13 - The Snow Queen

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Three little girls were playing and laughing in a garden, they were running after a kite.

Three little girls were playing and laughing in a garden, they were running after a kite

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"Ingrid, hurry! It drifted over here!" Helga said.

The kite landed up in a tree and got torn up a little because of the branches and Ingrid pulled it out of the tree, "It's ruined," Ingrid said.

"No, it's not," Gerda took the ribbon from the kite and placed it against her hair, "The ribbon is still beautiful. It would look lovely in my hair," Gerda said.

"No, Gerda. It would look lovely in my hair," Helga said as she took the ribbon.

"It was my idea!" Gerda said.

"I saw the kite first," Helga said.

"I should have. I'm the oldest, after all," Ingrid said as she took the ribbon.

"So?" Gerda said.

"So, one day I shall be Queen. And this is befitting a Queen," Ingrid said.

A man walked out from behind a tree, "I see you've found my kite," The man said.

In the background, Delphinia walked through the trees with her hood up and she heard voices. She walked towards a tree, hiding behind it and she looked to see the man and the three young girls.

 She walked towards a tree, hiding behind it and she looked to see the man and the three young girls

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Gerda walked towards the man with the kite in her hands, "I'm so sorry. We didn't," She handed it over to him, "We didn't break it. We found it this way," Gerda said.

"That's alright. It wasn't worth much," He crouched down to her as he took the kite, "Besides, I've got my eyes on a much bigger prize. Such pretty Royal Princesses will fetch an equally pretty royal penny," The man said as he grabbed Helga and Gelda.

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