A Decision

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A few days later, Emmaline was taken off of the oxygen and she was breathing really well on her own now.
Stevie and Emmaline were released from the hospital a two days later and were now in Stevie's hotel room.
Karen was there helping her because Lindsey had to go back home.

Stevie cried when he said he was going home to get everything out in the open with Kristen but she didn't want him to leave.

But here she was alone with her daughter.
It was a huge adjustment for Stevie having done what she wanted when she wanted.
Now it was all of what Emmaline wanted.

Stevie felt overwhelmed, especially not being in her own home.
Stevie sobbed in Karen's arms, Karen comforted Stevie and offered to take care of Emmaline, and only waking Stevie for her feedings.
Stevie was more than willing and accepted Karen's help.

Emmaline was now two weeks old, Karen had got everything planned to head back home.
It would be a long drive home but Karen thought it was the best way to travel.
Stevie agreed and also decided to stop by her parents home in Phoenix so they can meet their new granddaughter.
They were in for a huge surprise when they would see Stevie walk in holding Emmaline.

On the morning of the trip home, Karen packed everything into the car that way when Stevie was ready they could leave.

Before leaving, Stevie nursed Emmaline then she placed her in her car seat and off they went.
Karen drove for hours, only stopping so Stevie could nurse the baby or change her diaper and of course for bathroom breaks.

But finally they made it to Phoenix; Karen was exhausted but glad that they had made it.
Stevie's parents already knew she was coming; they were excited to see Stevie, they hadn't seen her since she had left for the Say You Will tour.

Karen pulled into the driveway then helped Stevie out.
Stevie then took Emmaline into her arms covered in her blanket.
Karen grabbed the diaper bag and led the way to the front door.
Stevie took a deep breath then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door opened and Stevie's mother Barbara smiled wide. "Stephanie! I've missed...you."
Barbara stared at the bundle of blankets in Stevie's arms then looked up at Stevie.
"I've missed you too Mom!" Stevie said while hugging her mother with one arm and still holding Emmaline in the other.
"Teedee? What are you holding in your arms?!" Barbara guessed already but wanted to hear it with her own ears.
"Let's go inside and I'll show you...and daddy too." Stevie said feeling nervous once again.

They all went inside and walked to the living room where Stevie's father Jess was sitting.
Jess was about to greet Stevie but was curious about what Stevie was holding.
Barbara sat down next to Jess then they both looked at Stevie.
"Hi daddy. I missed you." Stevie said then came closer to give him a hug, she stood up straight then took off the blanket from the baby's face.
Stevie put the sleeping baby in Barbara's arms and said. "Mom, daddy, meet Emmaline...your granddaughter!" Stevie stepped back and smiled.
Barbara and Jess looked at the baby then looked back at Stevie. They both saw the resemblance; Emmaline looked just like Stevie, except for the curly hair.
The baby began to stir sensing she wasn't in her mother's arms; she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Barbara.
Barbara gasped as she saw the baby's big blue eyes. "Stephanie? She's so precious...but please explain yourself!"

Stevie sighed as she realized, this is how it was going to go from now on until everyone found out that she had a baby.
Stevie began speak about the events of the last show of the tour; about not feeling well, about the pain that persisted through out the day then leading to the trip to the hospital.
"It's turns out that...the pain I was experiencing were contractions." Stevie stopped for a second then continued. "Wow, I can't believe I was in labor through the entire show!" Stevie said with a chuckle, still in shock herself. Barbara and Jess gazed at Stevie with opened mouths.

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