Chapter 17

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"Niki can you take the kids to get something to eat?" I ask and she nods ushering them down the hall before we descended to the basement. I picked up a lantern going down the the creepy cobblestone stairs the seemed to wind into a extremely dark abyss.

"Hope you guys like spiders." I say knowing spiders would have spawn here considering how dark it got down here. I felt Techno brush up besides me.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded trying not to focus on how close he was to me at the moment. "Just sore." I say and I push the door in the back of the room open revealing the mass of enchanted armour on stands just sitting there ready to be used. There was masses of swords, tridents and axe's handing on the way besides the armour. I lift the lantern setting it on the hook so it could illuminate the rest of the room. 

"Well find something that's close to your size and we can get it fit by the blacksmith in town." I say going to the smaller set in the corner and looking at it knowing it would be the only one close to fitting me. 

"Phil how the wings feeling?" I ask holding up a block of TNT and tossing it too him and he gave me a grin stretching them out. "I think I could break them out for just one more thing." He said and Atticus turned to me.

"You're really going to go in there and blow things up just because they're trying to kill me." I laugh slightly.

"No no no, I'm going in there because they tried to kill you, trying to ruin what we're trying to fix and he sent people over here and disturbed my Kingdom." I say taking a diamond axe off the wall. He grinned pulling his own sword off the wall. 

Technoblade's POV

I watched her try and lift all the armour into the small cart we'd be pulling into the village to the blacksmith but with her shoulder she was struggling. I picked it up out of her hands and sat it in the cart and she offered me a smile and I shook my head at her. 

It had been three weeks since I've been here and that was enough for me to develop a strange unneeded feeling towards her. I wanted to be near her constantly and when she got stabbed I felt my heart drop and I immediately began to panic watching the fear in her eyes. That's not something I did, I didn't feel pity or remorse. I sure as hell wasn't supposed to feel all soft towards her.

But when she smiled up at me in times like this it reminded me that I had a huge feeling towards her and the man in me couldn't call it a crush but I knew that's what it was labeled as to others. 

I shook my head from the many talking thoughts going on and put the armour I had picked out and my sword in there trying to figure out what else I could need. Things like potions and TNT she said we could all find in the Village in somewhere in this vault of a treasury. 

"Techno can you grab that bag?" She asked and I expected it to be TNT or even arrows something more than a bunch of Golden Apples. I didn't question it throwing it on the wagon and I turned to everyone else. Atticus picked up a trident obviously throwing it in the wagon and he had a evil grin on his face walking over towards me.

"You need to like make her swoon over you." He said elbowing me and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms leaning back against the stone wall. Out of all the things he could say. 

"I don't need a girlfriend Atticus, we're almost in a war right now and that would make things even worse." It was his turn to roll his eyes at me.

"Look what she's doing, she's trying to fix everything with us. She stood besides us and fought, no women I know would do that. Half the men I know wouldn't do that." He says and I sighed knowing he was right and us being together could be good for both worlds but there was so much to relationships and once you were together people assume it was for good. 

"Look Atticus I might tell her and I might not I'm not sure yet." He knew about the feelings I had towards Marlow. How I felt after the first time she sat there and braided my hair all the way till now. He knew that going to the Nether with her is what dealed me in to having strong feelings. 

"I would say you're in love but I'm afraid you'd try and kill me." He said trying to crack a joke and I smiled at him with a slight chuckle escaping my lips. 

"I still can't believe you let them pierce her ear like that." Atticus said looking at the gold hanging off her ear. She had our back turned to us talking to Phil and I shrugged. "I told her that it would tie her to the Nether, she didn't care. She said it would be good to have something connecting her to it." I say pushing myself off the wall once she turns around waving me over to her. I look towards Atticus and he gives me a slight shove towards her. 

I walked up to her and she smiled at me. 

"Can you meet me at the Gardens tonight? I want one more normal night before everything falls apart completely. I would ask Niki or Ranboo but they'll be at Phils." She said her smiling faltering at the word normal realizing nothing was normal right now. Against my better judgement I nodded at her. "Yeah what time?" I ask and she pondered for a moment looking around.

"Ten pm. I have to say goodbye the the kids at eight and make sure we have everything. We can meet at the bench we were sitting on yesterday." She says.

"Sounds good to me." I say and Phil opened the door and and looked over to me. "Can you help me with the horses so we can pull the wagon out of here?" He asked and I nod turning towards Marlow and then back to Phil.

"I'll be back."


Marlow's POV

I sighed kicking the rock watching Ranboo appear in front of me along with Tommy and Tubbo. Niki was at their side and I smiled at them. 

"Here's your honey Tubbo, Ranboo your overnight bag and Tommy since you asked for it a new wooden sword." I say rolling my eyes at the sword I had to get when I went to the village earlier. I also picked up potions of healing and downed on behind the tent but no one needs to know that. I wanted to leave the kids with some of their favorite things because I knew it would make them feel better not having their dad at home or in Ranboo's case me.

"Niki I went ahead and packed your bag while you're staying at Phil's it should have all you need in it."  I say handing it too her and Tommy looks over to me worried. 

"When will you and dad be back?" He asked and I frowned slightly at the boy. "I'm not sure but I promise it'll all be okay." Okay I was stupid to say that to a nine year old because I wasn't sure if it would really be okay. 

"I'll see you boys when I get back alright?" I say and they all nod and Tommy steps forward wrapping his arms around my torso. He was never one to show when he was nervous or scared and that was mostly because Tubbo looked up to him. I gave him a hug and then Tubbo saving Ranboo for last. 

"Please come home safe." He said his head resting on my chest. I sat my chin on the top of his head and lightly kissed it. "I will don't worry." I say letting go of him and he returns by Niki side.

"Take care and behave." I say and Ranboo turns around one last time as they reach the gate.

"I love you Marlow." He yelled and I smiled.

"I love you to Ranboo." This caused Tommy and Tubbo to yell the same leaving me in a fit of giggles only to remember once they were out of sight that I was dealing with something much worse just right over the snow mountain. 


sorry it's a mess, no proof reading but it uploading helps me take my mind off things so enjoyyyy

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