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Lindsey talked to Emmaline for a few minutes then began to sing to her. Her eyes fluttered closed until finally she fell asleep.
Lindsey walked up the stairs to the nursery and placed Emmaline in her crib.

He turned on the baby monitor that was beside the baby's crib then took the other one with him as he left the room.

He walked to Stevie's bedroom; he knocked on her door but got no answer.
Lindsey tried once again so when he recieved no answer he opened it and saw Stevie lying on the floor.
"Stephanie!" He said his voice full of panic.
He got down on the floor and gently brought Stevie up close to him. He gently tapped her cheeks to try to wake her up. "Stevie! Wake up Angel."

Stevie moved her head from side to side, she tried to open her eyes but they felt so heavy.
She began to groan.
"Come on Steph, open your eyes." Lindsey said.
Stevie's eyes slowly opened; her eyes fluttered and finally her eyes stayed opened then she took in her surroundings.
Her eyes rested on Lindsey; she sat up a little then wrapped her arms around Lindsey's neck and began to sob.

Lindsey didn't say anything; he just wrapped his arms around her and held her close as he let her cry.

After Stevie calmed down, she told Lindsey everything that had happened from the moment she opened the door to find Kristen to when Kristen handed Emmaline over to her.

Lindsey listened intently; anger rose inside him, not believing Kristen would go as far as to hurt a child.

"I was trying to keep calm and I was talking to Kristen to to try to calm her down." Stevie explained. "After everything that happened, it finally hit me. I came to room to have a moment but...I was more distraught than I thought. I had a panic attack and well...I don't remember much else." She sniffles. "I thought I was going to lose her Linds. That was the most terrifying moment of my life! I never want to feel that way ever again!"

Stevie was sobbing again; Lindsey held her close once more and said. "Shhhh...Steph. It's okay. Emmaline is safe and is now in her crib sleeping."
"Help me up! I have to be close to her!" Stevie said trying to stand.
"Whoa Stephanie." Lindsey said helping Stevie to her feet. "Calm down first before you go to into Emma's room. You'll scare her if you go in in this state."

Stevie nodded her head; she took deep breaths in and out still holding onto Lindsey's arms.
Once Stevie got a better hold of herself, she let go of Lindsey then proceeded to walk out of her bedroom and walked to the nursery.

Stevie walked to Emmaline's crib; she smiled down at her sleeping baby girl.
She then lifted Emmaline from the crib and held her close, the baby's head on her chest.

Emmaline stirred for a moment then settled back to sleep once she was in her mother's arms, feeling Stevie's heartbeat underneath her.

Stevie walked over to the rocking chair and gently sat down.
Lindsey stood by smiling at Stevie holding their daughter; it was the most beautiful sight. He felt like the most luckiest man on earth. He didn't think he would ever be a father again.
Stevie wiped her tears away and looked over at Lindsey, a smile spreading across her face.

Lindsey walked over to Stevie; he couldn't help it, he felt the need to kiss her.
Stevie was surprised as Lindsey's lips met hers but soon she returned his kiss.

"I love you Stephanie." Lindsey said looking into her eyes.
"I love you too Lindsey." Stevie responded.

Stevie and Lindsey weren't sure what their future would hold for them but for now, they would concentrate on raising their daughter together. What ever happens later, they would just sit back and let whatever happens happen.

Sorry for the short update! I hope you all are still enjoying this story.
I know this chapter want that great.

Working on the next chapter and will post soon!

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