Chapter 13

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"Do we have to go back?" I ask as I looked around the small village and the gold jewelry being sold in the small booth. I had my head peaked in every corner I could find myself looking at the mass amounts of pressed gold. 

"I'm afraid you're father will want you back in the overworld tomorrow." Techno said picking up a bag of apples and stuff and taking it to buy. I huffed, maybe this is why my father never wanted me to leave, he was afraid I wouldn't come back. There was a small gold bracelet with what looked to be a pink stained quartz crystal in the middle of it. I smiled picking it up and sneaking around Techno to pay for it. Once I paid the woman sitting at the booth and found Techno he had his arms crossed looking at me.

"What did you buy?" He asked like a parent and my face heated up. I held up my arm showing off the bracelet and he smiled slightly and uncrossing his arms.

"Come on we need to go pack." He said leading me up to the Fortress. Once we got to the main doors there was a note on the front of it and I furrowed my eyebrows as Techno pulled it off the door. The seal was from my kingdom. My father knew were we were and that we were coming back tomorrow what could have happened in two and a half days that required a letter.

I watched as Techno's hands opened the letter carelessly and he unfolded it in a hurry. His eyes skimmed it but other than that I couldn't tell what was going on.

"We need to go, now." Technoblade growled storming into the fortress tucking the letter into his pocket angry and rushed. His entire body tensed up as he stormed past the door.

"Techno, w-what's going on." I say jogging after the infuriated man who was quickly walking to his room to gather what he had brought.

"Someone tried to kill Atticus. There's a uprising in the overworld right now." He says coldly. My heart sinks, this isn't what I wanted. I came to a stop, no longer trailing after Techno. I feel like we were so close to fixing what was going on in our world's only for this to happen. I heard Techno's door slam and I sighed to myself turning around and stocking off to the room I was staying in.


I looked at the portal in front of us and not wanting to leave the Nether. I didn't want to go back to my own world where things were falling apart at the seams now. Techno was no longer happy, or at least as happy as I had seen him. He was tense and had a hard stare no longer cracking jokes here and there like he had been the last few days. This time when I went through the portal I wasn't hanging on to Techno and he acted as if he wanted nothing to do with me. He went ahead of me making me frown as I stepped through the portal by myself.

This slightly troubled me.

He had been around a little over a week now, not to mention three days spent in the nether listening him ramble about history as he put book after book away. I found those days the most satisfying as he would sit there and go on and on about something he deemed as a worthy subject. I sighed leaning up against the tree feeling light headed and dizzy as I came out of the portal. I glared over at the pink haired man who was getting our horses which, as promised, were not to far from the portal. I was confused. I know that an uprising was not good but why did that change the way he seen me? Did he think I was just like everyone else that didn't like his people?

Was it something I did or said that caused him to judge me?

I sighed pulling my hair back with a ribbon and I walked over to the horses. I hosted myself up this time and rolled my eyes. He was waiting patiently as he messed with the reins and soon after we took of towards the castle again. The entire ride consisted of my holding my withered rose close to my chest instead of holding onto Techno. The rose looked so much prettier when the sun hit it, prettier than any flower we had here, plus it kept my mind off the man right in front of me.

When the castle came into view it was heavily guarded and I could spot George, Dream and Sapnap out in the front. They had enchanted diamond armor on guarding the main gate. There shields were over their entire bodies and when they seen us they stepped aside opening the gate.

I smiled and waved at the boys and I got smiles in return as they shut the gate behind us. More guards were at the main door of the castle and I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew we had guards but I had never seen these people before and that's when I realized, they were pigmen. They must have came here with Atticus but I never seen them.

Once Techno stopped the horse I jumped off on my own not wanting to be near his attitude longer than I had to be. I looked at the guards and they stepped aside holding the door open and I thanked them silently as I walked in. Sitting in the main hall was Atticus in full armor as well as my father in full armor. That's something my father hadn't done in years, he had put away his armor years ago. They were in heated discussion of what I assumed to be the attack on Atticus.

My father's eyes look up to mine and he stands up looking at me. I smile and he nods back to me and I look to Atticus. His eyes were trained on my earring and then it went to the withered rose in my hand. A faint smile passed his face but soon it was overtaken with a serious look.

"I take it you guys came as soon as you heard." My father asked and I nodded as Techno came zooming by me to stand next to Atticus. I slightly rolled my eyes at his behavior and Atticus looked between us. He shook his head at his son and regained his posture. I made my way to stand besides my father.


"So what are we going to do?" I ask looking at Atticus who was seated in front of me. He had been attacked in his sleep since he had his balcony doors open, they hadn't caught the person that was responsible so we had to move his room. He was rubbing his temple trying to figure out what the next move was. The blood between my father and Atticus was not longer bad but the people of the overworld and the nether were still ruined. Atticus was in destress and not to mention he was now looking over his shoulder every second he could. 

"There's not much we can do other than calm people down right now." He said picking at the plate of food in front of him. I ran my hand over my arm and he looked up at me looking troubled, but he didn't see troubled over what was actually going on at hand. Something else seemed to be nagging his brain. 

"Listen." He said leaning forwards holding his nose as he sighed. "If Techno stiffens up around you now, don't take it to heart. He's had a rough life and this is just becoming a repeat of what's happened when he was small. Just please, if you keep trying to be his friend, he will open up." He said as he pushed himself off the bench standing up. 

"Now, a good's night rest is in order, considering your father and I had a long journey coming up." He said and I nodded standing up. 


We're not going to talk about my bad upload schedule, I want to get all the chapter published so I can start putting out chapters for my new book :]

not proof read... oops

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