Some Time Later

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As the months passed, Stevie and Lindsey co-parent well. Lindsey would even stay the night in Stevie's guest bedroom most nights. Also in that time, they had agreed not to be a couple just yet. Their one main focus was Emmaline.

Lindsey had settled into his own condo; his divorce from Kristen was finalized and he would get Will and Leelee on the weekends and would get Stella during the day on weekdays because she was still too little to be away from Kristen. Kristen had surprised Lindsey and have had matured immensely. She too was co-parenting well with Lindsey.

Kristen even began to have a close friendship with Stevie. They would set up play dates so Emmaline could play with Stella.
Both girls loved each other and would take naps together while their mother's would talk and have lunch together.

Emmaline was now seven months old. She loved music. She would dance; she would sway back and forth listening to either her mother sing to her or listen to music on Stevie's iPod. She loved to smile. Emmaline was a happy baby; she hardy gave Stevie a hard time. Stevie was so in love with this little person. She still couldn't believe sometimes that this was her daughter.

One afternoon, Lindsey came over to spend some time with Emmaline and Stevie. He hadn't been by because Will had had his appendix removed. He was now at home with Kristen recovering really well.

Karen let him in and he walked up the stairs to find Stevie and Emmaline. He found them in Emmaline's nursery. Stevie was rocking Emmaline in the rocking chair that was next to the window. He could tell something was wrong.

"Hey Steph." He whispered.
Stevie turned and smiled a little. "Hey Linds."
"Emma still feeling under the weather?" He asked as he kneeled in front of the rocking chair to take a look at his daughter.
"Yes." Stevie said in a quiet voice. "She still has an ear infection. I took her to her pediatrician this morning and she gave some antibiotics to give Emma. She had fever but it has gone down now."

Lindsey looked down at Emmaline who was looking miserable; she kept her tiny hand over her ear. She looked up at her mother trying to find some comfort; her bottom lip sticking out as she pouted. Lindsey looked up as he heard Stevie sniffle.

"Steph? What wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"I just...I just wish I could take her pain away. I hate seeing her so sick." Stevie said as she wiped her tears away. "Look at her Linds. She's so miserable and looking at me as if saying, "help me mommy" and I can't do anything to help her."
"I'm sorry Stevie. I know how you feel." He said then he asked. "When was the last time you slept?"
"I've gotten some sleep here and there but, I can't sleep even if I try. Emmaline doesn't let me put her down for anything. She has been sleeping in my arms for the past three days." Stevie said sounding exhausted.
"Let me take of care of her now. You go get some sleep." Lindsey said.
"Are you sure?" Steven asked.
"Of course Steph! Now you go get some rest and Emmaline and I will spend some time together." Lindsey said as he took Emmaline from Stevie.

Stevie stood up and kissed Emmaline on her chubby cheek. Emmaline began to fuss but Lindsey began to sing. At first Emmaline didn't calm, which was rare, she loved when Lindsey and Stevie sang to her.
Stevie almost grabbed Emmaline from Lindsey but he stopped her. He switched sides and tried again. This time Emmaline heard Lindsey's voice and calmed down a bit.

Stevie let out her breath that she was holding then thanked Lindsey. She then walked out of the nursery and walked into her bedroom. She slumped into her bed and was asleep in a matter of minutes.

A few hours later, Stevie was woken up by Emmaline's cry, but it was a cry that Stevie hadn't heard before. Her heart felt as if it was in her throat; that cry was a cry of pain.

As Stevie stood up from the bed, Lindsey came running into the bedroom.
"Stevie! I don't what is wrong!" Lindsey said in a panic. Stevie reached for Emmaline; she saw her baby girl and was instantly in tears.
Emmaline's face was red from how hard she was crying, also, she was crying so hard that sometimes her cries wouldn't come out it looked as if wasn't breathing. Stevie tried to calm her baby down but nothing was working.

Lindsey rushed to the phone and dialed 911.
Stevie could feel Emmaline's little body shaking from her cries and was burning up. Obviously the antibiotics weren't working. Stevie sobbed; she was so scared for her baby girl.

Emmaline kept grabbing her right ear as if trying to ease the pain that she was in.
Once the paramedics arrived, they accessed Emmaline who clung to her mother.
She cried all the way to the hospital; Stevie sobbed too as she rode with Emmaline in the ambulance.

Lindsey got into his car and followed the ambulance. On the way there, Lindsey was filled with fear; he prayed his hardest that his baby girl would be okay.

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