But it wasn't one of those sadistic twins, she seemed more... calm.

"Trickster...", she started off in a relaxing voice, "You are going to merge with darkness if you are going to keep this behavior up..."

Pfft. If I still had the strength I would've laughed. But something about this voice seemed so familiar...

"Please, I beg you, you cannot do this to humanity..."

Aah. There it was. It was that BUTTERFLY! No worries though, I didn't crush it. If I wanted to save my friends I had to behave and listen, after all.

"You need to gather up all your strength to avoid the fate of ruin... Especially in these twisted turns of events..."

I honestly wish she would've told me something else. I really wish she could've just told me that I'm fired from this job or whatever. I am so tired of always having to save the world.

"Oh come on... Can't Akechi do that?", I quietly answered, because that was the loudest I could get my voice at the moment.

But instead of a "Yes! Of course!", my eyes just met a disappointed stare. I suppose I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"I beg you, trickster, only you can put an end to this..."

"Fine. What do I have to do."

Then the girl just turned away from me, facing the guillotines which were normally used for executions. Oh right, I just noticed that Igor had also dissappeared. (Can't leave that important thing out...)

And then she said to me;

"Execute yourself."

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