Falling Into Place

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Stevie stared at Lindsey in shock; her features then softened and she smiled wide. "Yes Lindsey. I'll marry you."

Lindsey smiled back; he leaned over carefully as not to squish Emmaline and he kissed Stevie's lips.

In that moment, Lindsey felt as if everything was finally falling into place.

*Three weeks later*

Stevie followed the doctors orders and stayed on bedrest. Lindsey had stepped up and took care of both Emmaline and Stevie. Karen would take over when Lindsey had Will, Leelee and Stella over for his weekends at his apartment.

Also, the next day after he asked Stevie to marry him, Lindsey went out and bought the perfect engagement ring. Stevie now wore it on her left hand.

Stevie was now in her tenth week of pregnancy. She had an appointment for a check up on herself and the baby. Before her appointment, she and Lindsey were taking Emmaline for her own doctors appointment.

After talking it over, Stevie and Lindsey decided to get Emmaline some hearing aids. Lindsey had taken Emmaline to a doctor's appointment a week ago and they discovered that Emmaline regained some hearing.

It wasn't much but the doctor was confident that with the help of hearing aids, Emmaline would have a much better chance of living in the world of the hearing. However, Emmaline would always need sign language to communicate and her hearing aids.
So, they were taking her so they could make some ear molds of Emmaline's ears so her hearing aids would be the perfect fit.

Julian was confident that with the help of speech therapy, Emmaline would be able to speak. And also, she was confident that Emmaline would learn how to read lips.
Of course, they would have to take this one step at a time.

Also, in the three weeks, Lindsey began is own lessons of learning ASL. Julian would work with Lindsey one on one because he wanted to surprise Stevie and Emmaline.

Stevie had taught him the basics and she was proud that he was willing to learn how to communicate with their daughter.

After a quick shower, Stevie now stood in front her floor length mirror in the bathroom. She was in her bra and underwear with her robe hanging open.

Stevie turned to the side and smiled; unlike her pregnancy with Emmaline, it was obvious now that she was pregnant by the small bump that had begun to form. Stevie ran her hand gently over her small bump.

With this pregnancy, Stevie was able to experience pregnancy; with Emmaline she didn't even know.

The down side of being pregnant was the morning sickness that had started a week after finding out she was pregnant. Stevie hated it but knew that if she was having morning sickness then the baby was healthy.

After a moment, Stevie pulled her robe close then walked out of the bathroom and into her closet. She dressed in her usual black loose fitting blouse, black leggings and some black flats. She then did her hair and put on a bit of makeup.

When she was done, she walked out of her bedroom and walked over to Emmaline's nursery where she found Lindsey and Emmaline sitting on the floor.

Her eyes filled with tears when she saw the scene in front of her; Lindsey was actually signing and talking to Emmaline and Emmaline understood Lindsey too.

"I love you so much Emmaline. Daddy loves you." Lindsey said while he signed. "I've been working really hard learning to sign for you. I'm sorry baby girl that...that I didn't want to learn. I was stubborn and I didn't want to face the truth."

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