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Karen rushed through the front door and ran to Stevie's bedroom. "Stevie! Lindsey what's going on?" She asked as she rushed to the bed.
"I'm not sure. Stevie's in a lot of pain." Lindsey said.
"Karen...." Stevie began. "Please take care Emmaline while we're gone." Tears continued to roll down her cheeks.
"Of course Stevie." Karen said gently. "I'm going to take Emmaline into her nursery. I left the gate open so the ambulance can come through. Lindsey please call me as soon as possible after they figure out what's going on."

Lindsey nodded his head then let Emmaline go with Karen. Karen bent down and kissed Stevie's cheek. "It's going to be okay Stevie."
Stevie nodded then reached to give Emmaline a kiss on her cheek. Emmaline signed mommy then tried to go with her but Karen held on.

Karen grabbed the bottle and walked to Emmaline's nursery then tried to comfort Emmaline.

Back in Stevie's bedroom, Stevie had been holding Lindsey's hand. Lindsey panicked when her grip loosened.

"Stevie! Stephanie!" Lindsey said worriedly. He looked at Stevie who had passed out.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Lindsey ran to open the door.

Next thing Stevie knew, she was waking up in a room with lots of light. She groaned as her eyes adjusted to the bright lights.

"Steph..." Lindsey's voice came from beside Stevie.
"Linds..." Stevie said her voice sounding weak.
"It's okay. Don't talk. Save your strength. The doctor is going to talk to us in a few minutes." Lindsey said as he reached for her hand.
Stevie nodded and held onto Lindsey's hand tightly.

They both stayed quiet; Stevie was wondering what was going on with her. She thought to herself how many times she had ended up in the hospital. She made a vow that she would take better care of herself; Emmaline needed her.

Moments later, the doctor walked through the door followed by a nurse pushing in a machine.

"Ms. Nicks, we have run some tests on you and I just read the results." The doctor said. "You're pregnant Ms. Nicks. I'm going to perform an ultrasound right now to check on the baby."

All Stevie could do was nod; she looked at Lindsey with wide eyes that were filled with fear. Lindsey kissed her hand that he was holding and didn't let go.

Soon, the doctor was performing the ultrasound and had found the baby right away.
"You're measuring at seven weeks." The doctor said. He then reached over and pressed a button so they could hear the heartbeat.

Stevie had tears rolling down her cheeks; she couldn't believe she was pregnant...again. Lindsey's tears matched Stevie's and looked on at his baby.

The doctors brows furrowed and he grew more serious. Stevie noticed and said. "What's wrong?"
"Ms.'re baby's heartbeat is slow." The doctor said. "I'm going to give you a medication to help the baby's heart become stronger." He stopped speaking as he took some scans of the ultrasound then he turned off the machine and gave Stevie some napkins to clean off her belly.

The doctor sat back and said. "I don't want to scare you two but, if the medication doesn't work...then you are at risk of miscarriage. Right now, I'm going to give you the medication and after that it'll be a waiting game, which I want you to not stress. That's very important."
"Okay. I understand." Stevie said softly not trusting her voice. She was trying to keep it together and not panic.

The nurse had left the room and came back with the medication. The doctor gave the medication to Stevie then he placed a fetal monitor around her belly to keep an eye on the baby's heartbeat. He then excused himself so Stevie could get some rest.

As soon the door closed, Stevie broke down. Lindsey got on the bed with her and held her close.

"I'm so sorry Stephanie. I should have just learned how to sign. Because of me, you have been under a lot of stress, and now..." Lindsey said. "I promise I will learn."
"I...I can't lose this baby Lindsey! I know we just found out about them but, I already love them so much. I can't lose them!" Stevie sobbed.
"Shhhh...please angel. Calm down. This isn't good for them." Lindsey said as he gently rocked Stevie back and forth.

Stevie knew he was right. If there was a chance of saving her baby's life then she knew she had to remain calm. She took a few deep breaths slowly calming down.

"Linds?" Stevie said as she rested her head on Lindsey's chest.
"Yes?" Lindsey replied.
"Sing to me please." Stevie said as she closed her eyes.
"Of course my love." Lindsey said.

Do you always trust your first initial feeling
Special knowledge, holds true bears believing
I turned around and the water was closing all around
Like a glove, like the love that had finally, finally found me

Then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me through the mountains
Through the crystal like a clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet, to the sea, to the sea
To the sea, yeah

How the faces of love change, turning the pages
And I have changed, oh but you, you remain ageless
I turned around and the water was closing all around
Like a glove, like the love that had finally, finally found me

And then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me through the mountains
Through the crystal like a clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet, to the sea, to the sea
To the sea yeah, to the sea yeah

By the end of the song, Stevie was fast asleep. Lindsey still held her in his arms and sent yet another prayer into the heavens to save the life of his and Stevie's unborn child.

Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I hope you all are still enjoying it.

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