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The ambulance pulled into the hospital drop off area and quickly wheeled Emmaline into a room. Stevie was stopped by a nurse who gently told her to wait outside.

Stevie wanted to push the nurse out of the way but her knees buckled as she heard Emmaline cry out again. Lindsey was right by her side at this point and held her up.

"Come Steph, let's go sit down. They are going to take care of girl." Lindsey said in a shaky voice.
"No! I have...I have to be with her! She needs me!" Stevie sobbed.
"Come on." Lindsey said again then led Stevie to an empty waiting room.

He helped Stevie sit down which by this point she felt drained. Lindsey sat next to her and she put her head on his shoulder and continued to sob.

As time passed, the stress and exhaustion Stevie was in took its toll and fell asleep in Lindsey's shoulder. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

Lindsey was getting worried; an hour had passed but still the doctor hadn't come to give them any news.

Finally a few minutes later, the doctor that was treating Emmaline came out of the the room and walked to where Lindsey and Stevie were sitting at. Lindsey tapped Stevie gently and she woke up at first not realizing where she was. She stood up on shaky legs.

"How's my baby?!" She asked, worry filled her voice. Lindsey stood up and held her close to him.
"Ms. Nicks...your daughters ear infection was more severe than we thought. Her tiny body couldn't fight it off, even with the help of antibiotics didn't help much." The doctor said. "We've discovered that both ears were affected but her right ear was the worst one affected. Right now we have her on some strong antibiotics, well, we gave her as much as her little body can handle. We will monitor to her over night and we hope that the medication will help bring her fever down and get rid of the infection."
Stevie just sobbed then she said. "Can we see her? Please!"
"Of course." The doctor said. "But, first there is something that I have to discuss with you both."
"What is it?" Lindsey asked gripping Stevie tightly.
The doctor had a sad look on his face then he took a deep breath. "Because of how bad the infection was in Emmaline's right ear and her left ear as well...there is a chance that her hearing was affected. We won't know for sure until the infection is gone."

Lindsey and Stevie stared at with wide eyes at the doctor in front of them.
"Do you you mean she won't be able to hear?" Stevie sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You baby could baby girl could be deaf?"
The doctor hung his head. "I'm afraid so Ms. Nicks."

Stevie began to hyperventilate, Lindsey held it together for the both of them.
Stevie began to black out; it was too much for her to handle. Lindsey caught her before she could hit the ground.

The doctors took over and help Stevie into a hospital bed where they worked on her to help her wake up and make sure she was okay.

Lindsey stayed in the hall not believing what the doctor just told them. If it was true and Emmaline's hearing was affected, he thought how were he and Stevie going to take care of a deaf child. How were they going to communicate with her? Then Lindsey had a final thought; how was Emmaline going to listen to music? Music was the one thing that had connected he and Stevie all those years ago. Music was their part of their everyday life. How was their daughter going to find comfort in her mother's voice when ever she was upset?

Lindsey slumped down to the floor and sobbed into his hands. Was God punishing him for being unfaithful? He thought to himself. He then began to pray. Please God! Let it not be true. Don't take away my daughters hearing. Please let her heal and be healthy. Please....just...please heal her tiny body of this infection. Lindsey just sat there on the floor and continued his silent prayer.

Sorry for the short chapter. Didn't want to leave y'all hanging for too long.

Let me know what you all think and can you all guess where this is going.

Also, sorry for any mistakes!

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