Thank You

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As they walked closer to the nursery, Stevie and Lindsey could hear Emmaline becoming fussy.

"I don't think she likes me." Mick's voice could be heard saying as he handed Emmaline back to Christine.
Christine chuckled as she held Emmaline. But then she handed her back to Mick. "Oh dear, it seems like Emma has a surprise for her Uncle Mick!"
Mick stared wide eyed. "I'm not changing her!" He shrieked as that had caused Emmaline to cry now.
"But you already have her in your arms better change her before she becomes more upset. Remember, she has Buckingham Nicks genes in her." Christine said as she was enjoying watching Mick squirm. "I wouldn't want to be around this kid's tantrums."

Just then Emmaline let out a ear splitting cry.
"Jesus!" Mick said wincing.
Christine put her hands over her ears. "See I told you!" She said over the baby's cry; she was also laughing.

Stevie and Lindsey had been listening outside the door having a laugh at their exchange.
Stevie then opened the door. "Oh my goodness. Mick, what are you doing to my baby?" Stevie asked pretending to be upset.
"Nothing! She needs a diaper change and I wasn't quick enough." Mick said in a panic.

Emmaline calmed down a bit as she heard her mother's voice.
"Come here sweet girl." Stevie said as she took Emmaline from Mick whom looked relieved.
"Mommy has you, its okay." Stevie baby talked to her baby girl.

Lindsey stepped up with tears in his eyes. "Let me change her Steph. I want to spend time with her."
Stevie smiled a little and nodded her head.
Lindsey took Emmaline into his arms.

"Come on Mick. I'll make us a pot of tea." Christine said.
Mick nodded. "Lead the way!"
They left the room leaving Stevie and Lindsey on their own with Emmaline.

Lindsey finished changing the baby and now carried her in his arms.
"Wow, she's grown so much. I can't believe it's been four weeks since she made her surprise appearance."
Stevie stepped up beside him and looked at her daughter who was trying to figure out who was now carrying her.
Stevie smiled down at her. "Yes, she has. She was this tiny little thing and now..." Stevie stopped as she wiped her tears away that had formed. "Watching her change day by day is the most rewarding thing."

Lindsey smiled down at Emmaline and held her tiny hand in his. "Hey baby girl, daddy's here. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while. That's going to change though; I'm going to be here as much as I can. I would be here everyday but...I know that would drive your mommy crazy." Lindsey said with a chuckle.
Stevie couldn't help but chuckle too. "Well, I'm sure we will figure something out."

Emmaline finally relaxed in Lindsey's arms and began to drift off to sleep.
Her eyes fluttered closed and was asleep in seconds.

Lindsey and Stevie stayed quiet for a moment just admiring their daughter as she slept.
Lindsey then placed Emmaline in her crib and turned to Stevie.

"I have to get going; I have to make it appear as everything is fine between me and Kristen. She'll get served with the divorce papers tomorrow. After that then I'll start moving my things out of the house" Lindsey said. "If it's okay, can I come back tomorrow night? Maybe I can bring dinner?"

"That sounds good." Stevie said.
"Great. I'll see you tomorrow Stevie." Lindsey said as he led the way downstairs.
Before leaving, he turned back to Stevie and said. "Thank you Steph, for giving me a chance to tell you the truth. Thank you for letting me see Emmaline."
Stevie smiled and said. "You're welcome Linds. I'm glad I listened. Wow...we've grown up!"
They both laughed then gave each other a hug.
They said there goodbyes and Lindsey was on his way home.

Lindsey didn't want to go home, he wanted to stay with Stevie and Emmaline.
But he knew he had go home to Kristen and play the loving husband part one more time.

By tomorrow morning, Kristen would be in for shock.

Here's a quick update!
Sorry it was so short.

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