What Happened To Her?

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The next day, Stevie got Emmaline ready for the day. When she arrived in the kitchen, Barbara was already cooking breakfast.

"Good morning mama." Stevie said as she hugged her mother.
"Good morning Teedee. How are my girls?" Barbara said turning her attention to Emmaline.

Emmaline smiled then rested her head on Stevie's shoulder. She then signed grandma.

"That's right baby girl! That's grandma!" Stevie said excitedly.

Stevie kissed Emmaline's cheek then placed her in her high chair. She gave Emmaline a bottle then went over to help Barbara with breakfast. They spoke for a while then Barbara said. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

When Barbara first saw Stevie at the airport, she immediately saw a difference in Stevie. She saw how much Stevie was glowing. Then she couldn't help but look at Stevie's midsection.

"Um...no. Not that I could think of." Stevie said nervously.
Barbara took the pan off of the flame and turned to Stevie. She turned Stevie towards her and placed her hands on Stevie's shoulders.
"You can tell me Stephanie." Barbara said with a knowing smile.

Stevie looked into her mother's eyes and smiled back. She took a deep breath and said. "Why don't we wait for daddy? He should be hear this too."
Barbara nodded then released Stevie's shoulders then went back to cooking.

Stevie grabbed Emmaline's baby food and began to feed her. Soon, Lindsey and Jess walked downstairs and joined Barbara and Stevie.

Lindsey greeted Barbara then walked over to Stevie and kissed her lips then said. "Good morning."
"Good morning." Stevie said with a smile.
Before Lindsey could stand straight up, Stevie whispered. "I think we should tell mama and daddy before we tell anyone else."
Lindsey smiled then nodded.

They all took a seat and Barbara served everyone. Stevie tried to help but Barbara insisted that Stevie sat seated.

As they ate their breakfast, they all talked about the wedding that would take place in a few days. Emmaline was playing with one of her toys and she was actually baby babbling softly.

When they finished, Stevie grabbed Lindsey's hand and said. "Mama, daddy...Lindsey and I have something to tell you. We were going to announce it at the reception but...I want you both to know now." She stopped for a moment then took a deep breath and said. "I'm...I'm pregnant."

Barbara and Jess stared in shock; they blinked a few times before speaking.

"Oh my goodness! That's wonderful! Did you hear that Jess? Another grandbaby!" Barbara said with a smile. She stood up and hugged Stevie.
Stevie hugged her mother then looked to Jess.
"Daddy?" She asked as he hadn't reacted.
A small smile formed on Jess's face then hugged Stevie. "Congratulations Stephanie." He said.
"Daddy what's wrong?" Stevie asked.
"I'm just worried about you." Jess replied, his voice filled with emotion; after all, his little girl was older now and things could happen.
Stevie felt tears fill her eyes then she said. "Everything is going to be okay. My doctor is keeping a close eye on both the baby and I."

Jess nodded then they all sat back down and continued to speak. Jess was more relaxed now and he was happy with the news.

"How far along are you?" Barbara asked.
"Twelve weeks." Stevie replied.

They spoke for a while longer then they all decided to get ready for the day. Barbara was excited about having a new grandchild so she wanted to buy a few things for the new baby and Emmaline.

Lindsey and Jess stayed home with Emmaline while Stevie and Barbara went out shopping.

The week went by fast and before they knew it it was the day before the wedding. Karen was doing last minute things that needed to get done.

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