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*Smut Ahead*

"I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham. You may kiss the bride!" The minister said.

Lindsey bent down and kissed Stevie's lips, both had tears of joy rolling down their cheeks. They pulled away, and they had huge smiles on their faces.

They turned towards the small crowd of their family and friends which all were clapping for the newlyweds.

Barbara smiled as happy tears rolled down her cheeks. Same with Jess; it brought him some peace that his little girl was finally with the love of her life and would be taken care of. Jess was also grateful that he was able to walk his daughter down the aisle. It was a very special moment for both father and daughter that both would never forget.

Lindsey and Stevie then walked down the aisle hand in hand and made their way to the area of the backyard where the reception would take place.

Stevie's dress was beautiful; Margi Kent was one of Stevie's long time friends and stylist. She was the only one of a few who had known of Stevie's pregnancy and was able to make a dress that hid the small bump that had formed.

It was now three pm and the reception was underway. Stevie had decided to have a reception earlier in the day, that way she and Lindsey would be able to make their flight to their honeymoon destination. They were heading to Hawaii and Karen was tagging along so she could care for Emmaline while Stevie and Lindsey had time for themselves.
Stevie didn't want to leave Emmaline behind and she couldn't bare the thought of being away from her daughter for so long.

Once they got to the reception area, everyone walked up to them and congratulated them.

The music was playing in the background and everyone was enjoying themselves. Photos were taken of Lindsey and Stevie on their own then with their children. Then with all their friends and family.

Emmaline was being passed around from person to person. She was loving being the center of attention.

Stevie saw Emmaline's interaction with everyone that she was with and it made her heart burst with happiness that not one person treated Emmaline any differently. Thanks Emmaline's hearing aids, she was able to respond to everyone speaking to her. Although there were moments when Emmaline didn't understand but she was trooper and didn't let it bother her.

Emmaline even swayed to the music and her giggles filled the reception area making everyone around her smile. Leelee, Will and Stella all danced with her and all were having a great time.

After some time, Lindsey and Stevie stood up and got everyone's attention. It was time to announce their news.

"First and foremost, Stevie and I would like to thank you all for coming to our special day. We love each and everyone of you. We are so glad to share this day and also, we want to share some news that we found out a few weeks ago." Lindsey said as he stood up in front of their friends and family. He held onto Stevie's hand and felt her squeeze his hand. He looked at her and smiled.

Stevie smiled back then turned towards their friends and family. "A few weeks ago, Lindsey and I found out something that I never thought would ever happen again." She said as she teared up a bit. "Lindsey and I are happy to tell you all that...that we are having another baby! I'm twelve weeks pregnant."

Shocked gasps were heard around the yard then smiles and happy applause broke out. Everyone stood up and mobbed Stevie and Lindsey in hugs. Everyone was ecstatic for the newlyweds and they gave their congratulations to them.

Christine was holding Emmaline and hugged Stevie with one arm. "Congratulations love." She said happily.
"Thank you Chris." Stevie said.

Emmaline smiled at her mother and did something that Stevie didn't expect and had brought tears of joy to her eyes.

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