To the Moon and Back

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*September 14*

Time marched on and Stevie continued to monitor her blood level. She did have to give herself insulin shots from time to time, but now she was getting used the prick of the needle.

Stevie was now seven months pregnant and today was Emmaline's first birthday.

Stevie planned a small yet birthday party for Emmaline. Christine had flown out to L.A. to help out Stevie with planning and decorating.

It was 8 am and Stevie woke up early to spend some alone time with Emmaline.

Stevie pulled on her robe and walked over to the nursery. As Stevie approached the nursery, she heard Emmaline quietly babbling.

Stevie smiled and turned on a lamp to get her baby's attention.

Emmaline saw the light and stopped babbling. She picked up her head and saw her mother through her crib.

"Mama!" Emmaline said and signed. "Mama!"
"Oh, my sweet girl!" Stevie said and signed. She then walked over to the crib.

Emmaline stood up in her crib and held onto the top of the crib. Her smile widened.

"Oh, you're so happy this morning." Stevie said as she reached in to pick up Emmaline. "Happy Birthday, Emma! Wow...I can't believe you're one today."

Stevie then carried Emmaline to the changing table and changed diaper. She also put Emmaline's hearing aids on.

She then lifted Emmaline back up then walked over to the rocking chair. She sat down and held Emmaline close. Her belly had grown immensely and it became Emmaline's favorite spot to lay herself on.

Emmaline played with Stevie's hair, twirling it around in her little finger. Stevie began to rock back and forth in the rocking chair and began to hum. Emmaline put her free hand on Stevie's neck.

After a while, Stevie stopped then ran her hand through Emmaline's curls and said. "One year ago today, I got the biggest and most wonderful surprise of my life. I had no idea that you were in my belly and before I knew it, you were in my arms. I was so beyond shocked. But, my love for you was instant. I cannot even imagine my life without you now. I'm so so grateful to have you in my life Emmaline." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so proud to be your mommy. I love you baby girl."

Emmaline smiled wide and placed her small chubby hand on Stevie's face. Stevie signed I love you to Emmaline and Emmaline signed it back.

Emmaline then was "talking" to her mother with the occasional babble. Stevie wiped her tears away and lifted up Emmaline. She placed Emmaline's feet on her knees so she could stand up. She kissed Emmaline's chubby cheek then brought her close again to chest. She cherished the moment before it time to get ready for Emmaline's birthday party.

Before they knew it, it was time for Emmaline's birthday party. Emmaline was dressed in a cute blue polka dot dress with a blue bow to match.

Only close family and friends were invited and they were ready to celebrate Emmaline's birthday.

Currently Emmaline was being held by Christine. Emmaline loved Christine and got so excited every time she saw her. She standing close by the kitchen counter away from the stove.

Stevie was in the kitchen getting the sides for their food ready. They were having hotdogs for the kids and hamburgers for the grown ups.

She was cutting up some lettuce, tomatoes and such for the hamburgers. Barbara and Stevie's sister in law, Lori were helping because they wanted Stevie to rest. But Stevie told them she wanted to do this for her baby's first birthday.

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