Chapter 20

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"They are not!" I yell out remembering what happened just a few moments ago between Techno and I. Remembering the Village of kids just like we had here. They were people, just because they looked different did not mean they were monsters. My Uncle let out a small sigh making me snap out of my continuing thoughts.

"Look I don't want to do this to you or my brother but I knew when Dad split the Kingdom just so we could both rule that your Father would not make a worthy king. He always had a soft spot for those stupid halfings." He spat out standing up and coming towards me and I drew my sword holding it out in front of me a scowl playing at my lips.

"You're not going to kill me." He says looking into my eyes and for a moment I think. I know I will if need be.

"Sorry to tell you but if it means I get to keep my father and the Nether I absolutely will, blood or not." I spit out and his eyes drop realizing I truly wasn't on his side like he thought he could change. He drops his hands down to his sides and looks at me, something in his eyes was telling me he wasn't okay upstairs. He looked sad.

"Shoot her." The words come out of his mouth and before the guy can lift his crossbow a invisible sword plunges through his chest and he falls forwards. I lunge at my Uncle pinning him to the ground holding the sword at his throat.

"Do you want to be put in a cell or die?" I ask and he looks up at me with tired sad eyes but I keep my sword at his throat not giving in.

"Kill me." He says and I look down at him and I raise a eyebrow.

"You could change." I say and he yanked the sword out of my hand stabbing himself with it and he laid there as the light drains from his eyes as blood pools around him. I turn my head pulling the sword out of his chest not wanting to look at my dead uncle laying there. Instead my eyes travel to the redstone that goes along the walls and I see the flipped lever on the other side of my Uncle, his hand draped over the top of it.

"Shit." I curse. I could hear the distant explosions on the other side of the castle. My father was limping out the door and I knew Techno was helping even thought I couldn't see him.

"He set up TNT, go!" I yell running to catch up with them at the door and I can feel the ground grumbling beneath me. They were out the door before I made it halfway across the castle floor.

So this is how it ends. My Uncle kills himself because he can't change, I fall in love with the Prince of the Nether, and now I'm going to be blown to bits. Lovely. I kept running trying to get out the door before it blows. As soon as I get through the threshold of the tall doors the ground beneath me erupts and it sends me flying forwards over the talls steps and to the hard ground below.

I grown looking at the castle that was on fire in front of me and at the mounds of rubble that lay spread out everywhere. My ears were ringing and I seen Phil land in front of me holding his hand out. His face was contorted in sadness and fear as he made eye contact with me.

"Phil?" I ask and he looks at my arm. I turn and it's seared at the shoulder pink red flesh going down to the bone. I want to scream let out any kind of words but I can't. I sit in shock as I feel Phil dump a potion on the open wound and I scream. I squeeze his arm so hard I'm sure I was leaving nail prints. I can feel the flesh and bone mending itself and growing too scared to actually turn my head and look.

"It's okay now, it's healing, it's okay." He says bringing me into a hug and his wings wrap around me. When he lets go I turn to look in front of me to see a slaughter. All the men that had been outside the castle were either dead or almost there. I could see Atticus on his horse and Dream standing there helping my father. Techno was next to his horse putting his things up and Phil walked with me to see my father. When I finally got a good look at him his eyes were swollen shut and black and blue. His crown was missing along with his armour.

"Father?" I question and he looked around not being able to see out of his eyes. I cringe with tears in my eyes. I reach out putting my hands on his shoulders and he wraps his arms around me. I pull away and Phil helps him on his horse and I look around Sapnap and George were emerging from each side of the wooded areas watching the castle burn to the ground.

"Wait where's Mary Ann?" I ask looking around for my Uncles wife.

"He killed her." My father said and I gasped. He killed his own wife.

"Why?" I ask and my father and he sighs as Techno connects his horse to ours considering he couldn't see to steer and our horse would have to lead his.

"He tried to stop her, he had nothing else to live for after that." He said and I felt a pang of sadness in my chest knowing Mary Ann was a good women. So full of light.

"Well who's going to run the kingdom now?" I ask and my father sighs.

"You're the next bloodline and Ranboo's to young to rule all by himself here." My father says and I knew what that would mean. It would mean I would have to come here and start ruling now. I would have to leave what would be my kingdom behind, Ranboo, my father, Phil and the kids. I didn't want to. I shouldn't have to do something like this just because my Uncle was too selfish.

"But." My father stated interrupting my thought process and Phil's face going pale for some reason.

"If you can find, if you can find your half brother, he would rule the kingdom." My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. My father had talked about my mother have a child before they got married but we never talked about it because he never seen the boy after he ran away at the age of seven.

I had no memories of him but he was there for the first three years of my life but after my father hold me when I turned eighteen I never asked questions. I had actually forgot I even had a half brother after all this time. My father had said how my mother adored us, how he had held me when I was born and he instantly cried when mom took me away from him. I always thought it never made since, he left me behind.. why would he do that if he so called loved his half sister.

"Phil should go with you after all Phil is his father." I turn to Phil in shock and he nods his head solemnly and I turn back to my father. I knew he was a touchy subject between the two of them but I knew they had gotten over what had happened between them.

"You said you haven't seen him for eighteen years though, he could be dead. Where would we even start?" I question and I feel someone standing besides me and I knew it must be Techno before I can turn to him.

"You would start in the Badlands he talked about it as a kid that he always wanted to see the different color sand." Phil said and I turn to him and nod. My head was spinning with all the new information that was seeping its way in.

"For now we should get back to the castle." My father said and I nod but I turn to the Village.

"Sapnap, George and Dream will stay here and take care of the Village from Pillagers." He said and I take a deep breath nodding making my way to Techno and I's shared horse. I stand at the horse and feel Techno's hands go around my waist lifting me up giving me a tingling feeling in my stomach.

He swings his leg over the horse getting on next and I immediately wrap my arms around him resting my head against his back and taking a deep breath. So much was happening and it was hurting me.


yes this is all over the place, no I didn't proofread

but who wants to take a guess at Marlows half-brother?

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