Chapter 10

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The next morning was a hassle for me. I was putting my clothes in a bag and trying to find everything I could possibly need for the trip. Techno had said we'd be taking two horses and only two. One was both of us to ride on and the other was for our luggage and anything he thought we would need and that's exactly what he was doing right now, getting the horses ready and loading his things. I on the other hand was a mess and a half trying to get ready.

"Ranboo hun, do you want me to take you to Niki's or are you going to wait here? I know Phil said he was coming to get you so you could hang out with Tommy and Tubbo." I said tightening the corset around my white undershirt and he grinned. I knew he wanted to stay but Niki had offered her room for the boy since he had grown incredibly attached to her in such a hurry.

"I'll stay here and wait for Phil." I was happy that Ranboo was growing out of his shell a little and now he had kids his age to play with. He was becoming very goofy and I got to hear all about the exploring he did at the ball. He was still awkward but it was cute and kiddish almost and I was kinda dreading him growing up but I didn't want Tommy and Tubbo to grow up either.

I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my hair slightly. I had it pulled up since I knew it was going to be warm out, a small dull gold sword holding my hair in its place. The balcony doors were open letting the wind seep through along with the sun. Ranboo, who was still in his pajamas stumbled over the the balcony sleepily and looked over the side. "Hey Techno!" He yelled out waving to what I assume was Technoblade. That meant he was probably coming into the castle any second to come get me. I pulled on my corset one last time and tying it. I picked up my bag and putting it over my shoulder smoothing my black pants out.

"Hey, you be safe and don't get in too much trouble. Mind Phil." I say pulling Ranboos hair back and placing a kiss on his forehead, ruffling his hair afterwards. He smiled wrapping his arms around me and I smiled pulling him into me.

"Thank you." He said and I sighed with a smile.

"Don't forget to make your bed." I say as I hear a knock on my door. He nods and I take his crown and place it on his head sideways. "Bye Ranboo." I say and he turns to me happily sitting on the edge of my bed. "I love you Marlow." He says and I stop and turn to him a huge grin on my face. "I love you too, Ranboo." I say with a smile opening the door. Standing at the door was Technoblade. He looked at me, not moving for a moment and his eyes were focused on me. He went ridged and stepped aside handing me a bowl of fruit that had been from the kitchen.

"I figured you haven't eaten." He said and I smiled taking the bowl from him. "Thank you." I smile eating a strawberry and I follow him down the stairs to the last floor of the castle so we could leave. "The horses are outside and so is your Father and Atticus." He said and I nodded knowing that my father was going to watch me leave because he was extremely nervous about this whole thing. He had never really let me go anywhere but I figured he knew it was time for me to get out and start exploring like he once had done. Once we we're outside I was greeted with the fresh smell of spring and flowers and I knew the storm season was right around the corner now.

As we reached the horses sure enough Atticus and my father sat there mid laugh amongst themselves. My father turned most likely hearing our footsteps and a proud smile overtook his face.

He reached out pulling me into a hug and inspecting my outfit.

"Could you make that corset any tighter." He said playfully trying to ease the well known pressure between everyone and I pulled back.

"Here I'll take your bag." Techno said reached forwards and I place the bag in his hands turning to Atticus.

"Don't be nervous, this will be good for our two worlds dear." He said placing a hand on my shoulder but something felt off. It was a bad off and it wasn't him radiating a bad vide. I could feel it in my gut something was going to happen but I tried to shake it off and I put on my best smile.

I turn to my father giving him one last hug.

"Be safe for me and for Ranboo. The kids quite attached to you." He whispered and I nodded. "Try and get him out if he's not with Phil, he really enjoys being with you as well." I say and he nods.

I turn to the horse and Technoblade offers his hand out to me and lifts me up partially, setting my behind him on the the horse. Tied to the front of the saddle was the rope that was leading the horse behind us.

"Be careful guys." Atticus called out as we started our journey. "Bye Marlow!" I looked up to the Balcony only to see Ranboo now in his everyday outfit waving at me and I wave back.


The ride was somewhat comfortable I spent my time pressed to Technos back. It was a little awkward but Technoblade was starting to let loose around me now instead of being closed off and shy. I guess it happens when your forced to communicate with one another via fathers.

When we came to a stop I looked up at the portal. It was based with obsidian and in the middle was a swirling purple color that drew you in the longer you looked at it. I looked at it in awe as Techno slid of the horse offering his hand to me. I took his hand as he helped me off and I go back to staring at the portal. Vines were taking over the side and slowly coming down in front of it giving it a grown up kind of look.

I had only seen drawings and paintings never the real thing.

"Since this is your first time we won't be taking the horses through." Techno said handing me my bag and throwing his own over his shoulder, adjusting the diamond sword at his side. He lead the horses to a small opening and letting them loose. I furrowed my eyes brows as he did so.

"They won't go far." He reassured and I nodded. I stood in front of the portal and then I looked at Techno. He held his arm out and I wrapped my arm through his, holding his bicep. He looked down at me, his eyes in shock. That stupid mask was starting to get on my nerves, it was hard to see his emotions through that thing.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded and we both stepped forward and at the same time we stepped through the purple abyss of the portal.

Not proof read. Hope you enjoy 🥲

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