Chapter 5

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I had not slept and I drowsily pulled myself to the chair picking up my garments and looked at Ranboo. I decided to wake him before I went and took a shower not wanting to take a chance with him getting scared if I wasn't here.

"Hey Ranboo." I say shaking his shoulder lightly and I watch him toss for a moment before his eyes open looking up at me and blinking slowly adjusting to the morning light filtering through the balcony doors.

"Good morning Mar." He slurred tiredly and I grinned at him. I ruffled his hair and he swatted my hand away with a smile.

"It's shower time and then we can go eat yeah?" I ask and he nods sitting up for a moment. I grab the small crown off the vanity and tuck it in with my clothes. I open the my door only to be greeted with neatly folded clothes at my feet. I smile, it was Ranboos royal suit.

"Looks like Niki finished your clothes." I say smiling at him. He gets up with a smile and takes the hand I'm not using holding it as he yawns. My heart melts slightly due to the fact he's already getting comfortable with me. I lead him down the hall to the shower rooms and open one.

Suddenly I felt dumb. Really dumb.

He doesn't shower water hurts him.

"Okay so you don't shower, so here's what we're going to do yeah? I'm going to take a super quick shower in this room. You're going to change in this one. You can stay in there with the door locked if you feel uncomfortable. If so I'll knock when I get out okay?" He nods with a smile taking his clothes in hand and I open his door pulling it shut. I wait for a moment hearing the lock click shut and I quickly rush to take a shower.

Once I'm done I pull my hair back into a elegant bun since I didn't wash it today and began to slip on my dress. Once I got it laced up I slid my tiara on and my diamond necklace. I held what was going to be Ranboos crown and smiled half heartedly. It hadn't been two days and the kid had already grown on me. I was excited for dad to meet him, he had always talked about wanting a 'son' figure and I knew he'd treat Ranboo that way if we never found his parents.

I opened the door feeling refreshed and knocked on Ranboos.

"It's me." I say and he's opens the door. He looked a mess and he had tears welling in his eyes. I knew if they'd fall they would leave more scars.

"I couldn't figure it out." He sniffled and I quickly began to work on his white shirt.

"Hey, hey it's okay you didn't know I'll teach you. Deep breaths." I say and he takes a few deep breaths with me blinking the tears away and I smile.

"See look." I say showing him the buttons and I cuff the top of the shirt. Luckily he'd got the shirt tucked in no problem. I draped the black cape around his shoulder linking the iron chains in the front together.

"Not so bad huh?" I ask and he shakes his head. The poor boy was so afraid to make people upset and I picked up the crown I had set next to me.

His eyes widened at the sight of it and red overtook his face yet again.

"See this? It'll protect you." I say adjusting it on top of his head and I stand up taking his hand in mine.

"Are you ready?" I ask taking the bag of dirty clothes I had gathered and he nodded.

"Let's go get breakfast."


After we had eaten breakfast Niki had rushed to find us sitting in the library.

"The King is back with Atticus and his son. They just entered the village they'll be here any minute." She said exasperated and I nodded standing. "Thank you by the way for his clothes." She looked over at Ranboo who was happily drawing on a piece of paper with ink and a quill.

"Honestly it's not a big deal, I was working on some more clothes for him as well. I'll drop them off when I'm done." She says and I grin at her.

I turn to Ranboo.

"Hey it's time to meet my dad." He hopped up and put the jar and quill away handing me the paper. It was a messy but very good drawing of me helping him with his shirt and cape this morning. A smile over took my face and I took his hand. "It's beautiful Ranboo." He grinned and we started down the stairs to the throne room.

I gently rolled the paper up tying it with a piece of ribbon I had tied around my wrist. I sat it down on the empty table to the side of the room where my father usually had his crown.

"Is he going to like me?" Ranboo asked nervously as we sat down by my fathers throne. I had drug another chair up the the front of the room for Ranboo.

"I'm sure he will. When they come through the doors don't be nervous okay? Just stand and sit when I do." I smile and he gives me one back.

I hear the doors begin to creak open and I stand up slowly letting Ranboo take notice and he follows my motions. When the door fully opens there stands our royal guards, my father, Atticus and another man. My eyes land on the man standing next to Atticus he wore a pig mask over his face not allowing me to see what he looked like. I could only see his mouth and I could see the fangs that perched out of his bottom lip. He had a red cape draped over his shoulders covering half of his white shirt. Atticus on the other hand looked exactly like a pigman. His nose was pushed up and his skin was a light pink color. His ears were decorated in gold, a common currency in the Nether. His hair was short and extremely dark red and setting on top of his head was a gold crown. When I turned to the boy besides him once more his hair was long and pink, pulled into a braid that rested on his shoulder. His ears weren't quite as big as Atticus's and only had two gold rings in the left ear.

"Father." I greet once he was to his throne still standing. "Atticus." I curtsy and he bows slightly to me.

"Atticus this is my daughter I was telling you about, Marlow." He says.

"Pleasure to meet you." He says and I smile. "As well as you." I say the common greeting.

"Marlow this is my son Technoblade." He says and his son bows slightly awkward in front of me and yet again I curtsy.

I step back in line next to Ranboo.

"Miss Anita will show you your rooms and show you the kitchen and the showers as such. We can meet back here tonight for our first meeting. I will send Marlow to come get you when time comes." My father nods and Atticus nods in return.

"It was lovely meeting you." I say as before they turn and I catch the small smile on Technoblades face as well as Atticus's.

Anita greets them and leads them out the doors and into the main hall of the castle.

My father immediately turns to Ranboo and I. He smiled down at the boy.

"And who is this young man." He grins and red dusts Ranboos cheeks and I push his forward slightly so he wouldn't be behind me. I rested my hands on his shoulder.

"Father this is Ranboo, I found him last night in the woods alone when I was taking the boys home. He had no recollection of where he come from or who his parents are. He is half Enderman, we don't know the other half." I say and he bends down to Ranboos level adjusting the slightly sideways crown offering a fatherly smile.

"Well he will make a fine Prince." He says and Ranboos whole face if possible got even more red at my fathers words.

"Come young man, let me show you around." He says standing back up and offering his hand to the boy and he places his hand in my fathers. Ranboo come up to my chest barley and we'll my father was six foot seven and he only came up to right above his waist. I knew when Ranboo started getting older he would grow alarmingly fast because he seemed to inherit the Endermans height. He was way to tall for his age but it was okay.

I knew from that moment watching them walk out the door of the castle that Ranboo would be in our life always.

I picked up the drawing and decided I would set it in my rooms before I checked in on our visitors.


I give you smol prince
Yes it is for the story

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