She's a Buckingham

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The next morning, Stevie woke up and for a moment forgot last nights events; until she took in her surroundings then groaned as she still felt sore.

She slowly turned around and saw Lindsey fast asleep hunched over on a chair that was next to her hospital bed.
Stevie watched him and smiled a little; she was grateful that he had stayed with her through the night.

Just then Lindsey stirred and opened his eyes.
He smiled as he saw Stevie awake.
He stood up and stretched then sat on her bed.
"Hey Steph."

For some reason, Stevie felt awkward in front of him; Stevie stayed quiet for a moment looking down and taking his hand in hers. "Did...last night really happen? I...had a baby?"
Lindsey let out a sigh then chuckled. "You did...I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it."
Stevie chuckled a little then said. "Imagine how I feel! I guess it won't seem real to me until I see...her." Then her face became serious. "I hope...she's okay." Her eyes filled with tears as fear overwhelmed her.
Lindsey was about to say something to comfort her but then there was a knock on the door.

The door then opened and Dr. Turner walked into the room.
Lindsey stood up and stood by Stevie still holding her hand.

"How are you feeling Ms. Nicks?" He asked.
"Sore...and still in shock to be honest." Stevie said then paused for a second, then she continued. "Dr. Turner? How did this happen? I mean...I didn't know I was pregnant. I had no morning sickness. I felt no movement, I had no pregnant belly...I don't understand."
"It does happen Ms. Nicks, as it obviously happened to you." He said with a smile. "It does happen more often than you think."
"Is she okay?!" Stevie asked as everything was becoming clearer. "The baby was having trouble breathing. Please tell me she's okay?"
"Yes, she did have a bit of trouble in the beginning and was taken to the NICU. There was still fluid in her lungs but thanks to our team of doctors, she is doing a whole lot better today. Her lungs are clear now but we put a nasal cannula on her to give her extra oxygen, she may need to use it for a couple of days. Of course this is just a precaution. Oh, she weighs 5 pounds and 8 ounces, she is a bit tiny but apart from being on the nasal cannula she's perfect."
Stevie wiped her tears that had fell down her cheeks as she heard Dr. Turner tell her about her child's health scare. "Can I baby?" She asked still feeling uncertain.
Dr. Turner nodded with a smile. "Of course, I'll send a nurse with a wheelchair so she can take you to see your baby."

Dr. Turner left to find a nurse and Stevie held onto Lindsey's hand even tighter.

As Stevie was being wheeled to the nursery, Stevie asked Lindsey. "Where's Karen?"
"I sent her to the hotel to sleep. She should be here soon. I told her what room you were in. Also, Mick and John are coming too." Lindsey said walking by her wheelchair.
"Do they know? About...the baby?" Stevie asked; for some reason it was hard for her to say baby.
"No, only Karen knows." Lindsey replied.
Stevie nodded and sighed.

Before entering the nursery, Stevie and Lindsey washed their hands then the nurse gave Lindsey a hospital gown to go over his clothes.
After, they made there way to where a baby girl was laying and the name Nicks was written on the name tag.

"We moved her here out of the NICU. She's doing great but of course we need to keep the nasal cannula on for a while." The nurse explained.

Stevie stared at the baby in front of her, tears sprang in her eyes.
"It's almost time for her feeding. Would you want to try to nurse her?" The nurse asked Stevie.
Stevie nodded her head and whispered. "Yes."
The nurse smiled and helped Stevie out of the wheelchair and into a rocking chair close by.
The nurse then picked the baby and placed her in Stevie's arms.

"Hi baby girl. It's...mommy." Stevie said.
The baby girl opened her eyes and looked at Stevie as she recognized her mother's voice.
"Oh my...Linds. Look at her eyes." Stevie said looking at him.
Lindsey leaned down and saw his blue eyes staring at Stevie.
"She has my eyes and my curls." Lindsey said with a smile; he gently touched the baby's light brown hair then looked at Stevie. "But she looks just like you Steph. She's beautiful."

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