Chapter 23

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"Alright get the hell up we have a lead, up, up, up!" Phil's yelling could be heard throughout the forest I was sure it could be heard. I groaned standing up and unzipping the tent slightly.

"Five minutes to wake up and get dressed we'll be out in a moment." I say shoving my hand in his face slightly and he grins with a laugh shoving my hand down. I zip the tent back up. Techno was up rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Good morning." He grins standing up and grabbing my waist pulling me into a hug. I was shocked for a moment but soon smiled pulling him into me as well. I could definitely get used to this. I felt him kiss the top of my head and my stomach whirled a little and suddenly I was a little more awake.

"As much as I would like to stand here and hug forever we need to get dressed." I say only for it to be muffled by his shirt.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed real quick." He says and before I can pull away his hand reached up cupping the bottom of my jaw pulling my in for a kiss. I smiled into is and he pulled away almost as fast as he had kissed me.

I frowned as he moved to step out of the tent.

I quickly pulled out a set of black pants and a white shirt and my corset. My boots were still in the corner of the makeshift tent and I sighed stripping down. I pulled my shirt on and then my pants tucking my shirt in. I put my boots on lacing them up and then I put my corset on sighing as I tried to synch it down myself but considering it was a low mid waist one I definitely needed some help. I unzipped the tent and Techno was leaning up against a tree. Phil was perched at the top of the mountain and I could barely see him.

"Can you synch this and tie it?" I ask and his eyes travel the the corset around my waist and shakes his head and he pushes off the tree. I turn around and he takes the two pieces of ribbon in his hands and pulls them sharply sucking the breath out of me immediately. He pulled it one more time this time a little softer and he began tying it.

"Thank you, you can change now." I say with a smile and he nods stepping into the tent. I hear Phils wings before I see him hit the ground. He was happier than normal this morning a smile dusted on his face and almost never leaving.

"You're awful chipper this morning." I say as he wraps a wing around my shoulder pulling me into a hug and I laugh at his happy state. It was good to see him this happy.

"Would you like to see why?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him a smile still playing at his lips.

"Sure." I lay and he wraps his arm around his waist.

"I would hold on if I were you." He says and suddenly I realize what's fixing to happen. With one powerful flap of his wings we're both lifted off the ground in a hurry. He quickly ascended above the trees and in the distance I would see a pillager outpost but the cobwebs at the top of it told me it was abandoned.

Although, it looked like someone lived there.

"You think?" I ask as he wings flapped around me and he smiled.

"Oh I do." He said and he quickly flew up higher and I let out a small scream as he stopped flying and let us fall backs down towards the ground. I've never felt more alive in this moment. I could see Techno watching us with a grin on his face as Phil opened his wings again letting us hit the ground softly.

I stumbled forwards slightly and Techno reaches out to stop me from falling on my face.

"So much for that Princess Complex." Phil says laughing and I lean back into Techno and sigh slightly with a dry laugh coming out.

"Let's get packed up and start moving." Phil said clapping his hands together.

It took a total of five minutes to pack up the small tents and roll our blankets up and put them on the saddle bags of the horse. I pulled myself up on the horse deciding I would be the one to control the horse.

"Oh, so I'm riding in the back today." Techno said swinging his leg over the side of the horse and setting his head on my shoulder. "Figured you could use a break and for christs sake take the netherite boots off, they're blinding." I say laughing at the enchanted boots on his feet. He shrugs.

"I must be prepared for escape if needed." He said in a fake accent laughing as we take off behind Phil. I knew he was leading us out past the badlands were where the Pillager outpost was. It wasn't in the Badlands as that was rare but more or less on on the other side of a small stream that disconnected Badlands with desert.

When we came out of the small forest the outpost wasn't very far and could easily be seen even though there was several small hills in front of it. Crossing the small stream was the hardest part of the trip but was easily managed when Phil found a small stepping cobblestone bridge off to the side.

"See that's weird." I was referencing the small bridge in the middle of nowhere.

"Maybe the Pillages built it?" Techno suggested and I shrugged. I had never seen a Pillager before and I knew Techno was getting uncomfortable as we got closer to the outpost.

Once we were within twenty foot of it a small blue sheep came bounding out of the outpost. Behind the sheep came a tall man running after it with a brush and a lead but stopped once he seen us in the distance. He didn't move and he didn't stay staring for very long.

"Can I help you?" He called out. He had a tone in his voice trying to sound like he could be intimidating if he wanted to be.

"We're actually looking for someone." Phil called out. We couldn't get a very good look at the man and he looked at the small sheep and then back up at us.

"Come on, I'll see if I can help you." He called out turning to pick the sheep up and it started throwing a bit and thrashing around in his hold as he opened the door and shoved the sheep inside. The closer we got to him the more I could make out his features. He had curly brown hair that was covered by a beanie and he wore a trench coat that almost dragged the ground. He had fingerless gloves on and a faded yellow sweater. It was way too hot to be wearing what he was wearing but I didn't judge to harshly.

When we finally stopped in front of him and he got a good look at his his eyes landed on Phil and his entire face paled as well as Phil's. At first there was no words coming out of either of their mouths.

"Wilbur?" Phil questioned and my eyes widen considerably and I turned to face Techno who wast just as shocked as I was.


Mental breakdowns at 1 am call for chapter updates

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