Another Prayer

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Lindsey came back to Stevie's house; he let himself in using the extra key that Stevie had given him and went in search for Stevie and Emmaline.

Lindsey found Stevie putting Emmaline in her crib. Stevie kissed Emmaline's forehead then turned on the baby monitor. She grabbed the other and was about to walk towards the door when she saw Lindsey standing in the doorway.

She narrowed her eyes and walked past him and into her room. She was about to close the door when Lindsey stopped it with his foot.
Stevie stared him down trying not to break, but as she looked into his blue grey eyes that showed sadness, regret and love, she broke down. She opened the door more then let Lindsey in and wrapped her arms around him.

She sobbed into Lindsey's chest and he too was sobbing. "I'm so sorry Stephanie. I know I messed up when I left without a word. I'm not making an excuse or anything, but, I just needed some space. This is a lot to take in. I know I was wrong." He said.
Stevie broke away slightly and said. "I understand that you needed some space. You should have just told me. But, you're Emmaline's father and you can't just runaway. You and I have to be strong for our baby girl. Please Lindsey, don't do it again."
"I promise Steph. I won't do it again." Lindsey said gently.

Stevie rested her head on Lindsey's chest and both relaxed. Stevie chuckled through her tears and said. "Who would have thought that you and I would have a reasonable conversation instead a full blown argument."
Lindsey chuckled back then looked into Stevie's eyes. "We've come a long way. I love you Stephanie." He said.
"I love you too." Stevie replied.

Lindsey leaned down and kissed Stevie's lips. Their kissing grew more passionately both losing their breath quickly. They broke apart and Lindsey said. "I need you Stephanie!"
"I need you too Linds." Stevie said. "Please make love to me!"

Lindsey thrusted one last time before emptying himself inside Stevie. After, he stayed inside her for a few moments so both could catch their breath. Lindsey kissed Stevie's lips then he pulled himself out and laid next to Stevie. Stevie laid her head on Lindsey's chest and was lightly running her bright red nails across his chest.

They relaxed but not for long when Emmaline's cries came from the baby monitor. Stevie jumped up and quickly grabbed her robe then pulled it on.

She rushed to Emmaline's nursery; Emmaline was standing up, holding onto the cribs bars. Tears rolled down her tiny chubby cheeks. As soon a she saw Stevie, she reached one hand out for her.

Stevie lifted Emmaline into her arms; Emmaline laid her head on Stevie's shoulder and she calmed down. She instantly put her tiny hand on Stevie throat and immediately felt the vibrations coming from Stevie. She had gotten used to doing that as a way to comfort herself.

"It's okay baby. Mommy has you." Stevie said. "I love you."

Emmaline still baby babbled even though she couldn't hear herself. So, Stevie got the surprise of her life when Emmaline mimicked Stevie.

Stevie pulled Emmaline away from her so she could look at Emmaline. She sat down on the rocking chair and kept Emmaline's hand on her throat and she repeated. "I love you."

Emmaline smiled and hummed it back; it wasn't words of course but it seemed as if Emmaline was trying to copy the vibrations coming from Stevie's throat.

Stevie smiled down with tears in her eyes. "You are going to be okay baby girl. I know you will. I'll make sure of it!"

Stevie walked back to her bedroom where Lindsey had put his clothes back on. He smiled as Emmaline reached for him. He took her into his arms and Stevie said. "I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll be right out."
"Alrighty." Lindsey said. "We will be waiting."

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