Chapter 18

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I sighed as I sat by the stream. It was nice in the garden at night, there was lanterns hung along the paths and in the tree. It had redstone connected to it so when I came outside I could flip a switch and a flint and steel would light all of them up. The light had the fish swimming at the top of the stream and the small pond. Time seemed to be slowed down out here almost like it was stopped and for once it was nice to have this peace of serenity.

It was ruined when I looked at the front of the castle were it was blown to bits and we had builders from the village working on it to try and at least get it livable again. I put my head in my hands hoping my father was okay and that my Uncle wasn't being completely stupid. Scratch that he had already passed that, I just hoped he wasn't blood thirsty for his own brother.

"You okay?" I jumped quickly turning around to see Techno walking through the garden only to set right besides me. He reached up pulling his mask off for the second time and it took everything in my too not look up at him and stare.

"Oh, I'm absolutely lovely." I say messing with my hair I hadn't bothered to do anything with after supper. He let out a low dry chuckle rubbing the back of his neck stretching out. I knew both of us were tired but I wanted to have a nice, well as nice as I could get, night before the gates of hell were going to be broke down.

I finally look up at him and there was bags under his red eyes but there was still a small smile etched on his face and his tusks were brushing up his lip.

"Are you worried about tomorrow?" He asked turning to look at me. I sigh mostly to myself and nod.

"Very, mostly about my Uncle. He's never been like this, ever. I don't want to have to do anything extreme but he's alway had a hard time actually listening. I'm just worried I'll have to do something that will get my viewed as a traitor or a killer." I say looking down rubbing my arm and I watch the bee's fly by buzzing happily from flower to flower.

"I seen you fight. You're going to be just fine as long as you don't get distracted from what you're doing. You won't be a traitor or a killed if you're preventing murder Marlow, especially if it's more than one." I never heard him really use my name before, it made me suck in my breath.

"You're going to be a good Queen." He said sighing and resting his hands on his knees looking up at the stars that were lighting up the night sky.

"I'm not going to be a good King." he leaned back stretching his legs out in front of him.

"Why wouldn't you be?" I asked. He didn't turn to look at me he only frowned at the ground and took a deep breath letting it out slowly.

"You remember the night at the ball when Tommy said I was a 'warrior'?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows remember Tommy had said that but I had only shoved it out of my mind not thinking about it.

"Well yeah?" I say still confused and he ran his hand over his face.

"Well when I was little my parents were killed and Atticus took me under his wings. He didn't tell me till a few years ago around when I was sixteen because he said I needed to know my past in order to overcome my future. After discovering half of my life was a lie I set out on a adventure or more like a revenge trip to the Pillager tower setting off to the side, the people who had killed my parents." He paused looking away from me. "I killed all of them, burned their town and left. Everything in me was screaming, multiple voices. So, I did. It only got worse from there. Everytime I found one resting too close to a village I would raid it and burn it." He said, he never did look up at me he only keep his head down to the right away from me.

I stayed silent throughout his story telling about the Pillager towers off in the West. Everyone knew pillagers were trouble and that they only robbed Villages and created problems.

"That doesn't mean you're going to be a bad King Techno, you were doing that you sought right. In reality you actually saved multiple Villages even if the intentions were for you." I say and he looks over to me a scowl on his face.

"How can you be so positive all the time?" He said exasperated. "You've been that way ever since I came here. I don't know how you do it even while your father is trapped your positive." He said. I knew it was an outburst and that it was from stress and the current events.

I sighed looking over to him.

"Look at me." He snaps his head up.

"I have to stay positive because if I don't no one else will be. I've been yelled at my entire life a Princess's don't do this or that that includes being negative. I had rules drilled into my head and I've had to live by those rules Techno. I don't think you're a bad person because I know that's what's running through your head we are all people and we've all done things we regret." I say and he turns to me fully moving his legs and everything and now he was straddling the stone bench.

"C-can you braid my hair?" He asked and I smiled softly at his request. "It helps me calm down and focus." He went on and I smiled motioning him to turn around.

I ran my fingers through his hair admiring how vibrant it was and I felt him relax and lean into my a little. I felt the heat rush to my face and my ears. I started with two small braids in the front and worked them into the long braid that would go down his back.

"Do you have a ribbon?" I ask and he hummed reaching behind him with a white ribbon in hand and I tie it around the end of his hair and he turns back around looking at me.

He doesn't say anything as he pulls me into him and gives me a hug. I sigh wrapping my own arms around Techno and rest my head against his shoulder tucking my head into the crook of his neck. He smelled like ash and cypress, it was a calming scent and most of all it matched him.

"Thank you." Is all he manages to say as he sits herer holding onto me like it was the end of the world.

"For what?" I ask and I can feel his jaw move against my shoulder telling me he is smiling again.

"For giving my people and myself a chance. For liking us how we are." I grin pulling him in tighter.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Techno."


this is a simple filler chapter before everything unfolds so... 

and you're right it is 4 am and no I have not slept 

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