15 - Smash the Mirror: Part 1

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In Arendelle, The Snow Queen rode a horse down a path in the forest, heading towards a cave and she went inside then hid the hat under a rock.

The Snow Queen made herself appear in the Enchanted Forest, she walked towards the cottage were the Apprentice was sweeping.

The Apprentice turned to her, "I know who you are. And I can be of no help to you," He told said.

"No, of course not. You're an errand boy long past his prime. I wish to speak to the one you work for," The Snow Queen said.

"There are many who desire an audience with the sorcerer, but he speaks only through his apprentice," The Apprentice said.

"Then tell him, apprentice, I wish to make a deal," The Snow Queen said

"The sorcerer does not make petty deals, especially with those who have succumbed to the darkness... Like you," Delphinia said as she walked out of the cottage.

"My, oh my, Delphinia, been a long time," The Snow Queen said.

"Not long enough," Delphinia looked at the Apprentice, "Don't drink any more of my father's poison, alright?" Delphinia said.

"Thank you for your help Enchantress," The Apprentice said.

"Yeah, yeah," Delphinia said as she walked away.

"You act cold," Delphinia stopped walking, "But I know there is a great hole in your heart..." She looked at the Apprentice, "Two great friendships you once had broken by magic but yet you do nothing to fix them. Why?" The Apprentice said.

"Once someone screws me over, like trying to make me forget my brother, my best friend or take my love, they will never have me back," Delphinia said.

"I do not believe that you hold the power of great forgiveness... It makes you better than your father," The Apprentice said.

"Do you want to be a mouse for all eternity? No, I don't think so. So, keep your mouth shut. Good day, Apprentice, let's hope next time we see each other, it is on a better occasion," Delphinia said and walked away before turned into a cloud of smoke.

The Apprentice looked at The Snow Queen, "As Delphinia said, the sorcerer will not make a deal with someone like you. There's darkness inside of you," The Apprentice said.

"I think, in this case, he might make a small exception. We'll see. I have his hat," The Snow Queen said.

"You have no idea the forces you are dealing with," The Apprentice said and threatened the Snow Queen with his sword, pointing it to her neck.

"Hmm," She said.

"Tell me where it is," The Apprentice said.

"Oh. No. Did you think that I was foolish enough to bring it with me? The hat is hidden far away. And unless he gives me what I want, the sorcerer will never see his hat again," The Snow Queen said.

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