Chapter 14

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I stood in front of my father and Atticus who were mounting their horses in order to go see my Uncle. They had agreed to go to his kingdom in order to try and mend their bond as well, trying to fix this mess was proving harder than it should be especially with the attack. Atticus was looking around frequently making sure he wasn't going to be shot by an arrow or randomly attacked. I had my hands on Ranboos shoulders as he stood in front of me and I smiled at him. I hadn't realized how much he had made an impact.

I could feel Techno eyeing me which was odd since he hadn't spoke a word to me since we left the Nether. I shrugged it off looking from Ranboo to my father and he gave me a smile as I stepped forwards and handing him his bag. He sighed putting the strap over his head and I looked over to Atticus and he gave me a smile.

"We'll be back in a few days." Atticus says and as if on cue Dream, Sapnap and George rode through the stable gates holding the reins looking over to us. I knew they were escorting them over to King Rory's. My uncle was one to be superstitious of these people and then my gut wrenched with a bad feeling and I felt like I might know who could've attacked Atticus.

"Father wait." I call out and he stops his horse turning around and I pick up my dress jogging up to him and I suddenly feel embarrassed to say this but I never doubt a gut feeling.

"I think uh, I think Uncle Rory had something to do with the attack on Atticus." I breathe and my father's eyes glare and his mouth twists into a frown. Part of him knew I wouldn't say something like that unless I knew for sure that it was true. I hesitate for a second and nod my head trying to get him to understand that I figured something was wrong.

By now this had caught everyone's attention.

"I don't think you should take Atticus with you. I have a bad feeling." I say whispering the last part and Atticus turns to me and then looks towards my father who was obviously conflicted. He knew he needed to keep two worlds from going to war yet again and going over the mountain to see his brother was going to help, or so he thought. He sighed and looked to Atticus.

"Look I trust her intuition, she's a smart girl." Atticus said turning his horse around to meet with my father now full faced. He looked between us and looked towards Atticus.

"So I guess here's what's going to happen. We're going to have to stage my brother." My father whispered the last part sighing knowing he was going to have to find out for sure.

"So I'm going to go by myself. He's not going to listen if Atticus is there and he truly wants to kill him. Atticus will stay here. George, Dream and Sapnap will come with me on the way over the mountain. If he tells me he did try he'll have to be put in a cell because he did commit a crime." My father was conflicted and I could tell as he spoke but something in my just knew what was actually happening with my Uncle. He'd always been somewhat jealous but I never placed it on what he was jealous of. Maybe since my father was trying to fix everything he wouldn't get any credit? I sighed nodding as my father waved bye to me and Atticus stayed put allowing one of his Pigmen guards to take his horse and put it up.

I fell Ranboo's hand in mine and I smile down at him. "Do you want me to take you to Tommy and Tubbo's like I promised?" I ask and he nodded happily and I turn to Technoblade who is watching us and my smile turned to a scowl as we start off. Atticus standing besides him hit him on the back lightly and began his journey back into the castle.

"Mind if I come with?" I turn around to see Techno standing there.

"Please come." Ranboo said with a smile on his face looking from me to Techno. I internally sighed but looked at Ranboo with a smile. "Yes come on." I say looking up at Techno with a scowl. His eyes didn't meet mine for the first time since we met and he only sped to my side as we walked the between path to the back gate.

"Why do you wear the mask." Ranboo asked and I stifled a laugh as Techno opened the back gate letting us through.

"Because I'm a halfing just like you but I'm not a very pretty one. People get scared." He says and Ranboo shrugs. "I bet you look just as pretty as the rest of us." I let out a laugh.

"See even Ranboo agrees with me." I say and Techno looks over to me in shock and I just shrug trying to keep it from being awkward between the three of us. I watch Ranboos walking speed up as he gets excited. He giggled taking off running down the straigh stretch of a path to Phil's. I could see shadows moving through the windows the closer we got and when Ranboo arrived and knocked on the door it bursted open. Tubbo and Tommy both jumped on him knocking him down in the process, their giggling turning into laughing quickly. I smiled at the boys as Phil casually stepped over them shaking his head with a smile.

"You think you can't handle him for a while." I say laughing and Phil smiles.

"Of course he's a sweet kid."He said laughing as the boys chase each other through the poppy field to the side of the house that was sprinkled with oak trees.

"You need anything from the Village?" I ask and he shakes his head and hands me a empty bottle of what used to be honey.

"If you can get more honey for Tubbo that would be great, he's went through those three bottles. The rag you gave us is really helping his growing pains." I turn to look at Tubbo who was happily on Ranboos back as Tommy charged them with a wooden sword. I smiled at the boys.

"Sure thing, more sugar?" I ask and he shakes his head no and I nod. He looks over to Techno with a smile.

"And how are you?" He asks and Techno's shoulder tense up and he awkwardly smile at Phil. "I'm good as I can be." Phil clapped his hands together.

"That's great, if you don't mind guys I have to get back to cooking. Is Ranboo staying the night he's more than welcome too." Phil said looking to the boy.

"Ranboo!" I call out and he turns to me. "You staying the night?" I ask and he nods his head yes and I laugh.

"I'll come back later tonight with Tubbos honey and Ranboos pajamas." I say and he nods turning on his heel to go inside and the part of this I dreaded the most, the walk home.

It was quiet for about five minutes and I had been kicking a rock the entire way to the gate trying not to talk or look at him.

"So..." he started and I continued to kick the same rock over and over until he decided to continue.

"I didn't meant to be rude to you. I was just worried and I mean your human- not that it's a bad thing at all, I just... uh." He was trying to piece everything together and it was confusing him as well as me.
"I just didn't want a repeat of what happened when I was young." His head was done and his voice never faltered to have no emotion but this time as he ended his sentence there was something laced in this voice that concerned me.

"Honestly it's fine, I'm not mad I was more or less concerned? If that's a way to put it. I thought I might have done something that offended you." I say holding my hands behind my back eyes still on the rock. He looked over at me slightly and sighed.

"No I just, well no I was being a asshole to you. I thought you and your father would both cause another war when I know that's not what your going to do." He held his head down halfway in shame and the other in guilt and I sighed shaking him off.

"Techno it's fine honestly." I say and he sighs nodding opening the gate for me yet again.

"We can go get dinner and set in the garden to talk if it'll make you feel better." I say and he nods rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure sounds great."


Am I about to chapter dump today and tomorrow?
Oh yes, so expect it

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