Doctor Visit

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A few days after Emmaline's birthday, the Buckingham's sat in the doctors office waiting for Emmaline's doctor to walk into the room.

Stevie had told Lindsey what was going on and they did some experimenting on their own. In some moments, Emmaline seemed to be able to hear without her hearing aids if she titled her head a certain way. But in other moments it seemed that she couldn't hear at all. Stevie and Lindsey began to think that maybe they were making this up in their heads. Maybe they were just hoping that Emmaline would be able to hear again without the hearing aids.

Emmaline was sitting on her father lap playing with one of her new toys she got for her birthday.

Stevie rubbed her round belly nervously. The baby moving around as if they could sense their mother's nervousness.

Finally after a few more minutes of waiting, the doctor walked through the door.

The doctor greeted them then Stevie tells the doctor the events of Emmaline's birthday party and of what they have done to see if Emmaline could hear without her hearing aids. After that, the doctor sets up to run some tests.

They got to work and after many, many tests, Emmaline was frustrated. She didn't even want to put on her hearing aids back on.

All she wanted was for Stevie to hold her. Emmaline hugged Stevie tightly and laid her head on Stevie's shoulder. Stevie patting her back gently to comfort her baby. Emmaline was drifting off to sleep when the doctor sat down to speak to Stevie and Lindsey.

"Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham..." the doctor began. "After going over the results, there is good news." The doctor smiled.

Stevie sat up a bit straighter as well as Lindsey.

"Emmaline's ear drums are healing." The doctor said. "Slowly but surely. They look so much better than before. Now that her ears are healing, I believe that surgery is an option now. So, my question to the both of you is...would you want Emmaline to have the surgery to restore her hearing?"

Sorry for the short chapter, but wanted to know y'all's thoughts about Emmaline having surgery.

Should Stevie and Lindsey agree to the surgery? Will it be successful? Please let me know your thoughts.

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