Chapter 9

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"Oh Niki, it's beautiful." I say holding up the black ball dress she had put together. "It's yours." She said and I looked at her surprised. I had plenty of ball dresses and lord knew I didn't need anymore. Ranboo looked over at his running his hand across it.

"It's pretty." He said and I grinned looking at the tail coat he had on. Techno was standing in the corner awkwardly trying to avice being around all of us at once. "Technoblade, your cape." Niki said picking it up. She had deep cleaned it and stitched it back up making it look nearly perfect most definitely better than before.

"Thank you." He mumbled and Niki nodded and she looked at me. "You better go eat dinner and get ready, ball's in less than an hour now." It had been a while now since we had came to see Niki. She insisted she get Technoblade measurements to make him a Royal cape as a present from the kingdom and insisted Atticus come by as well. He had left right after she measured, muttering something about having to write a letter.

"Ranboo, you hungry?" I ask turning to look at him and he nods happily running up to me his tailcoat flowing behind him.
"Niki, Techno, would you like to join?" I ask and Niki shakes her head at me.

"No I'm not exactly hungry, but thank you anyways." She says with a smile and I nod looking over at Techno. He pushes himself off the wall and we start out the door to the dinner hall.


"Here." I was helping Ranboo get ready and I wrapped a pressed diamond and obsidian mixed necklace around his neck. He twisted it with his finger smiling. Dinner with Techno had been quiet and no matter how hard I tried to make conversation I only got head nods and grunts out of him.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask and he nods. It had felt like forever since we had a ball and I was going to be rusty when it came it dancing. Not to mention I was going to have to help Ranboo dance as well since he'd never been taught. I had finished lacing the back of my dress up and tying it and I took a deep breath.

I opened the door and we started out way to the ballroom. I could already here the music playing drifting through the halls. Ranboo looked excited and there was only one thing on my mind and that was the trip I was leaving for tomorrow. I was nervous but how was I supposed to be calm. I didn't even know what happened to cause our worlds to fight let alone how I was supposed to fix it.

When we arrived at the doors we ran into Phil and the boys. I stopped and smiled at Phils but Tommy and Tubbos eyes were locked on Ranboo who was nervously standing besides me pressed to my side.

"Phil, this is Ranboo. Ranboo this is Phil, Tommy and Tubbo." I say and the boys give a cheesy smile and Phil nods to the boy offering a warm smile. This eases Ranboos anxiety and I give him a small shove forwards and smiles at the boys. Tubbo grabs his hand around Ranboo and I roll my eyes knowing that he would be just fine.

Phil reaches forwards pushing the door open and the sound of fast pace music fills my ears along with a lot of talking. "You want me to keep an eye on him?" Phil asked and I took a deep breath. "Phil you don't-" He cut me off with a wave of his hand and turned looking at the three who were already laughing with one another. I let out a smile and he nudged me forwards.

"Go find you a man or something. Be royal, dance look pretty, go." Phil said pushing me off he had always been like this trying to convince me to get a guy or be a little more rebellious, he was like the second fun Uncle everyone wished they had. I left laughing as I started through the ball room looking for Niki or my father someone to conversate with. I was stopped halfway across the ballroom by Atticus. He wore a smile on his face and he had formal clothes on and gold draped across his neck and ears.

"My you look lovely my dear." He said a warm smile spreading across his face and I left a red creep up my neck and I thanked him and he offered his hand out for a dance. "I reckon it's only fit I offer the princess a dance." He said and I placed my hand in his as the music drifted through the room. Needless to say I felt awkward for the first time in a long time. Once the dance ended he walked with me over to where he claimed my father was.

"So are you ready for you trip to the Nether?" He asked as I walked besides him and my mind had been on that topic all day now.

"I am, but I'm quite nervous." I say and he lets out a small chuckle patting my hand. He was leading me like an escort but I didn't mind it was comforting in a way.

"Don't worry our people are nice and they will welcome you." He said as we approached my father and Technoblade talking. Something about this trip was going to throw me off and I could feel it pulling at my stomach, it was a feeling of uncertainty that was swimming through my body. Once we got to my father I finally glanced up and got a good look at Techno. His hair was pulled back into a braid and he was wearing the same red cape and white shirt but now he had black pants on with boots that came up to the knee. He had a red fabric wrap going around his waist but this time there was no sword like there normally was. It seemed to be pulling his waist in almost like the many corsets I had. He had gold holding his cape up and gold earrings hanging off his ears and a crown sat on top oh his head. He still had that stupid mask on.

He looked good and I knew I shouldn't be thinking that but it was hard not go especially when he was staring into your soul at the moment. My cheeks burned red and I felt the tips of my ears go hot and he gave me a small smile clearly uncomfortable.

"Why don't you two go dance." My father said pushing my lightly towards Technoblade and worry flashed through both of our features sputtering words of disapproval of his suggestion. Atticus and my father only laughed at our poor attempt to say no to them. They were persistent to get us to leave and get comfortable with one another that it was painful for me to hear.

"Let's dance." Technoblade mumbled holding his hand out for me to take and I gently sat mine on top of his as he lead me to the center of the ballroom. He was a slight giant compared to me i was just below his shoulder, so when he rested his hand on the small of my back pulling me into him I was forced to look at his chest for a bit. When the music started up he moved swiftly carrying me with him as we shuffled around the small room. In a attempt to not make this as awkward as it was he looked down at me and began to talk.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course, I'm a bit nervous though." I said letting out a shaky smile from begin so close to him. "Don't worry you'll be with me. Everyone's nice for the most part." He mumbled lifting me up like everyone else was doing, his arms held me up for a moment looking at me and then sat me back down.

After a semi awkward dance we both stood in the corner watching everyone for a moment before I was attacked by Tubbo and Tommy. Not far behind them was Ranboo who jumped on me as well. Phil was laughing walking up to us and I felt Techno tense up but he was laughing at me getting tackled by three kids.

"Are you guys getting along." I ask laughing and Tubbo nodded his head along with Tommy. Phil rolled his eyes ruffling Tommy's hair.

"Hello, I'm Phil." He said sticking his hand out to Techno and Techno stuck his hand out to shake hands.

"Technoblade." Tommy's eyes widened looking at him.

"You're Technoblade. Like the Technoblade, the warrior prince guy." I looked between Techno and Tommy. Techno's face had turned scarlet at the attention from the small child and I let out a small giggle not registering that Tommy had said warrior.

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