Chapter 16

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I ran up to the behind one of our guards taking on one to many men and swung at one of my Uncle's guards to take his eyes off of our own guard. He raised his sword swinging down and I blocked it with my own, swinging quickly after hitting part of his arm. He hissed in pain swinging relentlessly at me until he got me to step backwards slashing through my sleeves and my arm. It wasn't a deep cut but it did make me cry out in pain. I swung my sword taking him down and plunging my sword through his chest just like before.

I cringed to myself shaking it off and picking up his shield and turned to Techno and Atticus fighting side to side. I watched as a guard was fixing to try and take Atticus from behind.

I began running towards him and cried holding my shield up in front of me protecting Atticus's back and myself. I swung my sword out pushing him back away from Atticus and his sword collided with my shield. My hand was starting to slip from the shield from the blood trickling down my arm. I tightened my grip on my shield gritting my teeth at the stinging pain in my arm and quickly recovered from the hit against my shield.

I stepped forwards taking his arm off that was holding the sword and as he hit the ground in pain screaming I stabbed my sword through his chest and cringed as he fell forwards. That was the third person I had killed but it was them or my people and suddenly I felt no remorse. I took my place besides Techno fighting what looked to be at least five more men in front of us.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Techno yelled looking at me. I swung my sword at the guy in front of me hitting his shield.

"Fighting for my kingdom what do you think." I say stepping forward putting my sword through the distracted guys chest. Techno looked over at me and I could see shock in his red eyes as the man fell to my feet, blood pooling around his lifeless body. I put my sword in front of Techno as the guy swung at him while he was looking at me and suddenly Techno was back in the game swinging hard at the guy in front of him.

I let my guard down for one second and I felt a sword plunge through my shoulder knocking the air out of me. I fell the the floor on my knees my sword and shield hitting the ground in front of me. I felt the man retract the sword and I let out a scream of pain my hand snapping to hold my shoulder. I looked up at Techno who's eyes met mine and as I fell forwards to hit the floor I watched Techno jump over me and plunging the sword thought the guys heart and he turned to me.

There was only one more man left and Atticus was easily winning but my eyesight was getting blurry and I was fighting the burning sensation that spread through my body from the wound. It was getting hard to breath like someone had stepped on my chest and was putting pressure on me. To say I didn't like it was a understatement.

"Fucking hell." Techno breathed sliding his arms under my legs and shoulders lifting me to his chest. My head fell into his chest and my breathing was slowing. He took off down the hall trying to get to the small room that we had were the doctor we had would be, if he hadn't fled.

I felt my eyes begin to shut and my head lull back.

"Shit no, no stay with me." Techno said pushing a door open with his back. I wanted to laugh, just because I knew I wasn't dying it was just a lot of blood loss.

"Help." Techno yelled and I felt myself being sat down on a cold surface and I was reaching around weakly trying to find something to hold onto, anything I could grasp to help me focus. I was looking at the lantern above me not wanting to even get a glimpse of the blood I could feel gushing out of my shoulder above my heart. I was scared. It was hard to breathe and I felt myself slipping in and out of unconsciousness. I felt someone pick up my hand and I gripped it trying to keep myself conscious because I knew it wouldn't be good if I went. I felt my dress being lifted up and someone holding my back up and then I slipped off into sleep.


I heard sniffling. Like a child crying. I felt a horrible aching pain in my shoulder as I tried to lift myself up and I heard people moving around.

"She waking up help her." I opened my eyes trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light that was next to my face. Standing in front of me was Phil, Niki, Atticus, Techno and all three of the boys. All the boys had tears running down there face and I felt bad.

"Oh boys don't cry. Come here." I say hoarsely producing a small smile to try and convince them I was okay. All three of their heads lifted up and they ran to me ,luckily to my right side. All three of them gave me hugs and Phil smiled at me. I ruffled Tommy's hair and wipe Ranboos tears away knowing it was hurting him. Tubbo stayed tucked into my side and didn't move until Phil spoke up.

"No hey guys, no thank you for saving me Techno, it's come here boys." Phil said jokingly stepping up to me and I shrugged.

"Thank you." I say looking over at Techno who was peering at my through his mask and he shook his head slightly. I looked over at Atticus and I let out a breath of relief.

"So what's happening." I ask and everyone takes a step back for a moment and looked around nervously at everyone for what to say.

"Well Sapnap, George and Dream are back but they're not in very good conditions. You're father is being held hostage at you Uncles castle. He sent us a letter and if you don't show up with Atticus he will murder him." I sighed holding the bridge of my nose trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

"The front of the Castle is blown open and there are bodies everywhere." Atticus said and I groaned and looked around.

"Alright. So obviously we need to figure something out and quickly." I say and everyone looks at me like I was stupid and I roll my eyes swinging my feet over the side of my bed and Atticus puts his hand in front of me.

"You need to rest." He says and I let out a cough and waved him off. My left arm felt pretty useless and I had to forget using it anytime soon.

"Someone has to do something." I grumble standing up and looking at the bandage and oversized white shirt that wasn't the one I was wearing when I was first laid down. I decided not to say anything about it. I cuffed the sleeves the best I could and started off down towards the door with everyone behind me.

"Phil do you think you could help?" I ask and he shakes his head yes but quickly looks down at the kids and Niki quickly intervened. Ranboo appeared at my side leading into my right side and I wrap my arm around him pulling him into me.

"I can watch the kids Phil." She said and he looked over at her thankfully.

"Well where is Dream, Sapnap and George?" I ask and Techno points to the white sheet that was hung up around a pretty large area keeping the space on the other side shut off. I sighed knowing they weren't in good shape and in no shape to fight.

"Well." I say thinking for a moment.

"We're going to need armour." I say pushing the door open with my good arm and heading to the basement where all of the family treasures were and our strongest armor.

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