Chapter 22

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3rd person POV

His hand ran over the abandoned Pillager outpost as he sighed. He had made it into a home many years ago after he decided that he had, had enough running, he figured they weren't looking for him anymore as it was. A part of him missed his father and his sister but after his mother died he couldn't handle it anymore so he took off. He ran hard and far and before he could register what he was doing he was already lost and alone.

He had claimed it was the stupidest thing he had ever done running away that early and leaving his family aside and he thought about it constantly. It drove him mad and there had been days he thought about going back to them but he would never. Not unless something happened where they found him. He wasn't going to be the first to fold over.

Not after he found out his mother had died. He was not going back just to grieve and have to live with his dad. He loved his dad dearly and he knew he needed help but there was no way his ego was going to let him.

He sat down his legs dangling over looking at the sand below him. In the distant colored sand and terracotta grew out of the ground creating high rising mountains and his eyes wandered over it carelessly. He knew he was safe were he was no one controlling him and no one could tell him what to do, he could build a city if he wanted but it would still feel empty like he did.

His mind wandered over what his family looked like anymore. It had been so long and he knew Marlow was grown he thought she was going to be Queen any day now. He stood up his trench coat dragging the floor as he did so and stretched out quietly. His eyes went over the setting sun. Regret and sorrow filled his teary eyes but after eighteen years it was too late to return now. He turned knowing nighttime would be when he worked on his map of the land from the previous days of travel. He made his ways down the stairs to the basement he had created as a hidden safe haven and sat down at his large dark oak desk. Old maps and papers littered the desk and his multiple quills and small bottles of ink that were empty were turned over. He was so close to completing the map, it was the only thing that took his mind off the past.

He scribbled the west down finishing the third corner of his map and he was excited to finish the fourth he was drawing all the details he written down in his journal. Tomorrow would be the first day he would spend at home gardening and taking care of the overgrown cacti and dead weeds around it. It would be the first time he stayed still for a few years.

He smiled as he placed the last piece of the map on the wall and he had done it. He had a map of his own little world sitting up on his wall. It included his 'home' which he had visited the Village next to the castle but he never stayed long enough for anyone to realize he was the lost boy. He was never going to get lost again. He never wanted too. He looked at the sheep curled up on the end of the bed curled up asleep. His blue fur was messy and desperately needed to be cleaned. He ruffled the animals fur softley.

"Goodnight Friend." He spoke as he crawled under the covers only for the sheep to move to his side and curl up by his stomach. He slept peacefully that night not thinking anything of what was going on.

How could he? He didn't know that somewhere over the large mountain he was just peering at half of his family lay there by a fire telling stories to take their own minds off the mobs around them.


Marlow's POV

When we came to the first sign of the badlands I became very overwhelmed. There was mass amounts of colors everywhere colors that you would never see in the Dark Oak Biome. Phil was tired and I'll admit I was too but I knew him scouting from above would have to wait till tomorrow. He insisted that his son would have a house above ground if he was still alive.

That was the problem if he was still alive. I forgot he even existed until a few days ago.

I sighed kicking a rock at my feet as Phil pulled back the opening to his tent and said he was going to bed. I sat with Techno by the fire for a minute or so before he wrapped his arm around my side and pulled me into him. My breath hitched for a moment and I looked up at him. He had a soft smile on his face and he reached up pulling the mask off and setting it on the ground. I leaned into him letting myself relax and take a breath as I watched the smoke filter up through the night sky.

"What happens if we find him and he doesn't want to come back?" Techno asks me and I shrug not knowing myself, this entire thing was just a shot in the dark as it was.

"We'll just have to convince him, if we even find him." I say. I pick up Techno's hand and begin to play with his fingers and I can feel a dry chuckle come out of his mouth as his chest moves. I never really realized how everything crumbled down. How my bloodline was so used to destruction that it eventually destroyed itself. I knew my father was different from his brother but I never seen the difference until I looked my dying Uncle in his eyes and then to my father who was bent over in chains.

"I'm sure he's out there and what is his name anyways? I haven't heard anyone say it." I sigh slightly. I knew his name and it sat in the back of my mind not wanting to come out.

"His names Wilbur." I say. I had almost no memories of him. I was too young to remember what he looked like or how he acted. I was too young to know what was going on or how to help him.

He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. I lean up and kiss his jaw slightly and I watch his cheeks dust red and a smile creep up on his face in the fire light.

"Let's turn in for the night." I say standing up and I offer my hand to him and he rolls his eyes taking it and grabbing his mask. I pull back the flap of the tent and lay in the makeshift bed on the right side and he lays in his on the left. He sets his mask down on the floor and looks at me.

"Goodnight Marlow." He whispered.

"Goodnight, Techno." I tease and he rolls his eye tucking his arm under his head and I smile to myself knowing everything was happening for a reason, we just had to find the end of the journey.

no proof reading :)

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