I'm Still Scared

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Lindsey found a parking spot close to the entrance. He told Stevie to stay in the car while he went inside to get help and bring Stevie a wheelchair.

Stevie cried silently, holding her belly with one hand and caressing it with the other.

Emmaline began to babble and sign trying to get her mother's attention.

"Mama!" Emmaline said and signed. "Dada? Dada, go?"

Stevie sniffled and wiped her tears away before turning her attention to Emmaline.

Stevie brought down the sun visor and looked at Emmaline through the mirror. Emmaline smiled when she saw her mother's eyes.

"It's okay, baby girl." She replied. "Daddy is just getting me some help. Everything is okay."

Seconds later, Lindsey is followed by a nurse who was pushing a wheelchair.

They soon got Stevie into the wheelchair and Lindsey had gotten Emmaline out of her car seat. He now held her in his arms and she looked at Stevie wondering why her mother was in this type of chair.

"Have you gotten any more pains?" Lindsey asked before the nurse could.
Stevie shook her head and said. "No. But I'm still scared."

The nurse wheels Stevie to the side of the hospital to keep people from seeing her and Lindsey.

Stevie's doctor has been paged and soon Stevie was being examined. Also her doctor was running some tests.

Because they had brought Emmaline with them, Lindsey has no choice but to wait in the hallway. He took that opportunity to call Karen so she could pick up Emmaline.

After the phone call, Lindsey walked with Emmaline in his arms along the hallway. He couldn't sit still anyway, so he kept himself moving.

"Dada, want mama." Emmaline said and signed.
"I know baby." Lindsey said as he swayed with her. "We'll see her soon."

Emmaline put her head on Lindsey's shoulder and rubbed her eyes. She stayed quiet for a while then she lifted her head and said while signing. "Hungry."

"I'm sorry, Em." Lindsey said. "Karen is on her way and she will get you something to eat."

A few minutes later, Karen rushes to the floor that Lindsey said Stevie was on. Karen greets Lindsey and asked for an update. Emmaline got excited to see Karen.

"No update yet." Lindsey said. "I haven't had a chance to check in on her and her doctor hasn't been out to see me yet."

Emmaline reached for Karen and was "speaking" to her aunt Karen. Karen signed back with one hand as best she could.

"Thank you, Karen for coming." Lindsey said. "We were about to have dinner so, we haven't eaten yet. Oh! Stevie was holding some plates when she got the pain. Stevie dropped them and they broke into pieces on the floor. So, be careful."

"You're welcome. It's no problem at all." Karen replied. "I'll feed Emma first then I'll clean everything up. Please keep me updated."

Before Lindsey could respond, Stevie's doctor walked up to him.

"Mr. Buckingham..." the doctor said as he approached Lindsey.
"How's Stevie? How's the baby? Are they okay?" Lindsey asked.
"They are perfectly fine." The doctor said with a reassuring smile.

Lindsey and Karen breathed a sigh of relief.

"What was the cause of the pain?" Lindsey asked.
"After doing an ultrasound and running some tests, and also making sure she wasn't dilated, I've come to the conclusion that what Mrs. Buckingham experienced was Braxton Hicks contractions."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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