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Stevie enjoyed the week with her parents but it was time go back home.
Barbara said they would visit soon with Stevie's brother Chris, who of course was surprised when he met Emmaline, as he had come over to visit his parents and sister.

The first trip to Phoenix was exhausting but this time it was short and not as tiring.

Once Stevie stepped into her L.A. home, she let out a sigh of relief.
Karen unloaded the car and had set up the bassinet in Stevie's bedroom.

Stevie laid Emmaline in her bassinet and decided to call Lindsey then take a shower.
She picked up the phone and dialed Lindsey's cell phone but it went to voicemail after a few rings.
Stevie didn't think anything of it and left a voicemail.
She told Lindsey she was home and if he would like to come over to visit with Emmaline.
She hung up the phone then she went into her bathroom and took a quick shower.

When Stevie was down showering, she checked on Emmaline who was still sleeping, then she went to find Karen to go over what she wanted for the nursery.
Stevie chose the room across from hers to be Emmaline's nursery; for now Emmaline would stay with Stevie in her bedroom sleeping in her bassinet that was placed right by Stevie's bed.

Once they went over everything, Karen went to work on getting everything that was needed for the nursery.

Karen left to a baby furniture store and found the perfect crib. She bought the set it came with to match; the dresser drawers, changing table, and a rocking chair; the furniture store would deliver the next day.

Hours later, Lindsey still hadn't called or had yet to come by; Stevie tried calling again but got the same results, no answer and voicemail.
Once again Stevie still didn't think anything of it; maybe he was just busy today she thought.

The next morning, Karen went to several more baby stores to buy more baby clothes and diapers and baby wipes even a few baby toys.

Stevie was home alone with Emmaline; she just finished nursing and changing the baby's diaper and now the baby lay curled on Stevie's chest sleeping.

Stevie kissed the top of Emmaline's head and sat back on the sofa in the living room.
She closed her eyes and smiled in content.

Just then the doorbell rang.
Stevie opened her eyes then carefully stood up making sure not to wake Emmaline up.

She walked to the door then opened it and was surprised by the person standing in front of her.
"Hi Stevie! Lindsey told me the happy news and I heard the voicemail saying that you were home, so I brought over a gift." She said as she held out a pink teddy bear that had pink balloons tied around it.
"Um...thank you Kristen." Stevie said, an uneasy feeling settled at the pit of her stomach.
"Oh it's no problem Stevie." Kristen said with smile; she stepped inside without being invited in. "Awe isn't she precious." She said looking at Emmaline snuggled on Stevie's chest.

Kristen was boiling on the inside but she kept up her facade of sweetness. "Motherhood looks great on you. Now I don't know if I could have ever been a single mother but it seems like you're doing a good job."
Stevie's brow furrowed. "Yes I'm a single mother but her father will be in her life as well."
Kristen smiled widely. "Oh Stevie, you are sadly mistaken. When Lindsey told me he was the father well I gave him two choices...our children or your daughter, guess which he picked. That's right, he chose the family he already has. You may want to change her last name on her birth certificate, she will never be a Buckingham. She was just a product of an affair, nothing more. Which I'm so disappointed in you Stevie...we were supposed to be friends yet you still slept with my husband."

Stevie tried to hold in her tears but failed; tears rolled down her cheeks, Emmaline began to stir sensing her mother's distress.

Kristen smiled and pulled out an envelope from her purse. "Lindsey told me to give you this letter. I'll put it right here so you can read it later." She said as she put it down on the table that was by the door then turned to walk out. Before leaving she turned around and looked at Stevie straight in the eye with wicked smile on her face. "I hope you and your bastard daughter have a great life. Bye Stevie." Kristen walked out and closed the door behind her.

Stevie's tears continued to fall; she pulled herself together long enough to soothe Emmaline back to sleep then placed her in her bassinet.
Stevie made her way to where the letter was and ripped it open and began to read.

Dear Stevie,

I'm sorry but I cannot be a father to your daughter. I already have a family; I have three beautiful children and wife that I risked losing when sleeping with you. This has woken me up; I look at my family and realize I could have lost them but thank goodness Kristen has forgiven me for my stupidity. From now on, we will not be in each other's life; only having to be in the same room with each other when we have to be professional and work with the band.

Now I beg you to please remove my name from her birth certificate and change her last name to Nicks. I cannot have your daughter connected to me in any way. Just send over whatever documents need my signature I'll sign them.

I wish you and your daughter a wonderful life and hope you can forgive me one day.


Stevie slumped to the floor and sobbed.
She couldn't believe what she just read; it was Lindsey's handwriting but still she couldn't wrap her mind around it.
Her heart broke, not for herself but for her daughter as she realized that Lindsey broke every promise he made at the hospital.

Karen found Stevie two hours later nursing Emmaline still in the living room.
Stevie's eyes were red and puffy.
"Stevie? Are you okay?" Karen asked.
Stevie shook her head then pointed at the letter that was now crumpled on the floor.
Karen picked it up and began to read it; by the end she let out a sigh. She went to sit beside Stevie on the sofa.
Karen gave Stevie a moment; she knew her boss/friend would open up soon.

After a few quiet moments, Stevie finally spoke. "Kristen came by to...drop of a gift." Stevie took a deep breath then told Karen everything that Kristen had said.
Karen gasped at what Kristen had called Emmaline, she was shaking her head.

"Then she gave me the letter and she left." Stevie said. "If this is what he wants then fine, I'll call tomorrow to see how I can change her last name on her birth certificate."

Karen's heart broke for Stevie and for Emmaline.
"Why don't you let me take care of that? All you would have to worry about is signing the papers that need to be signed." Karen offered.
"Thank you Karen, I would really appreciate that." Stevie said as she wiped her tears away. "Emmaline doesn't need him anyway. I'm going to raise her the best way that I can and she won't ever feel that she needs a father. I will be both mother and father to her. Plus, she does have uncles in her life that I know will be there for her."

Emmaline finished nursing; Stevie fixed her bra then pulled her blouse down.
She then gave Emmaline a kiss on her cheek and said. "Right baby girl? We will be fine on our own."

Emmaline gave a little yawn and smiled.
Stevie couldn't help but smile; yes Stevie felt hurt by Lindsey but she knew they would be okay without him.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update this story. I've been struggling to continue it because I've been feeling as if I'm not good enough and my self doubt has taken its toll on me that I just couldn't write. I kept rethinking everything that I had written.

Anyway, I'm back now and I hope to update more often now. Thank you all so much for your patience and a huge thank you to steviesdove for helping me with this chapter! I really appreciate it!

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