Aunt Christine

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It had been a week since Stevie read Lindsey's letter. She felt blindsided, she was disappointed, she felt hurt; not just for herself but especially for Emmaline.

After having time to process her feelings, she now felt angry at Lindsey for breaking the promises he made to Emmaline.

Karen had started the process of finding out information on how to change the last name on a birth certificate.
She found out there wasn't really much to do about removing Lindsey's last name from Emmaline's birth certificate.
However, one way of doing so would be that Lindsey would have to sign away his parental rights and only then can the birth certificate be changed.

Stevie sobbed as she listened to Karen explain all the information she had found out.
She knew once that happened, if Lindsey signed away his parental rights then it would be real.
Lindsey wanted this and she still couldn't wrap her mind around that fact. Her heart broke for her daughter; Emmaline would be left without a father.

Stevie had become unglued and was sobbing her eyes out.
Karen stepped in and took Emmaline into her arms. "Come on Ms. Emma, you're going to spend some time with auntie Karen." She said as she baby talked to Emmaline. Then she turned to Stevie and said gently. "I'll give you some time alone, we'll be in the nursery."
Stevie nodded her head then buried herself under the covers in her bed.
She decided to have some time for herself; just to feel sorry for herself and cry it out.

Stevie stayed in bed for an hour or so when Karen walked back in and said. "Stevie, Christine is on the phone. She asked if it was okay if she could stop by. She's visiting for a few days."
Stevie sniffled and wiped her tears away. "Of course she can stop by. Tell her she is more than welcome to stay here while she is in town."
Karen nodded. "I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, Karen walked back into Stevie's room.
"She said she'll be here in an hour." Karen said.
"Thanks Karen." Stevie said. "Where's Emma?"
"She's napping in her crib." Karen responded.
"Could you keep an eye on her while I get ready before Christine gets here."
"Of course." Karen said heading back to Emmaline nursery.

Stevie took her time getting dressed.
When she was finished, she went to the nursery and smiled; Karen was baby talking to Emmaline.
"I know your getting hungry Ms. Emma, let's go find mommy." Karen said.
"I'm here!" Stevie said smiling and walking over to Karen.
Karen turned and smiled back.

As soon as Emmaline saw Stevie her face lit up.
Karen handed her over to Stevie.
"Hey baby girl. Are you hungry?" Stevie said as she walked over to the rocking chair that was by the window. She sat down and said to Karen. "Thank you so much for watching her while...well, while I was having a moment."
"It's not a problem Stevie. She's no trouble at all." Karen said. "I'm going to go set up the guest bedroom for Christine."
"Okay. Thanks again." Stevie said.
"You're welcome Stevie." Karen replied then walked out of the nursery.

Stevie brought up her blouse then moved her bra away and placed Emmaline close by it.
Emmaline began to suckle.
"I love you so much Emma. I'm so proud to be your mommy." Stevie said as she caressed Emmaline's cheek.
Emmaline looked up at Stevie with her big blue eyes; she stopped suckling to smile around Stevie's breast then continued to suckle.

A few minutes later Stevie fixed herself then laid Emmaline on her chest and began to sing to her.
She rocked back and forth on the rocking chair.

Stevie stopped singing when she heard a soft knock on the door.
"Stevie, Christine's here. Should I send her up?" Karen said poking her head in the door.
"Um...why don't you stay with Emma while I go greet her. I'm not sure she knows about Emma yet." Stevie said standing up and placing Emmaline in Karen's arms.
"Mommy will right back Emma. You'll get to meet your aunt Christine today!" Stevie said enthusiastically.

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