Chapter 2

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Akira just stared at his persona in disbelief, trying not to freak out after what he's just been told.

"... I'm dead."

"You're dead.", Arsène replied, like if it's normal.

After just a few moments his composure started to fade after all. "...Am I in hell?!"

"Well... You're not entirely dead.. 𝘺𝘦𝘵. Your body has died, but your consciousness hasn't..."

"What does this.. even mean..?!", trying to escape from wherever he was kept, the half-dead boy just got another hard smack onto his head, making his sight dizzy.

"You need to calm down, my Liege... All will be answered soon...", the somehow still calm persona said, while the softness of his voice was still not leaving; Almost like he's trying to comfort Akira as he wrapped his wings gently around him.

"But I don't want to calm down..! I have to.. save them...."

Arsène then just put his hands, or well, rather claws, onto the other's shoulders and stared into his eyes. "𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯."

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Meanwhile, the Phantom Thieves still had no luck. With their plan failing, they all knew it would be just a matter of time until the police would catch them too. So their only choice was to hide.


Makoto started shaking Futaba to make her stop freaking out, and whenever 𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘰𝘵𝘰 does something, everyone accepts it. She has high authority in the group, and now that they've lost their leader they would mostly rely on her for a while.

Even though they were all grieving, they tried to keep their hope. Some probably were still in denial too. Their Joker wouldn't just die on them after all! Would he?

"Where should we go...?", even Haru's always soft and happy voice sounded sorrowful. But she knew she can't just give in now; it was the same with everyone.

"We have to find a place to hide.", Makoto replied while continuing to pack her stuff. They were all packing luggages if they really had to escape from here, and they all met in the attic of LeBlanc with as much things they could grab.

"I agree... Worst-case scenario and we all have to leave town...", Ann started playing in her hair as stress relief since she had already finished packing everything.

Ryuji stuffed some containers with food into his luggage while frowning; "Feels like a dream, honestly man..."

"Hm... I'm sure everything will be alright. It's our leader we're speaking of after all..", Yusuke then said while packing his own stuff. And after that, silence followed.

They all looked down, sadness written onto their faces. Because even if they wanted to believe... The chance he'd still be around was way too slim.

"Hey now guys..!" Morgana spoke up and jumped onto a table. "I don't remember us being this pathetic, so you better stop!"

Everyone had to chuckle a bit at that. Morgana was right, they never lost hope before, so why would they now?

But their little moment of joy was immediately interrupted by footsteps approaching from the staircase.

"Eaa!!" Futaba shrieked out before clinging onto Ann, who then shrieked as well.

"Silence you two!", Makoto then fussed angrily and everything went quiet.

Until... a girl walked up the stairs.

"𝘈𝘮 𝘐 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨...?"

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