Chapter 4

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That night I brought Ranboo in and sat him down in the small hospital room in the castle. I had bandaged his hand and arm where he had the two deepest cut. When I asked how he had got them he furrowed his eyebrows thinking about it and said he couldn't remember. After that I had took him to the kitchen and had him pick out food he ended up with a steak and butter bread.

As he was eating I pulled Niki and Anita aside.

"Niki I know you can sew. I found him outside and I was wondering if you could make him a royal suit and some some sleepwear?" She turned to the boy and smiled watching him eat. "Yeah when he's done eating we can take measurements." She smiled and I turned to Anita.

"As you know Atticus and possible a few guards will be coming in to discuss some things about the current rivalry. He wanted to throw a welcome ball not tomorrow but the day after. Is there anyway you can prepare that? I can handle getting their rooms ready."  I say trying to help her out and she grins.

"I can what kind of music do we want?" She asked, I knew good and well that the castel had some of the most dramatic classical music to exist. "Anything that's in the third chest." I claim and she nodded curtsying and rushing down the hall. I turned to see Ranboo done eating and sitting there looking at the glass of milk sipping it every once in a while. His eyes looked at every corner fear and curiosity seeping through him.

"Hey Ranboo, this is Niki." I say and Niki gives him a warm smile and he awkwardly smiled back at her.

"I'm going to fit you for clothes is that alright?" She asked and he nodded getting up and looking at me and I nod. "Niki when you two are done you can drop him off at my room okay?" I say and she smiled. I patted Ranboo gently on the shoulder to let him know it was okay.

They started down the hall to Niki's room, it's where she sewed most of the royal clothes. I, myself started to my own room so I could begin to sort out plans and what we would serve while our guests stayed in the castle.

Once I got to my room I opened my my balcony doors so a little fresh air could drift inside. I thought about Ranboo, there was not many people like him. If he was going to stay here he would need something to protect him. Some people didn't take kindly to halflings or enderman in general, especially enderman. I knew he would be talked about throughout the land if he was spotted in the castle and an idea struck me.

I threw my closet doors open pulling out a small chest I had setting in the corner and sat down on my knees pulling it open. Inside there was a small crown, it would protect him and he would be seen as royalty. If he was seen as royalty no one would dare to try and hurt him. I placed it on my vanity and closed the doors deciding I would gift it to him tomorrow.

I began looking through my dresses for the arrival of Atticus of the Nether and pulled out my one of my mothers dresses. It was a corset back dress with long sleeves. It was an obsidian color that would be pair great with a diamond necklace. It was our signature colors of the Kingdom and also the stone most common around here, hence the obsidian and diamond pairing.

I sat it down on the chair in the corner of my room and I heard a knock on my door. I opened it only to be greeted by Niki and Ranboo.

"He's fitted and if I stayed up all night I could have his royal suit made by tomorrow. For now I found some extra clothes in the old closet down the hall." Sure enough he stood there in black silk like sleepwear and I smiled as he walked into my room. It wasn't the best fit but for a boy his height and how long his legs and arms were it was a nice enough fit.

"Niki you don't have to stay up." I say smiling and she shrugs me off. "I only want him to look his best." She says looking over to the young boy and I nod thanking her.

I shut the door and I notice Ranboo sitting on the balcony bench.

"Hey Ranboo." I greet and he offers me a nervous smile before he speaks up.

"Um, I'm I staying here tonight or do I need to get out?" He asks and offer a smile at him. The poor boy.

"Well I was going to talk to you about that." His eyes drop to the floor and I quickly continue. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to stay here permanently. I know my father wouldn't mind and you're quiet too young to be out on your own. If we can't find any relatives you would be safe here." He smiles and despite it being dark I could see in the faint glow of the lantern light in my room that it was a full smile.

"There's even other children your age that I know would love you."I say and he smiles yet again. "I would like to stay here but I don't want to make anything more difficult than it has to be." I take his hand in mine pulling him closer to me for a hug. He stiffens for a moment and leans into it. He was at my chest when he stood up where as Tommy and Tubbo were barely at my hip. Right now he was tucked into my chest the same and I rested my head on top of his.

"Then Ranboo, I think getting you, your own room is in order." I say and he pulls back eyes wide. "I uh, I tend to have night terrors and would it be okay if I stayed here with you for a little bit. Just until they get better." The pleading in his eyes was enough to make me cave for this sweet boy and I nodded.

"Would you like to sleep in my bed?" I ask and I could see the red overtake his cheeks. I knew that was a yes. I wrapped my arms around him picking him up and his hands go around my neck and his legs around my waist leaning into me. He was tall so it was almost awkward for me to carry him but I didn't mind. It brought tears to my eyes to think about how hours ago he had been scared and alone for who knows how long. He was an absolute sweetheart and I knew he would be a great addition to the large family we had growing.

I laid him down in the bed and pulled the blankets over his body a soft smile on my face.

"I'll be in this room all night if you need anything okay?" I ask and he nods a smile on his sleepy face.

"Thank you." He mumbled out and I ran my fingers through his hair lifting myself off the edge of the bed.

"You're welcome Ranboo." I say picking up the lantern and carrying it outside to the balcony. I knew tonight would be sleepless being worried about the boy and he was in my bed which I didn't mind, he needed it more than me. It would be an easy thing to fix if he wanted to stay in my room at night and I would simply bring in another bed for him.

He was a sweet boy and one that definitely did not deserve to be left alone and one things for sure I would die to protect him, Tommy and Tubbo.


is that foreshadowing....

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