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Lindsey went home and had put up a facade of a happy husband.
Kristen didn't suspect a thing; she was very pleased that Lindsey was paying so much attention to her.

It wasn't until bedtime that Kristen started to have a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Kristen had wanted intimacy but Lindsey said he was going to have a late night in his studio.
She went to bed feeling uneasy.

Lindsey gave a great performance of being a good husband to Kristen but when she wanted intimacy, that's where he drew the line and told Kristen he would spend sometime on his studio and for her not to wait up.

He wasn't really working on anything but didn't want to go to bed just yet.
He sat there strumming and thought about what was to come.
He was nervous to say the least but he knew that this was the right decision.
He had seen Kristen's true colors twice, once when she cheated on him then when she made him choose between his children.

Before he knew it, it was morning; Kristen had the kids up and made them breakfast. They were ready to go to school.
They were eating as Lindsey entered the kitchen.
He kissed his children on their heads and told them good morning.
He quickly gave Kristen a peck on her cheek and grabbed a cup of coffee.
Kristen could feel something was wrong but didn't bring it up.

After the kids finished their breakfast, Lindsey drove them to school then came back home to wait for his lawyer and Kristen's lawyer to arrive.

Kristen had just fed Stella when the doorbell rang. She placed Stella in her swing and walked to the front door to answer it.
But Lindsey had beat her to it; Kristen noticed Lindsey's lawyer followed by her lawyer walk through the door.

"Lindsey? What's going on?" Kristen asked her heart began to pound.
"Why don't we go sit in the living room." Lindsey said as he led the way.

They sat down; Lindsey's lawyer sat by Lindsey and Kristen's lawyer sat by Kristen.
"Kristen, I didn't want to do this. I wanted to work things out with you. I know I messed up, I had an affair with another woman and had a child with her. I wasn't thinking of leaving you or the kids but when you gave me an ultimatum which wasn't really one. You gave me no choice." Lindsey said as Kristen knew what was coming. She was becoming angry by the second. Lindsey continued. So, I filed for divorce. Our lawyers are here to go over everything with us and get this process started."
"Lindsey, you can't serious!" Kristen said with her voice raised. "If you do this, I will take you to court and I know I will custody of the kids."
Lindsey was calm and said. "I don't think you will. You see, you say you want to tell the judge I am an unfit father because I had an affair, well, I can tell the judge the same thing about you."
"I have never cheated on you!" Kristen said very confidently.
Lindsey gave her a smirk. "Are you sure about that?"
"Yes." Kristen said.

Lindsey nodded to his lawyer; his lawyer reached into his brief case and pulled out a folder.
The lawyer opened the folder and pulled out several photos of Kristen with the man she had the affair with.
Kristen stared wide eyed and grew pale as she knew she had been caught.
"I was always faithful to you until this tour of course. Even after finding out about you and Mr. O'Riely, I decided not to bring it up to you because believe it or not, I did love you and I didn't want the kids to be put through a divorce. But now that went out the window when you made me choose between our children and my child with the other woman."

Kristen had tears rolling down her cheeks. She was angry; she was angry at Lindsey, she was angry at Stevie but most of all, she was angry with herself.
The two lawyers began to exchange files as Kristen's lawyer read what Lindsey had wanted.
He then advised Kristen to sign the papers as the demands were fair. He told her if she fought this and took it to court, she would lose because she cheated first and would be seen as a hypocrite.

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