Chapter 15

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Techno and I were setting in the garden behind the house and I looked at the fish swimming in the pond to let my mind ease myself. We hadn't been setting out to long and there was no move to talk to one another after he apologized.

"This is a fucking mess." Techno grumbled under his breath and I turned to him sharply. I never heard him use that kind of language and it threw me off. I raised my eyebrows and he turned to me, his red eyes boring into mine.

"Agreed." I sigh thinking about everything that's happened in the last few weeks. One week had turned to three and it seemed to be going by faster and faster. I kicked my feet through the small stream in front of me sighing. It went from agreeing one week couldn't fix it too someone trying to kill the King of the Nether.

"You know this mask is getting hot." Techno said and I turned to look at him. It felt like he was hinting around at taking it off but it's almost like he wanted validation. I shrugged to myself, I had gotten used to him wearing the mask and there had been times were I could've peaked but never did because it was not longer pulling my attention.

"Then take it off?" I say questioningly and he at me and sighed resting his elbows on his legs. He reached up slowly pulling the mask away. My eyes wandered the left side of his face that I could see. My eyes drifted to his nose, it was sloped like a pig but it was more human than anything it was actually really cute. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as I looked over the rest of his face and he turned to me.

"Are you done staring or?" He asked and I went speechless as he was fully facing me now His skin was light pink and I knew that but now that I could see his face it was hard to fully take in everything. He was handsome and most likely the most handsome person I had laid eyes on. He raised his eyebrow his mouth slightly ajar.

"I uh, your-" I was still trying to take in his sharp features that I couldn't see before.

"Ugly?" He asked trying to fill in the blank I left open and I shook my head no. "Handsome." I finish and he lets out a laugh his head tilting back. I watch in awe now able to see his whole face and fully see his smile and fangs.

"You're joking right." He mused looking back over at me and I shake my head no again the blush still spread across my cheeks. "Well thanks." He said a smile overtaking his face as he looks back out towards the pond.

"Do you think your Uncle really tried to kill Atticus?" Technoblade asked and I nod my head yet again. "Yeah, I do. I had a really bad feeling as they were leaving. Usually I keep my mouth shut about things but I didn't' feel comfortable not saying anything." I say kicking the water in front of me watching the birds play in the quartz bird bath.

"Why keep your mouth shut?" Techno asked leaning back against the brick wall behind us.

"I'm a lady, people don't take kindly to when we open our mouth and speak our mind." I say quietly standing up and lifting my dress so I could walk through the stream and try and not keep my mind on his face longer than I should.

"But you're going to be a Queen?" He said standing up besides walking with me besides the stream. I left out a quiet laugh thinking to myself.

"Yeah and what happens when I have to get married to have kids and stuff? He becomes King and everything I worked for gets destroyed and his ideas build the Kingdom up." I say sighing knowing it would happen once I got married. There wasn't even any good suiters around for me to get married too or so I thought at the time.

"Well I suppose if you marry the wrong guy? I mean there are some men out there that like women that speak their mind." He said kicking a rock into the stream and I let out a snort of disapproval.

"I'm glad you know a guy like that." I say stepping out of the stream since it flowed through the chains under the wall surrounding the gardens. I looked over to Techno who was holding his mask in his hand and all he did was sigh making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Well we should be off here in a bit, Ranboo will need his pajamas." I say as we both head towards the doors of the castle.


I was sitting with Niki and Technoblade at the dinner table laughing and talking when I felt myself shift. It wasn't a big shift but it was a unsettling shift. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. I pushed myself out of my seat and took off down the hall with Techno and Niki yelling for me. I pushed past the double doors and ran up the flight of stairs to the second story of the castle.

I knocked on Atticus's door and then I heard it. There was an explosion downstairs shaking the castle. "Atticus!" I yell banging on the door and he opens it frantically with his sword in hand. He's looking around for the sign of distress.

I can hear the screaming and yelling downstairs and he looks at me in the eyes fear raking through my body.

"You need to get somewhere safe." He says and I shake my head at him, I knew they were after him and I knew he needed to be protected just as much as me. "They're not after me, they're after you." I say and he's having conflictions but they were cut short when I felt a arrow wizz by my head landing in the wall next to both our heads.

"Shit." I curse as Atticus drags me down the hall even farther. I knew guards would be fighting downstairs but that's where Niki and Techno were. Suddenly I felt my chest tighten even more, I was glad I took Ranboo to Phils.

"Take the next left there's another set of stairs that'll lead to the back of the throne room." I say and he swerves left. His hand still on my forearm bringing me with him. I hoped Techno and Nick were okay, I hoped everyone was but I knew that wouldn't be the case.

We peaked our head around the wall into the throne room were the double doors were blew to bits as well as part of the castle wall. Guards moved swiftly and I knew those uniforms from anywhere, those were my Uncles guards. My heart sank knowing what was going on in front of us. I seen a dash of pink and my head snapped to see Techno wilding a netherite sword in his right hand and one of our guards shield in his left. He was swinging the sword left and right easily taking out soldiers. I heard a scream and seen Niki in the corner being cornered.

I did what any sensible person would do, I ran for the armour stand by my fathers throne and grabbed the plain diamond sword. I raised it and swung at the person hovering over Niki hitting his shield barley.

"Niki get out of here, get to Phils!" I yell and she takes off out the back room that I knew would lead the long ways to Phil's through the forest. I was in no shape to fight nor was I in a proper outfit to do so, a dress was only going to slow me down. The guy in front of my swung and I jumped out of the way pulling my own sword up swinging back at him successfully hitting his shoulder. He cried out in pain as I plunged the sword through his chest.

I had killed someone, one of my Uncles guards.

There was no time to think about what I had just done. There was more happening around me that had to be stopped.

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