18 - Smash the Mirror: Part 2

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Elsa was waiting for her sister in the lunchroom. Anna came in, carrying the urn.

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe. At first, I couldn't find Ingrid. And ever since, I've been worried sick," Elsa said as she ran over to her.

"I suppose I should be grateful," Anna said annoyingly as she brushed past Elsa.

"Did everything go all right? You seem upset,"

Anna saw the table filled with food, "What's all this?" Anna asked.

"Oh, I wanted to surprise you with something special. It's all chocolate. I'm afraid the ice cream's long melted now, but I can make you more if you'd like," Elsa said with a smile.

"That's just like you... Thinking some food and fancy jewellery can make up for everything you did to me," Anna said angrily.

"Everything I did to you? Anna, what are you talking about?" Elsa said confused.

'It all came back to me when we were in the East Wing of the palace, how you ignored me for all those years, left me to wander this place like a ghost," Anna said.

"Is this a joke? Because of my ruse? Because if you're trying to get back at me, Anna, it isn't funny," Elsa said.

"Do you want to know the worst part? You let me believe it was all my fault, that I had done something wrong," Anna said as she held the urn close to her.

"How can you say these things? We promised we'd never be like this. What's happened?" Elsa asked.

"I've come to my senses," Anna said as she ripped her necklace off her neck and walked over to the fireplace.

"Anna, no!" Anna threw the necklace into the fire, "Oh, this isn't you. It can't be," Elsa said.

"I'm afraid it is," The Snow Queen said as she walked into the room.

Elsa looked at her surprised, "Ingrid, you're not..." Elsa said.

"In an urn. No... Fortunately, I have a chance to show you that I am the only one who will ever understand you. Anna never will," The Snow Queen said.

"This is because of you. You used your magic to cast a spell on her," Elsa said.

"Yes, but a spell that reveals her true feelings, even if she wasn't able to admit them before... Her deepest, darkest emotions now brought into the light," The Snow Queen told her.

"You wouldn't even talk to me. 'Go away, Anna. Go away, Anna.' You were supposed to be my sister!" Anna said angrily as she placed her hand on the lid of the urn.

"I am your sister. Anna, please, put down the urn," Elsa said.

"She won't listen to you, Elsa, just like your mother wouldn't listen to me. The only way to stop her is to accept who you truly are. Use your powers on her," The Snow Queen said.

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