Let Me Explain

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Mick was about to step out of the car when he saw Christine standing in the doorway.
He hung back a bit and decided to stay inside his car until the wrath of Christine had passed. One thing he knew for certain was, he was happy he wasn't Lindsey right now.

Lindsey groaned internally; he turned around to face Christine.
"Christine, please stay out of it." Lindsey said bravely.
Christine raised an eye brow. "Excuse me?"
Lindsey sighed. "I'm sorry. Listen Chris, I really need to speak to Stevie. I need to explain what has been going on."
"What is there to explain? You were perfectly clear in your letter that you do not want anything to do with Stevie's daughter." Christine said with arms crossed; she wasn't going to let Lindsey speak just yet. She wanted to unload exactly what she wanted to say to him. "I'm so disappointed in you Lindsey. How could you abandon your own child!? Now, I'm not going to go into what you and Stevie did, that doesn't matter right now. I get it, you are a married man with a family but you need to grow a pair and take responsibility for your own actions! You need to be there Emmaline, she hasn't done anything wrong. She deserves to have her father in her life! Stevie has been crying her eyes out, her is broken for her daughter. Thank goodness Emmaline will not remember this."

Lindsey stood there and took it all in; tears slowly made their way down his cheeks.
He waited for her to finish so he could finally tell her what he had done to make sure he would be there Emmaline.

Christine stopped as she saw Lindsey's tears.
"Christine...please let me see Stevie? I need to tell her that I am going to be in my daughter's life. I didn't mean any of what I wrote in that letter! I promise you that today I did grow a pair." Lindsey said. "Please?"

Christine wavered; she uncrossed her arms then sighed. She looked over at the car and motioned for Mick to get down. "Alright, both of you come on in. I'll go tell her you're here."

Mick and Lindsey walked into the house and waited in the living room for Christine and hopefully Stevie to return.

Christine walked upstairs and into the nursery.
Stevie was still sitting on the rocking chair and was singing softly to Emmaline.
"Stevie?" Christine said quietly.
Stevie stopped and looked at Christine with a smile. "Who was at the door Chris?"
Christine wasn't sure this was a good idea, maybe she should have turned Lindsey away. "Stevie, its Lindsey. He says he needs to talk to you." Christine said hesitantly.
Stevie's smile faded as once again tears threatened to fall.
She turned back to her baby girl. "Tell him to go away. Tell him he's going to get his wish. Soon he won't have anything...to...to do with my daughter." Stevie said as she sobbed.

Christine walked over and bent down in front of Stevie. "No, Stevie, I'm not going to do that. I know you are hurting but you and Lindsey need to sit down and talk this through. This isn't about the two of you anymore; it's about Emmaline."
Steven sighed then nodded. "You're right Christine." Stevie stood up.
"Well of course I'm right!" Christine said with sly smile.
Stevie couldn't help but chuckle then she said. "Do you mind watching Emma while I talk to Lindsey?"
"Of course I don't mind! Hand over my niece. We are going to have some fun." Christine said taking Emmaline into her arms. "Now go and talk to Lindsey. Oh and send Mick up here to spend time with his niece."

Stevie made her way downstairs and walked into the living room.
"Mick?" She said looking at him. "Why don't go up and visit with Emmaline for a while. You haven't seen her since she was born."
Mick nodded and walked up to her; he gave her hug and a kiss on her cheek. He walked upstairs and found the nursery.

Stevie looked at Lindsey as she hugged herself.
Lindsey took in her appearance. He couldn't help but be taken by her beauty. Even though her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she still looked beautiful.

Before speaking, Stevie made sure her voice was even. She wanted to appear strong in front of Lindsey.
"Karen is getting the necessary paperwork in order. As soon as she does she will them to you. After that you can sign them...it'll be over and you won't have to be connected to my daughter anymore." Stevie said her voice wavering by the end.
Lindsey wiped his tears away that had begun to roll down his cheeks once again. "No! Stevie please. Let me explain everything."
"I wasn't going to talk to you. But Christine made me realize...it's not about you and me anymore. It's about Emma." Stevie said as she lost the battle of trying to keep her tears at bay.

Lindsey stepped closer and tried to hug her but she held her hands up in front of her. "No! Don't you dare come near me."
"Stephanie...please!" Lindsey as he sunk down to his knees. "I love you Stevie! I love Emmaline! I came to tell you that...I'm divorcing Kristen!"
Stevie stood there shocked waiting for Lindsey to go on.
"She threatened me that she would take away my children if I chose Emmaline. I begged her to not make me choose! I love all my children equally. But in the end I had to go along with she said. She stood and watched while I wrote that damn letter. Kristen was cold hearted as she didn't care about the tears I shed." Lindsey wanted to tell her everything before she had a chance to stop him. "It broke my heart knowing I was going to hurt you and Emmaline. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do!"

Stevie sobbed as she listened, she felt faint so she sat down on the sofa.
Lindsey took the chance and rushed to her side. He sat down next to her and continued. "She said she would take her case to the judge and use our affair as evidence to take the kids away from me. I wouldn't even get visitations. What she didn't know was...I had evidence of my own."
Stevie looked up at him and asked. "What do you mean?"

Lindsey took Stevie's hands in his and held them. He told her about the affair Kristen had two years ago and about the photos that the private investigator had taken.
He told her about how he had just come back from seeing his lawyer and about what the next steps were.
"I'm going to move into a condo. That way I have a place of my own when I have my kids for my scheduled visits."
Stevie sat quietly taking everything in; her tears slowed and now she was sniffling.
"Stevie...please forgive me. I'm never going to leave your side again. Especially Emmaline. I'm going to be there for her until my very last breath!" Lindsey said.

Stevie lunched herself into Lindsey's arms.
"I forgive you! But Lindsey please promise me you mean it. Promise you will be there for Emmaline. I don't care about myself, you don't have to be here for me. Just be there for our daughter."
Lindsey pulled her back then looked right into her eyes. "I promise I will there for our daughter."
Stevie smiled as she wiped her eyes. "Would you like to come upstairs and see Emmaline?"
"Of course!" Lindsey said excitedly.

Stevie stood up and grabbed Lindsey's hand as she led him upstairs so he could spend time with their daughter.

I hope you all liked this chapter. I hope it wasn't too boring.

Thank you DesertStorms for the help with this chapter. I hope I got it right!😄

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