Chapter 1

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I watched my father stride back and forth in his chambers, stroking his grey beard thinking way to hard about his newest scheme. Watching my father pace back and forth I began to fold his bed into place so it would be ready when he went to bed. My mind was busy with everything that was to be in order if this was approved by my Uncle.

"I'm just not sure if I'll be able to get your Uncle to agree with such a proposition." He said sighing resting his forehead in his hand. I knew his mind was overflowing at the moment and I pulled my mother's old vanity chair out and slighting pushing him into it. In one swift motion he fell back leaning into the comfort of the chair. His old grey eyes looked into mine and a soft smile appeared on his face. I knew my Uncle would have a hard time saying yes or no to this because it was their duty to protect and serve their Kingdoms and keep them safe as possible.

"One day, when your're Queen you wont have to deal with this hopefully. I want this straightened out before you're queen and the God's above know that it won't be long now. Twenty-one years of age and your turning out just like your mother." He said happily. He sighed twisting his wedding band around his finger. I frowned at the action knowing if mom were here he would be calmed by her voice and presence.

"What if I travel the mountain pass with the Guards. You know he has a hard time saying no to me." I offer and his eyes seem to ponder on it. My dads brother, King Rory was king on the other side of the mountain where the Desert and Swamp Biomes were most prominent. The mountain was thick in snow and expanded in length that no eye could see the end. My grandfather had almost split the world in two when he was in rein, knowing from experience that the land was to hard to control with just one person in rule. When my grandfather had passed long before me he set his two children up for rule on each side of the mountain. My dad's brother had spoiled me as a child, I spent a lot of my summers over there studying as a child. He had no children and seen me as his own most of the time.

"I don't think you traveling all that way will be necessary. I think you should write out a letter signing it and I'll send it with the guards and they'll go. If it's a letter directly from you he won't deny it." My father says his eyes practically sparkling at the idea. Co-existing and playing King with two Kings was difficult when there was no faster way of commuting.

"I can do that." I say as he stands and I move the chair back to the vanity slightly pushing it in.

"You can head to the library and you can write the letter. I'll send George and Dream out to get it once I get to the throne room." My father fixed the black and white cape that was draped over his shoulders and straightened the crown inscrested with diamond and obsidian till it was straight on his hair.

He looked down at me with a prideful eye and smiled at me. "Have a good day and don't get caught up in those books for to long I know how you are." He said smiling and I nodded as we walked out of his room and he started for the throne room.

I took a left going toward the stairs that led toward the library. The castle was usually filled with chatter and maids bustling down the halls but today it was quiet and it had a eerie feel to it. Once I reached the top of the stairs I spotted Tommy and Tubbo sitting at the book cart. It was odd to say the least to see the two boys sitting up here being quiet the sight made me furrowed my eyebrows. Normally the two were cleaning up the weapons room and having play sword fights. They weren't to old around nine.

They were Phil's sons one of my dads childhood friends but you could tell the boys were adopted but they were adorable. Tubbo was halfling, part ram and he had little horns budding out now and floppy little ears that hung about four inches. Tommy was a little reckless anywhere he went and always was carrying some kind of food in his hand. Both were very sweet and helpful. They had been left with me many times since they were babies when Phil would go out and gather things from the far away Ocean.

They looked up at me and smiled running toward me. Tommy and Tubbo wrapped there arms around me with big smiles. "Hey Marlow, we've been waiting to see you today. We were wondering if you'd take us to the poppy fields so we could see the animals." Tubbo said grinning and I ruffled his hair a huge smile on my face.

"I can but I need to write a letter first, can you guys get me some parchment and a quill?" I ask and Tommy grins. "Race you Tubbo." He yells and both of them take off across the library picking up parchment, with ink and a quill.

I sat down at the small round table set in the middle of the room and Tubbo was the first back to me with ink and a quill. "I win." Tubbo said triumphantly and Tommy frowned a scowl on his face as he sat the parchment down.

I pulled the cork out of the bottle and dipped the quill in there and began writing on the parchment.

Dear King Rory,

I write to you for permission to bring Atticus of the Nether into the Kingdom of Fillisus. We would like to mend bad blood of the past for when new reign comes to this Kingdom. We wish not for war to break out when new rule comes. Please do write back as soon as possible.

Our Dearest regards,

Princess Marlow.

I folded the paper and looked at the top of the table seeing the already melting wax. Tommy and Tubbo must have started it. I picked it up and poured the wax over the lip of the paper and pressed our Kingdoms crest into the wax creating a new seal. As if they knew I was finished the three Royal guards peaked their heads over the stairs talking to one another.

Once they were in front of my table I stood with the letter in hand smiling at the three men.

"Marlow." Dream greeted and I smiled at them. "Take this letter to King Rory, do not leave unless you have his response please. Tell him it is need of urgent response." I hand the letter to George and he slides it in his carrying pouch, his eyes meeting mine for only a second. I knew this Journey would only take a day there and back meaning they would be back late tomorrow afternoon if the snow on the pass wasn't steep.

"Anything else?" Sapnap asks adjusting his chest plate and I shake my head. "No that should be it, did you happen to see Tommy and Tubbo though?" I ask swiveling my head to look around the library and they weren't here.

"I believe they're out in the Gardens." George says and I nod.

"Thank you, have a safe journey you three." I say looking at them and they nod as they start their descent down the stairs and I start putting up my materials. I was practically raised with those three George was the oldest then Dream and the youngest was Sapnap. All three of them were raised by castle grounds and trained by their fathers who were the Royal guards before them.

I walked down the stairs and out the door to the right. Once I opened the door I was met with a beautiful spring day and the two boys were play fighting with wooden swords. They battled back and forth for a moment laughing before Tommy took notice of me dropping his sword down instantly.

"Marlow!" He said and Tubbo instantly turned around both of them dropping the play fighting act.

I smoothed out one of my everyday dresses and smiled at them. "You two ready to go? Or should we pack a lunch first?" I asked knowing they hadn't eat nor had I.

"Let's pack a lunch." Tubbo said happily and the three of us started our journey back inside. The boy walked besides me all the way to the kitchen and I took on of the baskets off the shelf and a white cloth. I handed the basket to Tommy.

"Grab three sandwiches and any other snacks you guys want." I say and their eyes light up as they pick out strawberries and other fruits that were laying on the kitchen table.

To say I adored these boys would be a understatement.

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