5 - Rocky Road

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A day later, Amy walked downstairs, putting a fluffy jumper on over her t-shirt and into her kitchen to see Neal trying to teach Killian how to use the cooker as Calla watched them.

"What are you two doing?" Amy asked.

"I'm trying to teach your boyfriend how to live," Neal said.

"I know how to live," Killian said.

"You were going to gas the house," Neal said.

"That explains why all the windows are open," Amy said.

"Sorry, you still sensitive to the cold, love?" Killian asked as he walked over to her.

"A little, but at least I can feel my magic to make a little fireball, see?" Amy said as she made and small fireball and placed a barrier around it and held it in her hands.

Killian kissed her forehead, "I was going to boil us some mackerel," Killian said.

"Sounds lovely, but it's gonna have to wait... Alana, Emma and Elsa want us... They want us there when they talk to Papa since Elsa came out his urn from his vault," Amy said.

Meanwhile, Robin, Marian and Roland were walking down Main Street, Robin and Rolan were showing Marian around town.

"I know this town might seem strange at first, but you do get used to it. And Roland loves it here. He loves watching the boats at the harbour and eating at Granny's-," Robin began to list off.

"And ice cream," Roland interrupted.

"Yes. How could we forget about ice cream?" Robin said with a chuckle.

"Can we get some now, please?" Roland asked.

Robin glanced at Marian and noticed she was overwhelmed by everything then he looked at Roland, "Well, I think your mother's seen enough strange things for one day. We should get back to the camp," Robin said.

Roland looked up at Marian with a pleading look on his face, "Please, mom?... Regina let me," Roland said.

"Sure," Marian said.

Robin took them to Any Given Sundae, he ordered them their usual ice cream which was two rocky roads, and the owner of the shop, Ingrid, walked over to them.

"Rocky road for the little man," Ingrid said as she crouched down and handed Roland his ice cream.

"Thank you," Rolan said as he took it.

Ingrid chuckled, "You're welcome," She stood up and looked at Robin, "And his dashing father," She handed it over to Robin then looked at Marian, "And I don't believe that I've met the beautiful mother," Ingrid said.

"Uh, this is Marian," Robin said.

"It is lovely to finally meet you, Marian," Ingrid walked back behind the counter, "Well, since you've been through such an ordeal, the least I can do is... Is get you something on the house. What flavour would you like?" Ingrid asked.

Marian looked surprised and conflicted, "I...Don't know," She said.

"Uh, in our world, the, uh, flavour choices of ice were dirt and mud," Robin said.

Ingrid smiled and chuckled, "In this world, we've made some improvement. Trust me, there is no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream," Ingrid said as she got a cone and scooped some vanilla onto it, she turned to the other countertop and sprinkled toppings onto the ice cream before she waved her waved a little over the icecream and it glowed.

 Trust me, there is no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream," Ingrid said as she got a cone and scooped some vanilla onto it, she turned to the other countertop and sprinkled toppings onto the ice cream before she waved her waved a...

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