No Cry

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*Two weeks later, 17 weeks pregnant*

Stevie was in her bedroom trying to summon the courage to poke herself with the tiny needle.

Ever since she got her gestational diabetes diagnosis, she has been having to check her blood sugar after each meal and also before bed. This will have to go on until she has the baby.

If her blood sugar gets too high then she has to inject herself with some insulin.

"Okay, Stevie. You can do this." Stevie says to herself. "You've been doing this for the past two weeks. Just...just do it."

Stevie pushes the button and the tiny needle pokes through her skin on the tip of her finger.
She jumps up and gasps, still not used to the tiny prick.

She sighs then adds the tiny drop of blood to the strip sticking out of the glucose meter.

She waits a few seconds then her results flash on screen.

Stevie sighs in relief. It's a normal reading and she won't have to give herself an insulin shot.

Stevie also had to change her diet and cut out anything that has sugar in it. Which due to her cravings has been extremely hard, but she's been able to stay away from any sweets.

Exercise was also a must. Stevie would go for a walk for twenty minutes each day. Lindsey and Emmaline would accompany her during these walks. Lindsey would push Emmaline's stroller so Stevie wouldn't over exert herself.

As Stevie puts away the glucose meter, Lindsey walks in with Emmaline in his arms.

Emmaline turns her head and sees her mother. She gets excited; she signs and says. "Mama!"

Stevie smiles reaches for her daughter and Lindsey hands her over.

Emmaline cuddles into Stevie's side and hugs her mother, her head resting on her mother's belly.

"How was your sugar level?" Lindsey asked as he sat down close to Stevie.
"Normal. Thank goodness. No shot for me." Stevie said.

After a moment, Emmaline lifts her head with a confused look on her face. Stevie and Lindsey watch her intently.

Emmaline stares at Stevie's belly wondering what was going on. She could feel that her mother's belly was different.

"Mama, this?" Emmaline signed then pointing to Stevie's belly.
"Oh! Are you just noticing my belly." Stevie said as she signed and chuckled. "Emmaline, mommy is going to have a baby."
Emmaline's mouth formed an O shape and signed. "Baby? I baby."
Stevie giggled and Lindsey said as he signed. "Yes, you are the baby. But mommy's having another baby."

Emmaline head tilted and a look of confusion crossed her face. "I baby! I baby!" She signed as she got upset, not understanding.

Stevie poured and said while signing. "Yes, you're my baby. Come here, sweet girl."

Stevie brought her close to her as Emmaline buried her face in Stevie's chest. She then peeked out with a little pout and signed. "I baby."
Lindsey smiled and chuckled. "Okay, you're the baby."

Lindsey then looked up at Stevie and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "Steph? What's wrong?"
"She...she's my baby! She's only nine months old and we're having another baby!" Stevie cried. "I'll be seven months pregnant when she's a year old! She's still just a baby, Lindsey. I feel bad. Emmaline still needs us. She needs extra attention and....and I'm afraid we won't be able to handle two...two babies! But...but I love this baby so much and can't wait to meet them!"

Stevie was so emotional thinking about Emmaline not getting the attention she needs once the baby arrived but also she couldn't wait to hold her baby in her arms.

Lindsey sat next to her on the bed and pulled her close to him. Stevie melted into his side, still holding Emmaline in her arms.

Emmaline rose her head and looked up at her mother. She saw the tears rolling down her mother's cheeks and her brow furrowed.

"Mama!" She said and signed. "Mama, cry?"
Emmaline pouted her lips and tears appeared in her eyes but they didn't fall. Emmaline shook her head and she signed. "No cry! No cry, mama."

Emmaline then gave her mother a big smile, as she swayed her body from side to side as if she was dancing. That caused Stevie to smile and chuckle.

"Oh my sweet girl!" Stevie said as she wiped her tears away. "Are you helping mama feel better? Awe, well thank you for making me feel better, Emma. I love you." She signed.
Emmaline's smile grew and she signed I love you back.

Stevie looked at Emmaline's smiling face and in that moment, she knew that she and Lindsey would be okay when the time came to welcome a new member to their family.

Sorry for a short chapter but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and start writing again. So I want to ease my way back into this story.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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