Chapter 11

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My head pounded and my body felt like it was shifting its place, lifting me through the air when I stepped through the portal. I felt Technos arm still in mine and I stumbled forward as I was sat back on the ground. My eyes were twisted shut and I heard a small chuckle come from Technoblade as my feet hit solid ground again. I felt the rush of hot air envelope me and it became sticky and humid.

"You can open your eyes now." I heard him say. I was too afraid, it was a new world. When I did open my eyes I was greeted with red trees everywhere and vines dangling around the forest. To the left of us was a pool of lava and a small like village in the forest. I looked at the kids running around playing they looked just like Atticus and then I seen the village people moving around. I heard a cry that pierced my ears and I turn and see a ghast.

"Oh my lord." I say spinning in a circle to take in all of it. My eyes came in contact with a little piglin boy and I grinned. He was hiding halfway behind a tree, peaking and looking at us. I tilted my head and waved at him and he disappeared behind a tree. Soon he emerged from his spot walking up to us. Technoblades eyes were trained on my probably seeing how my first interaction was going to go.

The kid was absolutely adorable and shy as he stood in front of us with his hoof in the ground grinding it farther and farther.

"Hello." I say bending down to be face on face with him.

"Hi." He says shyly looking up at me for a moment then back to the ground. "You're the princess right?" He asked looking back up at me and I nodded and he smiled up at me. "You're very pretty." He says and I bend down to his level thankful I wore pants today.

"And you're very handsome." I say and his face went a darker shade pink. He ran off suddenly giggling and he entered the village probably either embarrassed of looking for his parents. 

"Why are kids drawn to you." Techno said with a laugh shuffling through his bag and I readjusted mine as well. "I'm not sure." I say and he holds his hand out for me to take. I wrap my hand around his bicep as he leads me through the village. My face was red as I felt this muscles against my hand. 

"Where are we going?" I ask as the townspeople look at us and I seen the grin from under his mask just a bit.

"Well today I thought I would show you around the Fortress and tell you why all this is even happening in the first place. I don't think you're father has told you." He said making a right turn at the end of the village walk and in the distance I could see the big dark red fortress that surrounded us. Paths lead over the village and the fortress seemed to never end. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and stopped for a moment taking this all in considering I had never been here before. My father had made it seem worse than what it was but I hadn't been here long enough to see the threats. I stopped halfway down the path and stopped to look at the now blue trees and I ran my hand over the leaves.

"This place is beautiful." I say and I heard Techno laugh in disapproval. "No, not like the overworld." I turned to give him a glare but he only stood his ground with his arms crossed.

"Well I quite like it." I say arguing back and he shakes his head.

"Come on."


After we had made it to the fortress Technoblade had pulled me to the library to explain the history of the rivalry but i had something else on my mind.

"Why the mask?" I ask when we sit down and his hands freeze from opening a book and just looked up at me. His stare wasn't bad by any means but more of a shocked one. He shakes his head and opens the book a sigh escaping his mouth.

"I'm not what your people call pretty." He murmurs flipping through the pages of the large book trying to find the page he needed. I studied the mask but it was not avail, there wasn't anything I could see with it on.

"I'm sure you're good looking." I say encouragingly and he huffs stopping halfway through the book and he looks up at me.

"Trust me. I'm not." That made my scowl something I never did but I couldn't trust him if he wouldn't even show me his face or have a decent normal conversation with me. He shrugged the conversation off and turned the book around shoving it in front of me.

"Go ahead and read it." He said and I took the book in my hands picking it up. The leather was well loved and the pages were falling apart, it seemed to be as old as time. My eyes skimmed the page and nothing stood out until I got halfway down the page.

King Adam's army killed over 20,000 innocent people from the Nether world and raided villages as well as Fortresses. This caused a war outbreak between the Nether and the overworld.....

That was my grandpa the man I never met, I'm glad I never did. As I read that a bad feeling twisted in my gut and goosebumps appeared on my skin despite the hot humid air. My grandpa had killed over 20,000 innocent people in the Nether.... just so he could get to the end. I kept reading the rest of the page that talked about the rebuilding off the Nether and the war.

The war had lasted for four years between the two worlds until it was decided the losses on both sides were too much. Both of them had backed up into the shells and called the war off. My grandfather had called it a 'win' for the overworld when really it was his fault, all his fault. It wasn't a win it destroyed the Nether and no telling what else he did. 

I shoved the book forward not wanting to read anymore having what I needed. It made my stomach churn thinking about what he did for just a taste of fame or glory or whatever he wanted to call it. 

"Are you-" I cut him off waving my hand out in front of me.

"Just put the book up." I say and he nods closing the book and raising from his chair. I didn't want to believe my bloodline had murdered so many innocent people, he slaughtered innocent people.

My blood boiled in pressure under me something I had never felt before. I wanted to yell at him and curse him for doing such a thing. When Techno sat back down in front of me, I figure ready to talk, he could tell I was mad.

"Are you okay?" He asked his tone not wavering from his usual bored self and I just shrugged.

"Oh you know I'm great, I just figured out that my bloodline murdered innocent people." I say sarcastically and Technoblade leaned back in his chair.

"You think of us as people?" He said quietly so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

"You walk, you breathe, you talk, of course you're people!" I say yelling throwing my hand down on the table.

"I don't know what makes it worse, my father never told me or that he had you tell me!" I continue looking around the small library and looking down at my lap. I had an outburst, something my father had scolded me for many times in my youth. I was waiting for Techno to get mad at me for having an outburst but he never did.

"I think it's time we get some food, maybe show you around the Village." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded standing up and adjusting my corset with a deep breath.

I never will see my bloodline the same.


double update because I'm bored 

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