Mommy Loves You

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Now that they knew Stevie and the baby were okay, Lindsey and Stevie both decided that they wanted to get married right away. Stevie called her close friends and family to tell them that Lindsey had proposed and that they would be getting married really soon. Stevie didn't mind having a small wedding; all that mattered was that her parents were going to be there and that her father would walk her down the aisle.

Also, they decided to announce Stevie's pregnancy during the small reception that they were also planning. The wedding and reception would take place in Stevie's home and backyard.

Barbara and Jess were happy that their little girl was finally happy. So they had already booked a flight and were ready to fly out. They were going to arrive a few days before the wedding so they could spend some time with Stevie, Emmaline and Lindsey before things became hectic.

It had been two weeks since Emmaline got her ears molded and now her parents brought her back to the doctors office so she could get her hearing aids; Stevie had requested that they be pink.

Lindsey sat next to Stevie who was holding Emmaline in her lap. They both felt nervous; they hoped that the hearing aids would help their daughter have a better chance to live in their world.

Emmaline chewed on her fist while the doctor put on Emmaline's hearing aids.

It was quiet in the room and once the hearing aids were in place the doctor made a few adjustments then he motioned to Stevie to say something to Emmaline.

Stevie felt her throat close with emotion. She took a deep breath and said. "Emmaline...can you hear me?"

Emmaline stopped chewing on her fist and her blue grey eyes grew wide. She quickly looked up at Stevie and Stevie smiled back with tears in her eyes.

"I love you baby girl." Stevie said as she turned Emmaline around to face her. "Mommy loves you."
Lindsey leaned in and said. "Daddy loves you too."

Emmaline turned towards Lindsey and smiled wide then clapped her hands together. She stopped as soon as she heard the claps. She had a shocked look on her face then she clapped again. Her smile retuned and continued to clap and was now giggling; she was enjoying her little game.

Lindsey and Stevie cried tears of joy; they watched as Emmaline entertained herself.

Emmaline then looked up at her mother and signed, sing then placed her hand on Stevie's throat.

Stevie chuckled then cleared her throat and began to sing.

I took my love, I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
'Til the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older, too...

As Stevie sang, Emmaline's smile grew and she looked up at her mother with happy tears in her eyes. She took her hand off of Stevie's throat and wrapped her arms around Stevie, laying her little head on Stevie's shoulder. Emmaline's tears of joy rolled down her cubby cheeks.

Stevie couldn't finish the song; she stopped and just held her baby girl close; there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

After everyone calmed down with excitement, the doctor tested Emmaline to make sure everything was working properly. He then told Stevie and Lindsey that they still should sign while speaking to Emmaline. Also, the doctor told them that they would have to bring Emmaline back regularly for new hearing aids as she grew. They nodded their heads in understanding and were soon on their way.

Stevie sat in the backseat with Emmaline and spoke and sighed to her. Emmaline smiled the whole time and giggled.

"Guess what Emma! We are going to pick up grandma and grandpa from the airport!" Stevie said and signed. "And guess what else! Mommy and daddy are getting married really soon!"

Lindsey smiled at what was going on in the backseat. He wanted to be a part of it but of course he had to drive.

Once at the airport, Stevie made sure to hide her bump. She didn't want to say anything to her parents just yet; she was now in her twelfth week.

Stevie stayed in the car with Emmaline while Lindsey went to greet Jess and Barbara and bring them back to the car.

Stevie jumped out of the car when she saw her parents walking towards the car. "Mama! Daddy!" She exclaimed. "Oh I've missed you!"
She hugged her mother and father then led them to the car.

"We've missed you too Teedee! " Barbara said with a smile. They all got into the car; Barbara sat in the back with Stevie and Emmaline and Jess sat in the passenger seat.

When Barbara saw Emmaline, she gushed over her granddaughter. Emmaline grew shy as she hadn't seen Barbara for months.

Barbara and Jess knew of their granddaughter being deaf. Stevie had been giving them updates when she would speak to her mother on the phone about Emmaline's progress.

Barbara and Jess of course didn't see their granddaughter differently. They still loved her very much and Barbara didn't even notice the hearing aids in Emmaline's ears. Her granddaughter was very much perfect in her eyes.

Once back at Stevie's house, Lindsey brought in Jess's and Barbara's luggage and showed them to the room they would be staying in.

Stevie carried Emmaline inside and sat in the living room waiting for everyone to come back downstairs.

Emmaline rubbed her eyes sleepily; she then signed sleepy. Stevie kissed her forehead and began to rock Emmaline. Emmaline laid her head on Stevie's chest then closed her eyes.

Stevie rubbed Emmaline's back in gentle circles and sang to her baby girl.

Barbara and Jess stood in the door way of the living room and they both had huge smiles on their faces. They felt this form of peace wash over them. It eased their minds to know that when the time came and they were no longer on this earth that their daughter wouldn't ever be alone again. Stevie would always have her husband and daughter by her side.

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