A Plan

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A week later, Lindsey sat in his home studio just staring at nothing. He was angry at himself for giving into Kristen's wishes and hurting Stevie, and for hurting his daughter Emmaline.

Kristen had sat right next to him as he wrote that letter to Stevie telling her he didn't want anything to do with their daughter was the furthest thing from the truth. He loved Emmaline since the first moment he laid his eyes on her.

He prayed that Stevie wouldn't believe that letter, he prayed she wouldn't go through with changing Emmaline's last name. He wanted her to always be a Buckingham; she was a Buckingham.

Lindsey sat with a strong drink in hand forming a plan on how he could keep all of his children in his life.

The next day, Lindsey took matters into his own hands. If Kristen wanted to play this game, well, then he would play it too. The difference was, he would win.

Lindsey called his lawyer and with Mick's help he put his plan into action; he told Kristen he would spend the afternoon with Mick working on some songs that Mick wanted to go over and that it wouldn't be the whole band, just him and Mick.

He had Mick pick up at his house; it was the only way for Lindsey to get away without making Kristen suspicious of him.
Mick was more than happy to help Lindsey after Lindsey told him the situation.

Mick drove Lindsey to his lawyers office.
Once there, Mick waited for him in the car while Lindsey met with his lawyer.

Lindsey explained the situation of what was going on then he and his lawyer came up with a plan.

Lindsey wanted to go through with the divorce that Kristen had threatened but the lawyer made a document saying that Lindsey would get visitations with his children.
Plus he had some incriminating evidence that Kristen had cheated on him first.

Two years ago, Lindsey had become suspicious of Kristen. He had hired a private investigator who had found out that Kristen had been seeing a man by the name of Ethan O' Riley.

There were pictures taken and now Lindsey would use them against her.
Lindsey hadn't before because in a way he felt he had caused it because he was always in his studio working on his music. Also, he wanted to make it work for his kids.
Kristen had soon stopped the affair for whatever reason and Lindsey didn't feel the need to confront her about it. So, he put everything away in his safe until now however, that all went out the window.
Kristen had threatened to take his kids away because of his affair with Stevie well now, he could have done the same but he knew he could never take his kids away from their mother no matter what turmoil their marriage was in.

An hour or so later, everything was set in motion. His lawyer prepared the official documents to be sent over to Kristen.
Lindsey left feeling as if a weight was lifted off of his shoulders; he knew Kristen would sign the divorce papers and that she would agree to the custody agreement.

Now the only thing he would have to do was to get down on his knees and beg Stevie to hear him out.

Quick update! Hope you all enjoyed.
More to come soon!

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