We Will Be Fine

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The next day, Emmaline was released from the hospital. Emmaline clung to Stevie and didn't want to be put down. She felt afraid whenever she was put down and she couldn't hear the world around her.

She cried when Stevie buckled her in her car seat and Stevie had to sit next to her in the back seat. Emmaline held onto Stevie's hand making sure her mother was next to her.

Lindsey drove them home and helped get Emmaline out. For the moment, she was content in being in her father's arms and he carried her inside as Stevie followed behind.
She was had so much fear; she didn't know how this would work. How would she communicate with her daughter?

As soon as they walked through the door, Emmaline reached for Stevie. Stevie immediately took her in her arms and walked into the living room to sit down. Stevie rocked Emmaline as she laid her little head on her mother's chest.

Karen walked in and said worriedly. "You're back! How's Emmaline? What did the doctor say?"

Stevie looked down and so did Lindsey.
Karen kneeled down in front of Emmaline and said. "Hey there baby girl. Are you feeling better?"
Emmaline didn't respond of course and Karen said. "Are we being shy Miss Emma?"

Stevie's tears rolled down her cheeks and Karen looked up at Stevie and took notice of her tears. "Stevie? What's going on?"

Stevie didn't answer, she was too overcome with emotion. Karen then looked at Lindsey. "Lindsey?" She said softly.

Lindsey looked at Karen then sighed. "Emmaline had an infection in her ears. The infection was too much for her body to handle." He said. Tears formed in his eyes; he took a deep breath and said. "Emmaline has lost her hearing due to the infection. The doctor is not sure if Emmaline will be able to hear again."

Karen gasped as she turned back to look at Stevie, who by now was sobbing. Emmaline felt Stevie shake with her sobs and she looked up at Stevie with so much sadness on her tiny face. She then buried her face in Stevie's chest once again and stayed there.

In that moment, it felt as if a dark cloud was hanging over the house. No one spoke to each other. They all were lost in their own thoughts. Karen excused herself and decided to do some research. She was going to find a way to help Stevie and Lindsey communicate with Emmaline. So she set to work on finding everything there was about the deaf community and what resources there was out there.

After a while, Stevie stood up with Emmaline still in her arms and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She was exhausted and decided to take a nap with Emmaline.

Lindsey followed after her and climbed in bed with her. Stevie laid down and pulled her blouse down to nurse Emmaline. Emmaline latched on and looked right up at her mother. Soon, Emmaline's eyes began to droop as she ate and had drifted off to sleep.

Stevie pulled her blouse up then sunk down in bed. She looked up Lindsey and said. "You should go home Linds. We will be fine."
Lindsey shook his head. "No. I want to stay with you and Emmaline."

Stevie was grateful that Lindsey wanted to stay. Lindsey leaned over and kissed Stevie's lips. He then pulled away and said. "Let's get some rest."

Lindsey carefully pulled Emmaline and Stevie closer to him. He held them in his arms and felt content holding the loves of his life.
As they drifted off to sleep, for the moment they didn't worry about what tomorrow would bring.

Two weeks had passed and Emmaline was not the same baby as before; she was reserved and scared whenever she couldn't see Stevie, Lindsey to Karen, she would cry. She hated not to be able to see them.

Now with no hearing, any room she was in was huge and very scary without being able to hear around her.

Stevie and Lindsey took Emmaline to the doctor for her check up and the results were the same; Emmaline's hearing hadn't improve.

After the appointment, Lindsey needed some fresh air, so he left Stevie's house after dropping them off and he took off for a drive.

Stevie sobbed when he didn't even say a word; he just took off once she took Emmaline out of the car and closed the door.

Stevie hugged Emmaline closer to her and hung her head as she walked to her front door. She walked into her home and walked straight to her bedroom. She laid in bed with Emmaline and Stevie thought a lot about what her options were.

Karen had come to her with different options to help Emmaline. Stevie didn't want to explore those options just yet but after the appointment, Stevie felt differently.

Stevie reached over to use the house phone. She had given Karen the day off since Lindsey would be with her but since he left she called Karen to please come over.

Karen arrived thirty minutes later. She walked to Stevie's bedroom and she found Stevie singing to Emmaline.

Emmaline had her hand on Stevie's throat, that was the only way she knew Stevie was either talking or singing.

"Stevie?" Karen said softly as she peeked in the bedroom.
Stevie stopped singing and looked up. Emmaline noticed Stevie stopped then she followed Stevie's stare. She spotted Karen and got excited. Karen smiled then entered the room.

Karen sat on the bed next to Stevie and Emmaline crawled from Stevie to Karen. Karen took her in her arms and rocked her.

Soon, Karen told Stevie everything that she had found out about what she had found. Stevie told Karen to make some phone calls. Karen kissed Emmaline's cheek then placed her back in Stevie's arms then she was on her way to make those calls.

Stevie laid back down with Emmaline sitting up against her. She gently ran her fingers through her curls. Emmaline turned to look at Stevie and she smiled. Stevie couldn't help but smile back and said. "I love you."

Even though Emmaline couldn't hear her words, she felt them. She laid her head on Stevie's chest and tapped her gently with her tiny hand.

Stevie kissed the top her baby girl's head then sighed. She thought to herself that yes, it was going to be a challenge. But she was determined to make her daughter's life easier in a hearing world. Karen was on the phone now with a few professionals that help parents with deaf children. Soon, Emmaline would be start learning sign language and other useful tips to help her communicate with everyone around her.

Stevie smiled at Emmaline and she felt optimistic about her baby girls future.

Sorry it's taken me a long while to update this story. I was stuck on it for a while but now I know where I'm going to take it.

Also, sorry for the mistakes. I will be editing later.

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