No One Is To Blame

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Stevie slept for a few hours after fainting; the past few nights of the lack of sleep had finally caught up to her. Lindsey would alternate by being with Emmaline who was also sleeping then going back to stay with Stevie in her room for a while.

Stevie began to stir; her eyes slowly opened then she took in her surroundings. She shot up once memories of the past few hours came flooding back. She quickly tried to get off of the hospital bed.

"Whoa! Stevie lay back down. You need to get more rest." Lindsey said gently pushing her back to lay back down.
"No! I need to be with Emmaline!" Stevie said as she began to sob. "I need to be with my baby!"
"She's still sleeping right now; I was just in her room a few minutes ago." Lindsey said still trying to calm her down. "Stephanie, please lay back down for a while longer until the doctor says it's okay for you to get up."
Stevie sobbed and slumped into Lindsey's arms. Lindsey held her close and cried with her.

A few minutes later, the doctor came into the room and said. "How are you feeling Ms. Nicks?"
Stevie looked up at the doctor with worried eyes. "I feel better but, I want to be with my daughter. Please can I go to her?"
"Let's check your vitals and make sure you are okay first." The doctor responded. "Then after if everything checks out okay then yes, you can see your daughter."

Stevie nodded; Lindsey got off of the bed to let the doctor check on Stevie.
The doctor did his exam on Stevie then after he was finished he looked at Stevie and said. "Other than a high blood pressure, everything else looks good. I'll let you leave to be with your daughter only if you promise if you feel bad or have any dizziness please, please, let me know." The doctor said.
Stevie nodded. "Yes, I promise."

After that, Lindsey led Stevie back to their daughters room; he held her around her waist just in case.

They walked into the room and Stevie's knees buckled; she couldn't believe the sight in front of her. She saw her baby girl laying on the hospital crib looking so much smaller than what she was. Emmaline was hooked up to all sort of machines; she was still sleeping.

Lindsey held Stevie as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Stevie turned to face the doctor and said. "How could this happen? I took her to her pediatrician, he gave me medication for her! I followed everything he told me to do! I never missed a dose! How is it that my baby is here in the hospital with an ear infection that could possibly make her lose her hearing?!" Stevie stopped to catch her breath then she was a bit calmer now having used up her energy. She took a deep breath and said softly. "What did I do wrong? Did I cause this? Am I a bad mother?"

"Ms. Nicks, no, you are not a bad mother. You followed everything that needed to be done." The doctor said. "You did everything right. It's just that this infection was just too strong for her tiny body to handle. No one is to blame. Now, come sit down and rest."

Lindsey helped Stevie sit down next Emmaline's bed. The doctor excused himself and left Lindsey and Stevie alone with their daughter.

Stevie scooted the chair closer to Emmaline's hospital bed and reached out to hold her tiny hand. Stevie's tears didn't slow down, they just kept rolling down her cheeks. She stared at her baby girl who was sound asleep. Stevie had never felt so scared before in her life; this type of fear went above anything else Stevie could think of.

Her baby girl was severely sick and laying in a hospital bed. Her heart broke and even though the doctor had said it wasn't her fault, she felt as if it was.

Lindsey gave her some space for now and went to sit on the other side of Emmaline's bed. He took her other tiny hand in his and held on.
Both parents sat quietly just staring at their baby girl as she slept. After a few minutes, Stevie's tears slowed down. She wiped them away and just waited for her daughter to wake up.

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