Returning Home

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Throughout their stay in Hawaii, Stevie and Lindsey would spend the day with Emmaline and they would do different things with her.

Emmaline's favorite thing to do was playing in the sand and splashing around in the water. Of course, during her time in the water, Emmaline had to go without her hearing aids and relied on ASL. They also had to make sure that no water would get into ears.

After spending time in the water, Stevie and Lindsey would have to make sure to dry Emmaline's ears or else if they were to put her hearing aids back on without making sure they were dry, then there was a chance the hearing aids could become damaged.

Stevie loved watching Emmaline play in the water with Lindsey. Sometimes she would join them, but most of her time she would sit on a beach blanket underneath a big umbrella.

In the evening, Lindsey and Stevie would put Emmaline to bed in Karen's room then they would retire to their own room or go back on the beach where they would walk hand in hand on the shore; water caressing their bare feet.

They had spent two weeks in Hawaii and it was finally time to go home. Stevie had an appointment the day after they returned home.

Although, a week before they traveled back home, a new occurrence has been happening to Stevie.

She had been becoming increasingly more tired than usual and she began to have extreme thirst. No matter how much water Stevie drank, she couldn't quite quench her the thirst.

Stevie couldn't understand what was happening to her so she was happy to finally go home and see her doctor. She needed to know if there was anything was wrong with her or the baby.

Until then, she tried to enjoy the final days of her and Lindsey's honeymoon.

The flight back home was uneventful. Stevie slept almost the entire flight. Only waking up to use the bathroom which was much more often now due to her increased water intake.

Before they knew it, Lindsey was pulling into the driveway of their home.

As soon they walked into the house, Stevie slumped onto the sofa. She felt so exhausted; she let out heavy sigh and closed her eyes.

"Angel..why don't you go upstairs and get some sleep?" Lindsey said as he sat down next to her as he held a sleeping Emmaline in his arms.
"I'm too tired to get up again." Stevie said. "I'll just...I'll just sleep on the sofa for now."
"Alright my love. I'll let you be. I'll be back, I'll be upstairs. I'm going to put Emmaline in her crib." Lindsey said. "Then I'll unpack for us as well."
"Thank you Linds." Stevie said as she closed her eyes.
"You're welcome Angel." Lindsey said as he placed a kiss on the side of her head.

He stood up and helped her lay down then he walked upstairs to put Emmaline in her crib. He then came back down to cover Stevie with a blanket. He smiled at the sight in front of him.

Stevie laid on her side with one hand tucked under her cheek and the other was resting on her baby bump which had popped out much more now. Lindsey pulled the blanket over Stevie then was on his way to unpack from their trip.

Later that night, Stevie woke up to find Emmaline close to her, gently patting her cheek. Lindsey was close by holding Emmaline close to Stevie as she woke up her mommy.

Stevie smiled wide and said. "Hi baby girl. Come here!"

Stevie sat up and took Emmaline in her arms. Emmaline had just woken up so she was being really clingy and she laid her head on Stevie's shoulder.

Lindsey smiled then sat down next to Stevie and said. "How are you feeling?"
Stevie yawned and said. "I still feel pretty tired. But I'm feeling better than before."
"I'm glad. I was worried about you." Lindsey said as he kissed Stevie. "I'm going to make us some dinner then we can go to bed."
"Sounds good honey." Stevie said. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Lindsey said as he kissed Stevie once again then kissed Emmaline in her chubby cheek.

Stevie sighed again but a smile crossed her face. She held Emmaline close and gently rocked her. Stevie began to hum Sara. Emmaline felt the vibrations coming from her mother and placed her hand on Stevie's throat.

Stevie's smile widened; this was her favorite thing to do. She loved singing to Emmaline and was glad that Emmaline had found a way to still be able to enjoy music.

Emmaline smiled and closed her eyes contently.

Emmaline was now nine months old. Stevie stared at her daughter lovingly. She was so happy that she able to experience being a mother. She had her baby girl and her husband whom she loved with all her heart. Now they were going to welcome another child into the world in a few months. In this moment, Stevie's heart was full.

The next day was Stevie's doctor's appointment.

Her doctor checked her blood pressure and ran a few other tests since she was away for a while in Hawaii.

While they waited for a few tests to come back, the doctor checked on the baby on the ultrasound. Everything was looked perfect with the baby. Everything was right on track. Stevie was now fifteen weeks pregnant.

However, when Stevie's blood work came back, they had found something in her blood work.

Stevie held Lindsey's hand tightly as she listened to the doctor.

"Stephanie...we found that..." The doctor said in a concerned voice. "...that you have developed gestational diabetes."

I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long.

I'm trying to get back into writing so I can continue and finish my stories.

Please let me know what you think of this story and the new health issue that has arisen in Stevie's pregnancy.

Although, in real life, gestational diabetes doesn't occur until late pregnancy but for this story I wrote it early on.

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