With All My Heart

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Stevie slept for a few hours; Lindsey had gotten up from her bed to stretch and to give Karen a call to let her know that Stevie was going to be just fine. He didn't tell her about the baby figuring that Stevie wouldn't want to tell anyone just yet.

The doctor had been in and out of the room to check on the baby's heartbeat every hour. He would write down everything in Stevie's chart then he would leave the room letting Stevie sleep.

It was seven in the morning when Stevie finally woke up. She pushed the button on the bed so she could sit up a bit. Lindsey was slumped in a hospital chair getting some sleep.

Stevie couldn't help but smile at him; he looked so peaceful. Stevie then listened to the baby's heartbeat. She could tell a difference right away; the heartbeat was much stronger than before. For the moment, she breathed a sigh of relief but she knew she had a long way to go before she could truly be happy.

Stevie carefully placed a hand on her belly making sure not to disturb the fetal monitor. "Mommy loves you. Please be strong in there. I promise that I will take better care of the both us." Stevie said softly.

The door opened and the doctor walked in.
"Hello Ms. Nicks. How are you feeling?" He asked.

Lindsey stirred and woke up; he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He then stood up and walked towards Stevie held her hand. She smiled up at him and gave his hand a squeeze.

"I'm feeling much better." Stevie replied to the doctor.
"Glad to hear it." The doctor said. "Well, I have good news. I've been monitoring your baby's heartbeat and...the medication is working beautifully. In a few hours, I will release you so you can rest at home."
Stevie smiled wide and said. "Thank you so much!"
The doctor smiled but then he became serious. "Ms. Nicks, once I release you, I want you to head straight home and get into bed. I'm placing you on strict bed rest for three weeks. That means no getting up unless its to use the bathroom or shower." He said. "If you get tired of your bedroom, then it's okay to change rooms, but you must sit or lay down. Also, absolutely no stress."
Stevie nodded her head in understanding.

The doctor then prescribed her some prenatal vitamins and said he would have them ready for when she was released. Also, he gave Stevie the ultrasound photos that he took earlier so Stevie and Lindsey could look at them.

When the doctor left, Lindsey sat next to Stevie on her bed and they stared at their tiny baby.
Stevie had happy tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't believe she was pregnant again, especially at her age.

Lindsey kissed the top of her head and smiled down at the photo. "I can't believe we are having a another baby! I'm so happy Stevie."
"I'm happy too." Stevie said as she smiled. Her smile faded then said. "How am I going to take care Emmaline now that I'm on bedrest and can't do much of anything? My baby needs me."
"You can still take care of her." Lindsey said. "You just have to be in bed when you do it. Why don't I stay over for a while and I can help you take care Emma?"
Stevie bit her bottom lip then nodded. "Okay. Thank you."
Lindsey smiled and leaned down to kiss Stevie lips. She kissed him back then he pulled away and he said. "I love you Stephanie."
"I love you too Lindsey." Stevie replied.

Once they settled down again, Stevie managed to get some more sleep and before she knew it, the doctor had come back hours later to release Stevie.

Lindsey drove Stevie home then helped her take a quick shower then helped her into bed.

Karen walked through the bedroom door and said. "I'm so glad your okay Stevie." She walked over to Stevie and gave her hug. "What did the doctor say?"
"Thank you Karen." Stevie said. "How's Emma?" Stevie asked avoiding the question.
"She was restless all night and hardly got any sleep. She kept asking for you." Karen said. "She just fell asleep not too long ago."
"Awe my poor baby girl." Stevie said as she pouted her lips. "Thank you so much for taking care of her. Go get some rest Karen."
"It's no problem Stevie. You know I love my little niece." Karen said as she got up and walked to the door with a yawn.

Karen stopped before leaving the room and said. "Hey! You never answered my question. What did the doctor say? Was it something serious? Is that why you don't want to tell me?"
Stevie smiled and said. "Karen calm down okay. I'm fine. I just...well..."

Karen walked back over to Stevie and sat down on her bed. Stevie turned to Lindsey and said. "Let's show Karen the photo."
Lindsey nodded and reached into his pocket then handing it to Karen.
Karen took it and looked down at it then gasped. "Oh my goodness! You're pregnant!?"
Stevie nodded. "Yes. I'm seven weeks."
"Awe Stevie! Congratulations!" Karen said as she hugged Stevie again. "But...the pain you were in?"
Stevie looked down and said. "I almost miscarried. When they found out I was pregnant, the doctor performed an ultrasound and...the baby's heartbeat was so slow and not strong at all. But the doctor gave me a medication that helped the baby's heart get stronger and I'm okay and so is the baby. But I'm now stuck on bed rest for three weeks."
Karen squeezed Stevie's hand and said. "Everything will be okay Stevie. I will help out with Emmaline more and you don't have to worry about anything else."
"Thank you Karen. I appreciate it." Stevie said with a small smile.

Karen soon left the room so she could get some sleep. Lindsey stayed by Stevie's side and got her whatever she needed. Stevie sat up in bed and wrote in her journal wanting to write down what had happened.

An hour later, Emmaline cries could be heard. Lindsey got out of bed and rushed to get her.

He walked into her nursery and reached for her. She quickly signed mommy with tears rolling down her cheeks. Lindsey quickly changed her diaper then rushed back to Stevie.

As soon as Emmaline saw Stevie, she quickly reached for her mother. Stevie smiled and took her into her arms.

"Hi baby!" Stevie signed to Emmaline.
Emmaline smiled through her tears and wrapped her little arms around Stevie and laid her head on Stevie's chest. "I missed you too." Stevie said as she rubbed Emmaline's back.

Emmaline pulled back and signed milk.
Lindsey knew what she signed; he remembered from before they left to the hospital and said that he would get it. Stevie laid back and laid Emmaline right next to her. Stevie ran her fingers through Emmaline's curls and just held her baby girl close.

Emmaline placed her tiny hand on Stevie cheek then on her throat. Stevie knew what Emmaline was trying to say; she wanted Stevie to sing.

Stevie began to sing and Emmaline's eyes lit up. She may not be able to hear the song but she could feel it.

Lindsey walked back into the room with Emmaline's bottle in his hand. He stopped and stared at the scene in front of him. His heart swelled with happiness. He still couldn't believe that he and Stevie had a child together and now they were expecting their second.

Lindsey wiped the happy tear that had escaped his eye then he walked over and laid on the other side of Emmaline.

Emmaline felt movement on the bed and turned. She signed daddy then reached for the bottle. Lindsey gave it to her then Emmaline held her bottle in one hand while placing the other back on Stevie's throat.

Once Stevie finished singing, Emmaline patted Stevie's cheek in thank you then held her bottle with both hands enjoying her bottle of milk.

Lindsey leaned over and kissed Stevie's lips.
When he pulled away and he said. "I love you with all my heart Steph. There is no one else for me. You are my one true love, you are my soulmate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our children. Stephanie Lynn Nicks...will you marry me?"

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