Chapter 6

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I happily started down the hall towards the spare rooms we had knowing where Atticus and Technoblade were staying. I wanted them to feel welcome and comfortable so I decided I would fill them in on the ball and other things we had planned.

It had been about an hour since my father had left with Ranboo and I assumed he was showing him the gardens and common grounds we had outside. I knew that once my Father laid eyes on Ranboo that he would immediately take to him. He once had a enderman friend when he had went to the end but they hadn't seen each other in twenty four years. I decided to push that out of my mind as I walked up the first door. This is the room Atticus would be staying at and I knocked on his door and took a step back.

A few moments later the door opened revealing a shocked man.

"Hello King Atticus, I was just going to fill you in on some of the plans we had." I say as politely as possible and he smiled at me stepping out of his door and closing it behind him.

"Go on." He says with a soft smile overtaking his face. Was this really the people my grandfather had ruined ties with? They seemed nice and friendly enough. Maybe I was missing something, the history books didn't really cover it.

"Tomorrow night there's going to be a welcome ball held for you and your son. There will be a meeting every night except that night. I also took the liberty off setting a meal prep for you time here." I say and he smiled closing his eyes.

"That's very kind of you and your father. But I must ask about the halflings boy I see standing besides you this morning." I smiled at the questions

"Oh that was Ranboo, I guess you could say new addition to the family. I found him last night alone, so I brought him back here to raise." I say and Atticus lets out a surprisingly wide smile and his fangs brush against his top lips.

"I didn't know humans took in halfling like that in now." He said and I stood shocked.

"Oh, well there's a few around here now. There's a little boy who's half ram that lives not to far I adore. I mean they're people too." I smile and he grins looking down and then back to the door.

"Well I guess I should let you get back to your duties. Thank you for the information and I will be looking forwards to the ball." He said opening his door and giving me a smile before he shut it. Why had he acted surprised when he found out we had halfling. I started down the hallways thinking a little to hard and stopped in front of where his son was staying. I didn't even know Atticus had a son or that he would be bringing him. I had honestly thought he would bring some guards with him to the over-world.

I brought my hand up knocking on the door lightly and I heard some shuffling coming from the inside. The door opened revealing the tall man with the same pig mask on. He looked taken back but I couldn't really tell with the mask covering his face.

"Uh hello." He said leaning into the door frame. The red cape he had been wearing was off and he was now just in the white undershirt.

"Hi, uh I just wanted to fill you in on some of the events happening." I say stumbling a bit and he looks at my to continue. As I explain to him what's happening and I watch his shoulders tense at the word 'ball'. He must not like to dance.

"Anyways I'll be leaving you to your business." I say with a smile and he nods stepping back into his room with a quiet thank you. He was odd, very quiet. I shook it off and began a trip to sit out in the gardens just to stay for a little bit. Hopefully my father would drop Ranboo off when he was done and we could head to see Niki to get him a tailcoat for the ball. Speaking of ball I needed to go see Phil and invite them. Not to mention the meeting we had after dinner tonight.

I felt like I had way to much to do in such a short time even though we had been preparing for months beforehand. Everything was happening all at once and I didn't like it.

I watched my Father's head poke up from over the gate and I seen Ranboo bounding through it. He had a huge smile on his face and lifted up a book strapped to the front of it was a think of ink about the size of a coin and a quill next to it.

"Look what he gave me. It's so I can write down important things I think I'll forget." He smiled at me and I grinned back at him.

"What's a brilliant idea come to think of it. Are you ready to go see Niki? We have to get you a tailcoat made for the ball." I smile and he nods walking right besides me as we enter the castle.


"It looks great Niki." I say looking at the tailcoat she made specially for him. She had split the seam down the middle and used a black fabric on one half and black on the other. It was just like the boy, special. I heard a knock come from the other side of the small sewing room.

"I'll get it." I say smiling as Niki goes to get up. She smiles gratefully and goes back down to her squatting position as she continues to measure out Ranboos legs. When I open the door I was greeted with the same mask I had seen this morning. Technoblade was standing at the door holding a his red coat in hand. He shifted his weight and I smiled standing back letting him come in.

Ranboo looked up at him and I could tell the boy got nervous looking at the Pig mask and he looked down immediately. I ruffled Ranboos hair and he smiled up at me. Niki took the coat in hand and looked at the rip at the end of it.

"I can fix it by tomorrow." She said smiling and he let out a breath of relief. Eyes going to Ranboo and giving him a small smile and in return Ranboo gave him back a small awkward smile.

"Niki do you think Ranboo could stay with you during the meeting tonight?" I ask and she nods ands smiles. "I kind of need him anyways to finish his clothes and make sure I get it right." I nod and look over to Technoblade who was still standing in the corner of the room his hands in his pants pocket.

"I guess it's dinner time?" I ask looking up at Technoblade and he looked up at me his head tilted to the right a bit. "Uh, dinner passed about thirty minutes ago." He said and I felt myself panic. I looked to Niki and Ranboo.

"It's time for the meeting then. Come on." I say and we both start out the door. I straightened the sleeves on my dress and reached up knocking on Atticus's door and he opened it seeing the both of us and it registered in his head.

"Ah, meeting time already?" I nodded my head and he stepped out into the hall following me.

Le update number 2 tonight :)

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